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Everyone who pushed or supported these terms should(I know they won't), but should feel ashamed for it.

I also would like to congratulate TOP for corrupting Polaris so fast, power seems to be the most addicting drug created by men after all.

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Point #1: A number of the nations on the OP list fought in this war, losing over half their NS.

Point #2: These terms primarily damage low-tier nations that fought and have less sources of aid available to help them. In fact, your coalition rejected an offer of 272 days of the OP nations not being able to receive tech (which would have only punished them) in favour of 100 days of them not being able to send aid (which punishes other nations).

I do not personally find us being having terms imposed on to be morally reprehensible, merely the regrettable consequence of a war we couldn't muster enough resources in, but let's not pretend that it's all kumbaya and "Light Treatment" either. These terms were put out there with a specific design to harm the Pacific - let's all just face that and move on.


The agreement specifies that it affects nations who remained in PM from the beggining to February 1st. If some nations who doesn't fall under those conditions are on the list, your alliance should object through the appropiate channels (it's fine if you want to write it in the OWF, but IRC tends to get the job done more efficiently).


I know that at least 2 or 3 of those nations popped out of PM after the agreement was reached. I suppose this took longer than expected and our coalition had enough time to wreck them. I personally think they should be extempted from the terms, but I'm not the one calling the shots (if I were, you wouldn't be taking terms to begin with).


In any case, if NPO had fought with all they had, instead of reserving a significant amount of their firepower, today we would be reading just a protocolary surrender with no terms (unless you found the idea of surrendering morally reprehensive and insisted on turning the war into an occupation conflict).

Edited by Krashnaia
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In any case, if NPO had fought with all they had, instead of reserving a significant amount of their firepower, today we would be reading just a protocolary surrender with no terms (unless you found the idea of surrendering morally reprehensive and insisted on turning the war into an occupation conflict).

*cough*bull shit*cough*
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Your conclusion follows your propaganda line very nicely but is completely wrong. In no way, shape, or form did myself or any of the other alliance leaders who drafted and argued for terms against NPO do so because NPO honored their MDP with NSO.


My propaganda? I am about as anti-NPO as it gets. 


What I don't understand is why were terms forced on NPO but not other alliances? Someone please give me a straight answer. I've seen some allude to it being because they were in peace mode. Well there were plenty of other alliances on their side that abused peace mode. I see nothing against them. 


Let's be honest, you'd be upset about terms imposed on any of your allies for any reason. Spite had nothing to do with it.



I'm not allied to NPO. 

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Glad to have helped you out. 


Tell me Stevie has NoR been more help or a burden in this war?


They are the 5th most damaging alliance in this entire war.  Definitely a help.



Allarchonu Ackbar!!

Edited by Stewie
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Everyone who pushed or supported these terms should(I know they won't), but should feel ashamed for it.

I also would like to congratulate TOP for corrupting Polaris so fast, power seems to be the most addicting drug created by men after all.

That may be one of the most significant and longlasting results of this war.

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No one who entered this war in defense of an ally has got any terms.


Because sitting in PM for the entire length of the conflict isn't exactly my definition of "entering a war", much less "in defense of an ally".

When they had the highest damage output in the war, I don't think what they had in peace mode effects whether they entered the war in defense of an ally.

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Bring it mate. You make notes and so will I. Like I said, I am already betting on all you folk who claims white peace is the only way nowadays, breaking that same mantra the moment you win a war. Here we are, less than a day out and you are already proving me correct. Keep up the hypocrisy mate. It looks well on ya.


Up until NPO was given terms for honoring a treaty I would never have thought anyone deserved reps, now I have changed my mind.

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Bring it mate. You make notes and so will I. Like I said, I am already betting on all you folk who claims white peace is the only way nowadays, breaking that same mantra the moment you win a war. Here we are, less than a day out and you are already proving me correct. Keep up the hypocrisy mate. It looks well on ya.


I was not going to comment on this thread at all really, until I came across this post. I can assure you those of us who find these terms distasteful WILL absolutely wholeheartedly break this mantra even for alliances that enter only on defensive treaties. Not because we think its the right and proper thing to do, but because true retribution will demand it. Reps were once the way to end a war. It morphed to white peace, you lot have morphed it again. When those who say NPO should have gotten white peace, do something other than give white peace in the future, it will be one of the few times in this games history where it will NOT be hypocritical, it will simply be ... them being what YOU made them.

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Hail peace!

Also warm congratulations to the Christian Coalition of Countries in particular for your soft power victory in offering white peace. I get it's not for the purpose of looking good (i.e. it's sincere) and you're just following your belief system, but it doesn't change the effect.

White peace wouldn't be a big deal had the other alliances agreed to a simple admission of defeat, surrender and even a NAP, but the addition of other terms when compared to the lack of any terms from CCC creates a significant juxtaposition.

For the record, I don't view what (if any) terms for peace to demand as a moral issue. It's purely a political one. And in this case, CCC gained the political advantage over everyone else. Sweet.

Edited by White Chocolate
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I can't think of anything scarier than the prospect of NATO and TLR coming after us and forcing me to stay in peace mode for an additional zero days on top of the zero spent there during the war.

That's the magic of Moralist Posturing. It lets you justify your unjustificable acts. I mean, the League of the Righteous is already talking about imposing reps on us in the future, like it we had taken reps from anyone. When we find ourselves paying thousands of tech to them in the next war, it will be all our fault for forcing people who prefer to sit a whole war in PM to not use FA for three months.

Anyway, if there is something that's Comedy Gold about this war, is reading NG and their traditional close yapdogs taking a moralist stance. You know, the guys who used to make sigs with slogans like "$%&@ your Rights" and all that. Before finding themselves on the losing end, of course. Edited by Krashnaia
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Up until NPO was given terms for honoring a treaty I would never have thought anyone deserved reps, now I have changed my mind.


I'm not sure where all this faux outrage is coming from.  Terms have been given to alliances just enterring because of MD level treaties for as long as I've been here, since 2006.  Get over yourself and get off your high horse.

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That's the magic of Moralist Posturing. It lets you justify your unjustificable acts. I mean, the League of the Righteous is already talking about imposing reps on us in the future, like it we had taken reps from anyone, and it will be all our fault.

If there is something that's Comedy Gold about this war, is reading NG and their traditional close yapdogs, taking a moralist stance. You know, the guys who used to make sigs with slogans like "$%&@ your Rights" and all that. Before finding themselves on the losing end, of course.


Everyone is a secret moralist at heart until they find themselves on the winning side and become sadistic.

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