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An Announcement from the Dark Templar


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Yes congrats LoSS on being only treatied to VE MCXA and TIO now. Oh wai...



Goodluck out there LoSS, I'm sure you will find your way. 



You forgot NPL.

....small correction there ;)


I find your utter dismissiveness of what is undoubtedly LoSS's most cherished treaty contemptible.


Best of luck to both parties forging ahead, and to the rest of us as we breathlessly await wordy analysis of the effect of this development on global stability and neo-imperialism.

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I have played a hand over the years in helping to sustain the relationship behind this treaty. DT-LoSS go back to the days of NOIR before signing a separate bilateral ODP which was later upgraded to MDoAP. DT came to the defense of LoSS in two wars while only holding an ODP. Anyway, this cancelation is indeed sad but necessary.  



Sorry to see that this was necessary.


Of course, when Schatt, Tywin and Daenerys are in agreement that LoSS came out the winners here, it's pretty clear that DT made the right choice. 

Well put.


Damn, this is history right now. It's always unfortunate to see a long-standing treaty fall by the wayside. Best of luck to DT and LoSS.



...we breathlessly await wordy analysis of the effect of this development on global stability and neo-imperialism.

Can't wait!

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Funny how power changes people. Good luck LoSS and don't worry, you won't want to be on their side of the sand when TSHTF.

Really?? DT holds a MDoAP with some dumb Alliance called North Star Federation. So definitely they're not canceling this cuz they got "power" now
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Of course, when Schatt, Tywin and Daenerys are in agreement that LoSS came out the winners here, it's pretty clear that DT made the right choice.

Fortunately for people like you, people like me exist.


Yes congrats LoSS on being only treatied to VE MCXA and TIO now. Oh wai...

le sigh

I have no idea who LoSS is or isn't treatied to, what their FA is, who they may or may not have pissed off this war, and I am actually pretty certain that anyone in LoSS who knows who I am still doesn't like me over a row we had when Nemesis was still around. 

I am similarly disinterested in DT who hasn't, as far as I can tell, done anything interesting since SCM got his and DT's ass kicked for the Electron Sponge IRC joke, which was unfortunate and should serve as a sobering reminder of just what war could be and shut NG et al. up over $6,000,000. 


But, setting aside that my original comment was in jest, I think anyone is just as well off not being allied to an alliance as schizophrenic as DT with it's mid-EQ changes of heart and gov and dual-membership nuke rogue gov.

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Fortunately for people like you, people like me exist.


le sigh

I have no idea who LoSS is or isn't treatied to, what their FA is, who they may or may not have pissed off this war, and I am actually pretty certain that anyone in LoSS who knows who I am still doesn't like me over a row we had when Nemesis was still around. 

I am similarly disinterested in DT who hasn't, as far as I can tell, done anything interesting since SCM got his and DT's ass kicked for the Electron Sponge IRC joke, which was unfortunate and should serve as a sobering reminder of just what war could be and shut NG et al. up over $6,000,000. 


But, setting aside that my original comment was in jest, I think anyone is just as well off not being allied to an alliance as schizophrenic as DT with it's mid-EQ changes of heart and gov and dual-membership nuke rogue gov.


That was Dark Fist, pretty sure. Or maybe just FIST, that was ages ago?

Edited by Auctor
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