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Silent treaty cancelations


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What do you people think of the silent treaty cancellations that have been occuring over the past few weeks?

Do you think treaty cancellations should be made public, so the whole world knows and people can troll or offer tokenistic 'sad but necessary' or 'but we're still friends' comments; or should they be made secretly, behind closed doors, to hide certain alliances from shame and ridicule for being on the 'wrong side' of a war?

Urgh...typo in the title and subtitle.


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It's kind of pathetic but I don't really care. They shouldn't get upset though if people assume they are failing to honor their obligations (which they are either way I guess).

Edited by iamthey
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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1326808821' post='2901501']
I like public announcements, but it's each individual alliance's right to do it how they choose.

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I don't see any harm in posting them, it generates activity on the OWF and leads to a more inclusive feel. Sometimes the dialogue in a cancellation thread is as interesting as the event itself.

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It's a perfectly valid (if unnecessary) tactic in FA to not announce treaty upgrades/downgrades/cancellations. But when it becomes the norm, it sabotages the OWF and makes casual observers of Planet Bob politics have to work ever more harder to keep up with it, further damping interest in the game.

As an aside, wasn't it also "hip" several months ago to not updates wikis? "If you come to our web site, you'll see our treaties..." isn't going to make it people. Not when there are dozens of alliances to track. Figure it out.

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When I'm in the alliance who might get ripped on in the thread, I'm in favor of not posting the cancellation. When I'm anybody else, I want to have fun ripping on the posting alliance in the cancellation thread. This is why I bet 90% of the posts here will be anti-silent cancellations even though they happen all the time.

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People can do or not do what they want as far as treaties go, imo. They are between the alliances involved only and not between the alliances signing the treaties and the rest of Planet Bob, as some people seem to want to argue.

On the other hand, there is a risk involved by not announcing.

1. If there is any question of a group following or not following a treaty and and there is not an announcement with a link to a copy of the document, it basically becomes one alliances word against the other which is very messy and likely to make both look bad.

2. An alliance can't exactly be held accountable for relying only on what's been posted in public and acting accordingly. Even with treaty cancellations, there is a danger here, if an alliance decides that it would be a good idea to just attack an enemy AND include their allies in the attack. If you don't announce a cancellation somewhere, something like that could happen.

Thus, even with all of the usual comments after a cancellation is announced which may be annoying, it still may be worth the trouble.

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It doesn't bother me. In fact it's a interesting idea, which could cause some very stupid actions to be taken. Therefore increasing the chance of frequent wars, therefore making it fun for all of us.

Unfortunately the majority of Alliances know what's going on regardless of what's said on the OWF.

In summary, while it doesn't bother. I can see how it would bother some people.

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Personally I just feel that there isn't any need to throw dirt on the wounds of an alliance by posting it. If you want the split to be somewhat amicable, there's no reason to make people suffer through a thread of "no hard feelings but..." or "good job xx on getting rid of yy" or "they did you a favor yy". Plus, the Alliance Announcements forum is far too busy hearing about the day to day affairs of the 4th incarnation of TGE, ARES passing the 1 million NS barrier for the 7th time, or whatever new alliance has decided to post 4 threads in its first two days, for anyone to bother with something like a treaty cancellation or downgrade that can be easily communicated to relevant parties through much more personal means.

There are myriad problems with the state of the Alliance Announcements forum. People not posting cancellations/downgrades is a symptom, not the problem. Attack the problem, nullify the symptoms.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1326818639' post='2901546']
Personally I just feel that there isn't any need to throw dirt on the wounds of an alliance by posting it. If you want the split to be somewhat amicable, there's no reason to make people suffer through a thread of "no hard feelings but..." or "good job xx on getting rid of yy" or "they did you a favor yy".

I disagree. There is a great need to throw dirt on other alliances wounds.

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1326809367' post='2901503']
It's kind of pathetic but I don't really care. They shouldn't get upset though if people assume they are failing to honor their obligations (which they are either way I guess).
That's my biggest issue. I love these dumbasses that don't announce it, then someone says something about the treaty, and they turn around and go "[i]duuuuhhhhh [/i]it's cancelled." I mean if everyone wants everyone spying on each other, fine, there are plenty of us who know how to get the information we want, but it's just a patently stupid way to handle one's affairs.

[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1326822797' post='2901566']
Post'em or others will. :science:
I'll hold you to that.

[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1326818639' post='2901546']
Personally I just feel that there isn't any need to throw dirt on the wounds of an alliance by posting it. If you want the split to be somewhat amicable, there's no reason to make people suffer through a thread of "no hard feelings but..." or "good job xx on getting rid of yy" or "they did you a favor yy". Plus, the Alliance Announcements forum is far too busy hearing about the day to day affairs of the 4th incarnation of TGE, ARES passing the 1 million NS barrier for the 7th time, or whatever new alliance has decided to post 4 threads in its first two days, for anyone to bother with something like a treaty cancellation or downgrade that can be easily communicated to relevant parties through much more personal means.

There are myriad problems with the state of the Alliance Announcements forum. People not posting cancellations/downgrades is a symptom, not the problem. Attack the problem, nullify the symptoms.
This post is so weird that I'm not sure if you were being serious. Either way, I'm really sick and tired of hearing from people about how awful the OWF is, especially since all of the people that toe this line are from the alliances which are dominating the game's culture. If people don't like CyberNations, quit.
You think the speculation and ignorance is bad now? Give it 6 months of no one knowing for sure which treaties are or are not still in force. How stupid.

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You know, if any of you don't like this, you can always take it on yourselves to announce whenever you hear a treaty is cancelled as a news story in world affairs. It's not that hard to find it out eventually. You will undo the work of whoever wants to "hide" from criticism of their cancellation, as that criticism will get transferred to your thread instead - thereby creating an incentive to bring back announcements in order to at least give a positive spin.

The world functions on initiative, not on "X should do Y".

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[quote name='Freddy' timestamp='1326822449' post='2901565']
Why would anyone post their treaty cancelation?
To inform the world who your current allies are. It's kinda self explanatory. I think not announcing treaties and cancellations is absolutely ridiculous. Treaties are a huge portion of how the politics of this world function. Announcing treaty updates is part of that system. You really can't function as a legitimate political entity without working within the established system.

Hell, FAN and NoR didn't even have a treaty as they canceled on us publicly. I think the whole world was better for it.

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