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Joint Statement from the New Pacific Order and the Mushroom Kingdom

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1306748214' post='2720502']
They said Everything Must Die, so clearly they're monsters.

(Hey, so did we! Wonder what that says about [i]us[/i]...)
It means NPO will never be allowed properly properly rebuild which is what Archon and MK said and when they get to a point where MK get scared again it will be a pre emptive attack to put them down again. Thats what it says about you.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1306750576' post='2720508']
Regardless of your AA, you are forever a shroom for me.

Just for you a special deal!

Take him back and you don't have to pay us reps for letting him come here to begin with.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1306748214' post='2720502']
They said Everything Must Die, so clearly they're monsters.

(Hey, so did we! Wonder what that says about [i]us[/i]...)

GOONS have been monsters since day one, obviously. I can see how you would have forgotten. Due to the DH/NPO war, we haven't seen as much anti-tech raid stuff as before, what with Schatt being too busy spying on ODN. With the war over, he should be able to refocus his energies and you will be informed just how monstrous you are on a daily basis.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1306747558' post='2720500']
They said NPO can never be allowed to rebuild and regain power or attempt to rebuild and regain power. MK said that, their government said that, Archon said that. Its not a crazy theory they made that statement at the outset of the war. They also said they can attack anyone at any time without the need for a CB and their motto is everything must die.
This is a thread about the re-opening of embassies. I'm nit sure what you're talking about, but maybe you should go back and read the contents to get a better understanding of the thread that you are in.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1306756721' post='2720538']
This is a thread about the re-opening of embassies. I'm nit sure what you're talking about, but maybe you should go back and read the contents to get a better understanding of the thread that you are in.

Average Intelligence.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1306756721' post='2720538']
This is a thread about the re-opening of embassies. I'm nit sure what you're talking about, but maybe you should go back and read the contents to get a better understanding of the thread that you are in.
Its a thread celebrating peace between NPO and MK. However, MK has said there is a point NPO cant go past, a point when they become too powerful (in MKs opinion) for MK to allow them to exist. When that point is reached or when it looks like NPO have [i]"any chance of a return to power" [/i] NPO will be attacked again. Unless there has been a massive change in the Kingdoms NPO policy they remain enemies. Well MK will continue to see them as their enemy anyway.

So in this thread celebrating peace between MK & NPO I am merely pointing out MK has said there can never be peace between MK and NPO unless NPO remain a small and relatively isolated alliance. Even the chance of a return to power will result in NPO getting stomped again. There is no real lasting peace, this peace thread is a MK charade.

[quote name='Archon' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']

[b]We cannot allow any chance of a return to power by the New Pacific Order.[/b]


Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1306748830' post='2720503']
It means NPO will never be allowed properly properly rebuild which is what Archon and MK said and when they get to a point where MK get scared again it will be a pre emptive attack to put them down again. Thats what it says about you.
This man crush you have on Archon isn't all that flattering. And neither is taking any and every opportunity to spout your conspiracy theories (illustrated by the above, said in response to a light-hearted post of mine that it had very little relation to).

[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1306750576' post='2720508']
Regardless of your AA, you are forever a shroom for me.
It's a burden I must shoulder I suppose.

[quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1306754676' post='2720525']
GOONS have been monsters since day one, obviously. I can see how you would have forgotten. Due to the DH/NPO war, we haven't seen as much anti-tech raid stuff as before, what with Schatt being too busy spying on ODN. With the war over, he should be able to refocus his energies and you will be informed just how monstrous you are on a daily basis.
Good. We need to face the consequences of our actions after all. /Methrage

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1306760172' post='2720562']
Its a thread celebrating peace between NPO and MK. However, MK has said there is a point NPO cant go past, a point when they become too powerful (in MKs opinion) for MK to allow them to exist. When that point is reached or when it looks like NPO have [i]"any chance of a return to power" [/i] NPO will be attacked again. Unless there has been a massive change in the Kingdoms NPO policy they remain enemies. Well MK will continue to see them as their enemy anyway.

So in this thread celebrating peace between MK & NPO I am merely pointing out MK has said there can never be peace between MK and NPO unless NPO remain a small and relatively isolated alliance. Even the chance of a return to power will result in NPO getting stomped again. There is no real lasting peace, this peace thread is a MK charade.
I think you're over reading things, again. Last I checked, this thread briefly states that the war is over, and then moves the topic over towards the re-opening of MK/NPO's embassies with each other. Simple as that.

Even if MK's already drawing up plans to hit NPO again, what's your constant posts about it going to do? Of course there's going to be more war in the future, most likely having NPO and MK on opposite sides, what makes this a surprise to you? If you really are worried about MK hitting us again, do something other than post about it. If not, then just, stop.

