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Unknown Smurf

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1354428838' post='3059430']
Why do you even play, then? If you're this convinced that nothing can change, what's the point right? The people who are in power now are the most boring of any ruling era in the history of Bob. Eventually, their own boredom will eat them alive.

You've missed some developments. It's went from "MK will always win" to "I'm always a pro-MK guy. I'm a secret MK spy and here is Ardus telling me to infiltrate NSO to prove it."

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1354328646' post='3058773']
I assure you, nobody is counting on any CnG alliances fighting for the "other" side.

e: I suspect you're wrong about Umbrella. They've never had a hard war. Alliances that haven't been through war lose huge numbers. If they saw a hard fight, Umbrella would bleed unprecedented amounts of upper tier nations. If I were planning to oppose DH, I would count on Umbrellans fleeing en masse before I'd count on CnG.

That's the spirit.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1354428838' post='3059430']
Why do you even play, then? If you're this convinced that nothing can change, what's the point right? The people who are in power now are the most boring of any ruling era in the history of Bob. Eventually, their own boredom will eat them alive.
Just wanted to point out how true the things said in this post are.

Seems like the OP is calling for things to go from boring to boring AND stagnant. Nice.

Also, Starfox, seems to me like you're in NpO.

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Ah so, this is what is referred to as a log dump.

[quote name='Master Hakai' timestamp='1354432368' post='3059442']
Just wanted to point out how true the things said in this post are.

Seems like the OP is calling for things to go from boring to boring AND stagnant. Nice.

Also, Starfox, seems to me like you're in NpO.

A lot of people are in the NpO. <_<

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354397707' post='3059168']
No. I have always been secretly pro-MK.

Shenanigans you say? Well it all starts over a year ago... ODN had a membership exchange with MK while I was a member, and I was lucky enough to go... while I was there I met a friend (named Ardus) thanks to Os and eZe...

This friend was critical in helping me understand why certain wars are started, how they are started and why incidents aren't always resolved diplomatically.
OOC is freely mixed in the following.

I do not recall the conversations you've posted. I've reviewed my log files across two computers for two programs (mIRC and X-Chat 2, on both). The only set of logs you provided that I have on my own one-on-one query records are the last set discussing OOC matters not fit for this forum. Given how that conversation takes place over a year after the other posted logs, I do not understand what purpose it serves, other than to demonstrate some kind of personal connection where none exists. Is this post why you repeatedly asked me about my personal matters over the course of a week? An effort to veneer over a smear?

I can't confirm or deny the logs. I can only state that I do not remember the conversations and have no record of them upon a cursory review of my files. In any event, they don't make a lot of sense in my present mind. The first logs are from late September. The nearest meaningful logs I have to the listed date are from October 1, wherein I complained to Kyber (of VE) about how I didn't have free time and how my previous laptop had just died (a week prior?). It ruined weeks of work. As for global context, I don't understand why I'd need anything from you when the Legion thing was already boiling. The only work I remember doing on it is (1) talking to DOOMHOUSE to try and sell them on ultimately defending the Sith and Mjolnir and (2) Dilber trying to secure a direct treaty with us that I had to repeatedly dodge and deny, because I couldn't put MK on the line without a commit out of MJ. In the end, nobody wanted any part of it, and the thing ground on until 1337's MK/VE WORLD POLICE thing. I suspended him for that, then had to bring him back because I had to resign for... want of activity.

The weekend after thanksgiving last year would have been the weekend before my final exams began; I should have been studying. Generally, I don't understand why I'd turn to or accept you as an agent under any circumstances. I don't get why I'd sabotage tech dealing operations or how such a thing would even work. It's kind of cartoonish sounding. I especially don't understand why I'd set out to slight TPF given their presence in the Pacifican sphere (sorry guys, how I view your relationship) and the post DH-NPO desire to not fight that same war again.

I don't have an interest in the Federation. I don't particularly care for them. I don't think that's too much of a secret? I flirted with the idea of trying to improve relations for a while and hedged that on first improving relations with UE (also HoT called us evil without a hint of irony so I had to respond). In any event, the loose talk from their camp in response to unsubstantiated logs from over a year ago is revealing. I would prefer, for the sake of our mutual allies, that it isn't self-fulfilling doomsaying. But if it is, it is, and we'll obliterate anybody who comes tottering our way.

I'll keep looking. If I had such a conversation (or two) with UnknownSmurf then it should exist [i]somewhere[/i] one one of these harddrives. But I don't see it right now.

