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Let's cruise....

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Notice of Abdication


Good [whatever time it is wherever you are] - I'm writing to let you all know that I have abdicated the throne of COBRA for personal issues related to the world beyond this[/OOC].

It's been a fun ride as the King; I've rustled some jimmies, chatted nonsense with many of you long into the night, sticking together through thick and thin and burned any who tried to step to us. Alas, there sometimes comes a time in the life of a leader when you burn out, that time has come for me.  Some leaders remain ignorant to it and carry on leading their own into oblivion and regrettably pushing away those closest to them. Some recognise their corrupted sense of judgement and step down for the good of the all. After doing the former for too long, I have opted to do the latter.


So I'm going on a cruise on the Poopship Destroyer. I can soak up some sun and sea air, take pot shots at the odd Poopship that sails too close and take a nice break. To ensure that break remains peaceful, protection has been extended by the friends I have made along the way. They include (but are not limited to) COBRA; TIE; Kashmir; TPF; Ordo Cyberneticus.


Taking the throne in my place will be General Tiki, he can usually be found in Gulag should anyone need to reach him and I wish him the best going forward. I'd also like to thank all of my friends in Boognish, Non Grata, Fark, TPF and NLoN for everything during my tenure. You have all been fantastic.


Now if you don't mind, I have several bottles of rum to devour and bask in the irradiated glow of the air at sea.



(and as always here's a song)


Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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6 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:







I remember when Mochi made this image for TE, it has always been my favorite piece of CN work. It was my phone background for a very long time.


I liked you from the start. I will never regret messaging you in game and asking you to attack me so I could try my luck against that wall of wonders. You responded with a song lyric and declared a few days later. We never looked back. 


I will miss the times we had together, I will miss you, period. 




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6 hours ago, lilweirdward said:

Your TDT publications were one of the best things created in the past few years here, honestly. Enjoy life beyond Bob, and hopefully I'll still be here when NG eventually poaches you back in a couple years.



have a glass for me

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8 hours ago, Ningal said:

Your pompous and grandiloquent verbosity, sir, is eclipsed only by your narcissism and petty misanthropy.

I doubt if anyone really cares.



Put the thesaurus back on the shelf, buddy. 

Take care, JA. 

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These threads, so numerous of them over the years, are rarely ever worth replying to.

Yours is different, you actually did something. You were fearless, relentless and also fun.


The era under your leadership brought Cobra from its micro roots and landed them on the map. For those too inactive and never able to appreciate you as a friend or enemy- I pity them because they will never get to experience planet bob the same without you- you were one of my favorites.

Before you go, KNB wants to send you a canister of your favorite tobacco and some of our finest crafted spiced rum. Cheers JA

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4 hours ago, Lyanna Mormont said:




I remember when Mochi made this image for TE, it has always been my favorite piece of CN work. It was my phone background for a very long time.


I liked you from the start. I will never regret messaging you in game and asking you to attack me so I could try my luck against that wall of wonders. You responded with a song lyric and declared a few days later. We never looked back. 


I will miss the times we had together, I will miss you, period. 





We've both come a long way together since we both turned up during the Korlathican Wars on opposing sides haven't we? I'll always look back on our halcyon days in COBRA as some of the most fun I've had here. Thank you for everything Ly, your wall of wonders go beyond the confines of your nation. 


And hey, now that we're more evenly matched there's nothing to stop us putting on those red shoes again one day:




2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

These threads, so numerous of them over the years, are rarely ever worth replying to.

Yours is different, you actually did something. You were fearless, relentless and also fun.


The era under your leadership brought Cobra from its micro roots and landed them on the map. For those too inactive and never able to appreciate you as a friend or enemy- I pity them because they will never get to experience planet bob the same without you- you were one of my favorites.

Before you go, KNB wants to send you a canister of your favorite tobacco and some of our finest crafted spiced rum. Cheers JA


The same can be said for yourself LH. Even though we ultimately found ourselves at odds most of the time? You were a tenacious opponent who always kept me on my toes. Any leader worth their salt needs a good adversary to keep their teeth sharp and you seldom disappointed on that front. 


Cheers for the tobacco and rum, all the best with your future endeavours.


4 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:




Lucius my good friend, I am sorry to have set sail so abruptly but maybe one day I will return to port. From one weary retired autocrat to another, I'm sure you understand the need for some respite.


In the meantime; the cannons of the HMS Poopship Destroyer will always be at yours and Boognish' disposal, you need only ask.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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