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Delayed Justice


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I'm laughing my ass off at people complaining or worried about the reps. They are totally reasonable, light if anything.

If they don't have enough sellers to meet demand, I guess some non-sellers will have to send tech. That's what FEAR had to do when we had to pay 20k tech after being betrayed by Polar.

As we have been saying. Justice.

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[quote name='Bodvar Jarl' timestamp='1329545362' post='2923205']
The sincerity of forced apologies are dubious at best.

Either Polaris feels regret for what they did or they do not.

Paradoxia felt that what Polaris did to us was so out of line of the standards of conduct in CN politics, low as they might be, that we had not choice but to seek out retribution for it. The denizens of Digiterra have different feelings on the matter, as is expected.

Both sides have stated that we want today to mark the end of it. Paradoxia is genuine in that desire, I hope that Polaris is to. Should that not be the case, I guess we can fight again.

Paradoxia and Polaris is not likely to trust, or like each other again, if we ever did. But really, we have better things to do than to hold a grudge against an alliance with almost no nations that we actually can fight in the first place.

I understand and agree with you, but TOP wasn't the only one screwed over by Polar in that war.

I feel much more content with the beating they got.

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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1329545424' post='2923207']
That said, how is NpO supposed to pump out that much tech in 4 months? It just hit me the actual kind of mass that is needing to be moved, and the only alliance that moves tech like that I know of is Umbrella.

Even for an AA of Polar's size there is no way to ensure enough sellers to meet that demand. Even if they had a majority of their active membership in buying range transfer their tech directly without any form of payment it would still be an incredible feat in terms of organization and delivery to hit the needed 30k per month.

This is going to be impressive to watch.

296 members, 1480 slots, 117 DRAs, 1597 slots. Number of slots needed to pay tech, 2500. Polar members will need to collectively be constantly using 2/5 slots. Not a huge feat, but might take some kicks in the rear.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329542565' post='2923146']
War has been good to them, as they recruited close to a hundred nations (now 70 above their pre-war mark). Assuming they plan this well, they can easily pay off the reparations and grow a decent middle tier. Unless a major apocalypse happens, they can forget ever having a top tier, though.

[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1329545424' post='2923207']
That said, how is NpO supposed to pump out that much tech in 4 months? It just hit me the actual kind of mass that is needing to be moved, and the only alliance that moves tech like that I know of is Umbrella.

Even for an AA of Polar's size there is no way to ensure enough sellers to meet that demand. Even if they had a majority of their active membership in buying range transfer their tech directly without any form of payment it would still be an incredible feat in terms of organization and delivery to hit the needed 30k per month.

This is going to be impressive to watch.
Just a quick estimation, but with Polar's ~300 nations, each nation will have to account for ~8.5 aid deals over 12 aid deals. That is pretty hefty, and surely most of those nations won't be active enough to participate, but on average it will take up less than one slot per nation for the next four months. Just to keep in mind the logistics...

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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1329545424' post='2923207']
That said, how is NpO supposed to pump out that much tech in 4 months? It just hit me the actual kind of mass that is needing to be moved, and the only alliance that moves tech like that I know of is Umbrella.

Even for an AA of Polar's size there is no way to ensure enough sellers to meet that demand. Even if they had a majority of their active membership in buying range transfer their tech directly without any form of payment it would still be an incredible feat in terms of organization and delivery to hit the needed 30k per month.

This is going to be impressive to watch.
With 185 members, we paid 270k tech in 8 months. They have 292 members to pay 125k tech in 4 months.

They'll manage.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1329543651' post='2923170']
Archon's entitled to his opinion. I'm entitled to mine. TOP got in its cut for what you did to them and I think it's good and just that it finally happened.
[/quote] "Way to go TOP! It's about time you got justice from those low life rat !@#$%^&* in Polaris for that time they defended us from you."

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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1329545424' post='2923207']
That said, how is NpO supposed to pump out that much tech in 4 months? It just hit me the actual kind of mass that is needing to be moved, and the only alliance that moves tech like that I know of is Umbrella.

Even for an AA of Polar's size there is no way to ensure enough sellers to meet that demand. Even if they had a majority of their active membership in buying range transfer their tech directly without any form of payment it would still be an incredible feat in terms of organization and delivery to hit the needed 30k per month.

This is going to be impressive to watch.
Four slots every ten days, $3m incoming, 150 tech outgoing. That's 450 tech/month/nation. They could do it in one month. Extending to four allows them to just use only nations in tech seller range.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329537099' post='2923022']
It's true that 125k is small compared to what TIDTT & co. paid because of Polaris actions. But we still consider the debt settled.
It was actually MK who forced the reps out of you, but congrats on peace all the same.

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[quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1329546418' post='2923219']
And so ends the last of the great wars...?