EDIT: Sorry if this whole post was rambling. I'm really tired and didn't expect to duck in to find this.

Edited by Ardus
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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1354410274' post='3059275']
I like my TPF allies far more than some people here giving them grief.......

Careful now.
[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1354419393' post='3059359']
I like my MK allies far more than some people here giving them grief...

Careful now.

I just wanted to see these two posts together.

Again. :v:

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Poor Umbrella :( Never before has one alliance been so bandied around as having infinite money, can fight an infinite number of alliances forever by their allies (mainly GOONS). I remember how much crap GGA got for saying they can rely on NPO [u]just [/u]for enhanced nukes. This is getting really pathetic and stinks of desperation. I'm sure Umbrella will be a serious alliance on the field of battle but their allies, I'm not so sure. They place the outcome of all future wars on the shoulders of Umbrella on a daily basis.

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[quote name='Instr' timestamp='1354400584' post='3059192']
If Unknown Smurf seriously manages to start a war over this I will LOL.

He wont, there will be no Dave war pt 2

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1354423494' post='3059400']
[color=#0000ff]You were making NSO your stooge, and more likely than not NSO would have been dragged into that conflict on Legion's side. That is at least how I would have seen it, and I was still a chief adviser to the NSO's government at that time.[/color]
[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1354424459' post='3059408']
[color=#0000ff]We knew about the bros thing for awhile before the Legion thing. That UnknownSmurf was working for MK and CnG is something completely new.[/color]

MK played you good now you do their bidding :lol1: I wonder if they have pvt conversations about you while you are in the room "hey remember when we played RV...lol Swallow whatever pride you have left mate.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1354443466' post='3059467']
I just wanted to see these two posts together.

Again. :v:
biggest point of contention for this next war, ODN/TLR want to suck up to MK still, INT/GATO not so much.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1354457462' post='3059492']
Biggest point of contention for this next war: ODN/TLR want to honor their treaties with MK, INT/GATO do not have treaties with MK and therefor do not particularly care what happens to them; but will honor the C&G treaty if it is activated.

I'm glad somebody understands.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear my Umbrellan allies are apparently invincible. And TPF, if you need tech sellers, just ask us. We identified our MK moles a long time ago and don't let them near the important stuff ;)

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[quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1354458361' post='3059493']
I'm glad somebody understands.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear my Umbrellan allies are apparently invincible. And TPF, if you need tech sellers, just ask us. We identified our MK moles a long time ago and don't let them near the important stuff ;)
[/quote]I always figured it was best to let the moles near the important stuff if they were from a competent alliance as it allows you to have someone competent run them.

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Seriously though. It's not like anything is going to come for the MK/DH crew. As stated Umbrella is the only competent ones barring trillions of DONGS being thrown into the GOONS and that too implies numbers. When they don't have insurmaountable odds in their favor the $#!+ will get a little too real. Everyone out there does not want to be their lap dogs. Many want to forge an independent path. Stir stuff up a little on their own and maybe have MK/DH get their back. We know that will never be the plan. Just ask Dave. They will always look first to be the center of attention. Isn't that always the case with perpetual 12 year olds?

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[quote name='OsRavan' timestamp='1354427312' post='3059416']

In any case, my stance that spying (in all its forms) is idiotic and pointless is well known to ANYONE who knows me. You get more info through IRC gossip then you do through spying, a stance ive long held. I hope smurf isnt implying I sent him to spy, infiltrate, collaborated to do it, or anything else on legion cause then he would be lying. And ill stand by that.
(edited for typos)

So for the last multiple years you have supported an alliance that's clearly been proven to have spied during that time period. You think MK's actions are idiotic and pointless but at the same time you've propped them up to continue said actions?


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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1354457462' post='3059492']
biggest point of contention for this next war, ODN/TLR want to suck up to MK still, INT/GATO not so much.

Oh how little you know. It's cute. It really is.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1354450430' post='3059479']
Poor Umbrella :( Never before has one alliance been so bandied around as having infinite money, can fight an infinite number of alliances forever by their allies (mainly GOONS). I remember how much crap GGA got for saying they can rely on NPO [u]just [/u]for enhanced nukes. This is getting really pathetic and stinks of desperation. I'm sure Umbrella will be a serious alliance on the field of battle but their allies, I'm not so sure. They place the outcome of all future wars on the shoulders of Umbrella on a daily basis.
Who among Umbrella or Umbrella's allies have said anything like this? Nice straw man.

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