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The Most Interesting Bloc in the World gets a bit more Random


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There comes a time when one must reflect on their role in the world and chart their course for the future. The three amigos in XX, the most interesting bloc in the world, got together to have a such a discussion. We were just about to comment on the dust gathered on the fourth chair at the table when it hit us; a green blur came flying across the room, striking poor 182 square in the face, ricocheting off his forehead and landing in the chair kicking up a dense cloud of dust. As we turned on the fan to clear out the room, we stared in disbelief at what we saw before us... a cactuar had set up shop at the table!


Attempts to remove the cactuar from the room were met with endless amounts of needles which, as one would guess, are notoriously difficult to clean up. So, in the interest of preserving the janitor's sanity, we commissioned a nameplate and inducted the cactuar into our most interesting bloc. It then proceeded to paint itself onto the banner and put cacti everywhere.





I. We live vicariously, through ourselves

The undersigned alliances remain sovereign in peace and friendship.

II. We once had an awkward moment, just to see how it feels

The member alliances state that they will not declare war upon any other member of Dos Equis. In the event of an awkward moment, the aggressor will offer peace immediately and pay no less than 150% of the damages caused by any attacks.

III. We're lovers, not fighters, but we're also fighters, so don't get any ideas

A. All signatories agree to defend other member alliances as needed and requested.
B. All signatories are given the option, but are not mandated to, offer assistance in offensive military actions.
C. Aggressive wars commenced by any signatory against another alliance, defined as having 10 or more members, must be made known to the other members as soon as practical after the decision has been made, and at least 4 hours before commencing.
D. Any conflict arising from the activation of an outside treaty with an XX signatory shall be considered an offensive act.

IV. Our reputation is expanding faster than the universe

A. Additional signatories may be added upon unanimous vote of all current signatories. Prospective signatories will only be considered upon an official invitation and sponsorship of a current signatory.
B. Signatories may be removed from this treaty upon a vote of 3/4 of the remaining signatories for any reason.
C. All membership votes must last a minimum of 72 hours, unless the required number of votes is reached at an earlier time.
D. All signatories are limited, but not required, to have five representatives in the upper conclaves of bloc discussions. Each alliance, regardless of representative count, gets one vote in every decision making process.
E. A week long joint meeting between the governments of all signatory alliances is required to take place at intervals no longer than every 90 days. The medium and location of said meeting is at the mutual discretion of the signatories.

V. If we were to mail a letter without postage, it would still get there

This treaty may be amended by a unanimous vote of the signatory alliances.

VI Sharks have a week dedicated to us

The signatories of this bloc recognize that wars are complicated, and in an effort to make conflicts that much simpler for us, all signatories reserve the right to do whatever is necessary to advance the interests and security of Dos Equis in time of war. Whether the signatories go about any of the following actions is entirely up to the ruling government and/or voting membership of the applicable alliance. Nobody will be asked to do anything they don't want to do, but if they do want to do it, they are certainly allowed to. Such aforementioned rights include the following:

A - Signatories may withdraw from an ongoing conflict and/or front of a conflict not related to this bloc to re-engage a combatant of XX.
B - Signatories may attack any combatant against any ally of any XX signatory. A friend of one of us is a friend of all of us, and if one of them needs help, any member of XX may respond in kind if they so choose. This applies to both offensive and defensive operations.
C - XX cares about our friends, even if we aren't individually allied to them. If one of our 3rd party friends or allies is engaged in combat, XX will act as a chaining oDoAP treaty between all other 3rd party allies within the sum of our individual networks of friends. If anyone we know within our joint network feels generous and would like to offer direct assistance to our other friends, regardless of the connection between these two 3rd party alliances, they may do so through the XX treaty with consent from any XX alliance(s) connected to both parties.
D - If there is no way to avoid it, signatories may attack an ally of any non-XX signatory ally if it means ensuring the security of one another. It's nothing personal, it's just war. We hope you understand.

VII. It's Never too early to start beefing up your obituary

If a signatory wishes to pack up his beers and go home, they must give the other signatories 72 hours notice before doing so.

VIII Stay Thirsty My Friends

Signed on this 4th day of May in the year 2011:

Signed for Farkistan:
905, Submitter
Randomly Jim, Squirrel
Quadriplegic, Speaker of the TotalFark Council
Kahiel, TotalFark Council
FireGuy15207, TotalFark Council
Tumultuous Papaya, TotalFark Council
ManwithplanX, TotalFark Council

Signed for Mostly Harmless Alliance:
MajorDDF - Triumvir
IYIyth - Triumvir
AvengingAngel256 - Triumvir
Crushtania - Triumvir Emeritus

Signed for New Polar Order:
Emperor - Dajobo
Imperial Regent - EaTeM_uP
Imperial Liaison - Quantum Leap
Minister of Truth - WarGod0001
Minister of Peace - Vindicator
Minister of Love - Sounion
Minister of Plenty - Mompson
Deputy Minister of Plenty - Thomas Venner
Deputy Minister of Love - Mc Peterson


Signed on this 10th day of March in the year 2021:


For Random Insanity Alliance:
im317 ~ Cactimus Prime, Former Elder of PotD, Enemy of Spelling, Secretly a Dog.

Croix ~ (/) (°,,,,°) (/)

brian ~ Fuctuar , Imperial Potentate, Tsar of all he can see, Master of the coin purse, giver of tech, Sultan of swat, King of clout, Pokemon Bolder badge holder.

Shadow ~ Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.


tl;dr: Welcome to the party, RIA!

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