Was this a great war? Will there be more?

Idk, just speculating, I guess...

Speculate no longer, I can tell you now there will be more. And yes, this was a great war, but we don't call them that anymore because we lost count. ;)

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[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1329547091' post='2923224']
Four slots every ten days, $3m incoming, 150 tech outgoing. That's 450 tech/month/nation. They could do it in one month. Extending to four allows them to just use only nations in tech seller range.
That's under the assumption that their entire alliance is that wieldy. Lets not act like they don't have at least 30 ghosts and that their turnout for cooperative members isn't going to be near 100%.

I'm not making a judgement about the reps, saying they are right or wrong. I'm simply stating that it is an insane amount to organize and will be pretty incredible to see happen. Sure in terms of theoretical numbers they can move that kind of tech in a month, but if that kind of tech can be moved then why isn't every alliance doing it all the time?

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329546588' post='2923221']
With 185 members, we paid 270k tech in 8 months. They have 292 members to pay 125k tech in 4 months.

They'll manage.

Oh I know. I was just pointing out that most alliances don't move that kind of tech for their own alliance growth. The internal organization of this will be hell xD

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1329547952' post='2923229']
It was actually MK who forced the reps out of you, but congrats on peace all the same.

Just as members of Polar and STA and other simpleminded folk take the seven alliances that fought Polar in WotC and condense them down to just TOP for the purposes of their arguments, so do the same people, for the same purposes, take the eleven alliances to whom TOP paid reparations and condense them down to just MK. Like I said earlier, it's convenient for people to do these things for the sake of their arguments, but it constitutes a very obvious evasion of reality.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1329549620' post='2923240']
Just as members of Polar and STA and other simpleminded folk take the seven alliances that fought Polar in WotC and condense them down to just TOP for the purposes of their arguments, so do the same people, for the same purposes, take the eleven alliances to whom TOP paid reparations and condense them down to just MK. Like I said earlier, it's convenient for people to do these things for the sake of their arguments, but it constitutes a very obvious evasion of reality.

MK has always embraced the role as the head of the snake. Much like NPO always got the blame for everything pre-Karma. They've taken that role post-Karma.

It will honestly never make sense of me why you guys forgave MK for their role in all this (which was massive). I honestly hope it was just for the political motive of getting to the point where you are now. But who knows, maybe you truly enjoy being in the position you are in, which to most outsiders is that of MK toadie.

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As someone who fought for the entirety of both BiPolar and this war, I'm happy to see some resolution. That's well over a year spent fighting Polaris. I wonder if anyone in either alliance has spent more time or casualties beating this dead horse.

If you really think MK's defense is comparable to Polar's treachery, you not only need a logic check, but a lobotomy.

Lanore, welcome to CN. Sometimes we run big programs here. I had the pleasure of paying reps for quite a length of time, I only wish Polaris the same. Unfortunately they will have half the extended joy I had.

Fallen Fool, you seem a reasonable individual speaking some sort of amicability, but your compatriots voices are ringing much louder than yours. We are hearing their disgruntlement and their insults, not your voice.

[quote=omfghi]People are saying this is an end to this chapter? I call BS. We are going to hear more whining from TOP saying how they didn't get enough reps and that Polar should be brought to justice. Again. Cry me a river [/quote]
These reps are embarrassingly low to what was negotiated. I and others were willing to shoot low so we could wrap this up quicker. (Although someone like me in the lower ranks with enough reserves to buy a few nations was in no rush.) Now in this thread I wonder whether we should have run a harsher line as the criticism appears to not be about numbers but ad hominem.

This was a war. Now it is over. Are you not entertained? As much as I enjoy moving higher in the casualty race, peace is the mode of life here.

4+ years in TOP makes me an old man, the shrill piping I see here makes me feel it.

[i][color="#FFA500"]Proud to serve[/color][/i] [size="7"]o/[/size]

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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1329549483' post='2923237']
That's under the assumption that their entire alliance is that wieldy. Lets not act like they don't have at least 30 ghosts and that their turnout for cooperative members isn't going to be near 100%.

I'm not making a judgement about the reps, saying they are right or wrong. I'm simply stating that it is an insane amount to organize and will be pretty incredible to see happen. Sure in terms of theoretical numbers they can move that kind of tech in a month, but if that kind of tech can be moved then why isn't every alliance doing it all the time?

If they get less than a third of their alliance sending aid, and only using 5 slots, they can pay it off in under 4 months and still have a few weeks spare. I'm no longer an advocate of reparations, however these aren't that large over history and the allotted time is hardly requires staggering feats of organisation that haven't been already been massively surpassed by lesser alliances than Polar. They undoubtedly wont like it, just as we didn't, but I have every confidence in their ability to rise to the task without breaking a sweat.

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