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[quote]For the last year and some months you've been on of MK's staunchest supporters, with the brief interlude during BiPolar. Of course you'll deny this, saying you were in VE and never allied to MK (both of which are true)[/quote]
Yes, I will say exactly that, and what's more, it's correct. What have MK done in the last 'year and some months' that I have commented on, besides Bipolar (which as you point out I was critical of them in), and this last war (where I have consistently said I did not approve of the NPO front). Neither I nor my alliance have been particularly strong supporters of MK at any point.

[quote]No offense, but I always find it hard to stomach ex-Hegemony alliances complaining about crippling reps or power-mongering behavior[/quote]
Reparations levied by post-Hegemonic alliances have included the two largest sums ever, in this war NPO were subject to a 'peace agreement' that involved them taking a beating for not fighting the way the victors wanted them to – something FAN refused to accept and were applauded for doing so – and you have Ardus stating that the NPO front was 'pure realpolitik' (i.e. power-mongering) and Denial stating that it's justified to hit an alliance that you perceive as opponents simply for existing.

[quote]First, assuming you selected that span of time with the intent of covering "Pax Pacifica", it makes sense to include the genesis and conclusion[/quote]
I was directly responding to a post which stated 'between GW3 and Karma'.

[quote]But MK didn't dictate terms in Karma[/quote]
Apologies, my memory was playing up on that one – although C&G alliances had a lot to do with it and C&G had always been largely an extension of MK in terms of foreign policy.

[quote]You're suggesting that FAN deserved to endure the longest military engagements in history twice?[/quote]
The first one lasted [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/FAN-WUT_War]three months[/url]. NPO was held at war in Karma (ok, not technically by you, but by your bloc and allies) for only a [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Karma_War]few days less[/url]. TOP and IRON got [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/TOP-C%26G_War]two and a half months[/url]. This time around, NPO got [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_House-NPO_War][b]four months[/b][/url], significantly longer than FAN's first round.

FAN unquestionably deserved to get rolled the first time, and decided that they didn't want to go for peace terms for quite a while. The second war on FAN wasn't justified, but that's irrelevant – no-one's claiming that you are holding people at war indefinitely (yet?). Your own alliance has held enemies at war for almost as long as the first one, and charged far higher reparations at the end of it in some cases as well.

[quote]But instead of sustaining the eternal grudge between our alliances, I'd like to put it to rest. You can get worked up over the past, but you must surely endorse this course of action going forward, no? [/quote]
Certainly. The question is simply why it was not put to rest after NPO paid (literally and figuratively) for the sins of the Hegemony in Karma. And now you have shown that you are happy to attack alliances for nothing more than being opposed to you and existing, other alliances will be worried as well.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1306767479' post='2720600']although C&G alliances had a lot to do with it and C&G had always been largely an extension of MK in terms of foreign policy.
It always amazes me how much people who have never been in a CnG alliance think they know about how CnG does and did work.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1306726758' post='2720409']
No offense, but I always find it hard to stomach ex-Hegemony alliances complaining about crippling reps or power-mongering behavior.
Ragnarok was in the Hegemony. So were most alliances

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1306769301' post='2720615']
It always amazes me how much people who have never been in a CnG alliance think they know about how CnG does and did work.[/quote]

Scoreboard. Total NS tied up in an extended megabloc (which includes CnG) that has cooperated in multiple major wars. No one needs the "you just don't understand" act. They can look at the result.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1306729001' post='2720426']
The next time you two miscreants decide to wave your sticks at each other, be dolls and don't drag the rest of us into it.

What are you complaining about? It's not as if NPO wanted this to happen.

Treaties are in place for a reason, if you don't want to be "dragged into it" then remove yourself from the web.

[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1306726758' post='2720409']
No offense, but I always find it hard to stomach ex-Hegemony alliances complaining about crippling reps or power-mongering behavior.

As I recall your alliance carried out some of the same policies that the ex-Hegemony did (viceroys, government replacement, etc.) so do you really want to go there?

Edited by Mr Damsky
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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1306710920' post='2720274']
MK contributing to a war against NPO months down the line constituting any sort of betrayal is a ridiculous notion at best.
And of course NPO attacking a MDoAP partner (OV) of a MADP and C&G partner (Vanguard) had nothing to do with it.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1306726436' post='2720407']
This really has more to do with the period between wars since WOTC, than the character of alliances. You and I would both agree that MK is very militant and aggressive alliance, nothing really wrong with that, but its who you guys are.

Perhaps if steps were taken however, such as lower reps, and in this instance not drawing wars out forever, we could have them more often. Although, I really think VE made a lot of headway in keep there theater to a rather good amount of time, and make reps reasonable. Unfortunately your alliance's decisions will mean that it should be many months till the next rodeo. <_<
Reps were moderate in this war. And the length of this war was entirely due to the peace mode antics, without that it would have been much shorter.

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This thread is not actually about the war. I know that is hard to understand. MK and NPO have been in talks about re-opening the embassy even while the war was going on but felt we should wait until it was over simply so war dribble was brought into it. So much for that /sigh. For the NPO an embassy isn't a sign of friends, but rather a portal to keep communication going. We were silent for a long time in many ways, we are silent no longer.

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