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An Announcement from MI6

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In the middle of a war, and after internal elections, some times we need to sit back and enjoy the world around us. These poems (or lyrics) are a gift from MI6 to you.
M- [spoiler] El Peregrino
Atención, señoras y señores, un momento de atención:
Volved un instante la cabeza hacia este lado de la república,
Olvidad por una noche vuestros asuntos personales,
El placer y el dolor pueden aguardar a la puerta:
Una voz se oye desde este lado de la república.
¡Atención, señoras y señores! ¡un momento de atención!
Un alma que ha estado embotellada durante años
En una especie de abismo sexual e intelectual
Alimentándose escasamente por la nariz
Desea hacerse escuchar por ustedes.
Deseo que se me informe sobre algunas materias,
Necesito un poco de luz, el jardín se cubre de moscas,
Me encuentro en un desastroso estado mental,
Razono a mi manera;
Mientras digo estas cosas veo una bicicleta apoyada en un muro,
Veo un puente
Y un automóvil que desaparece entre los edificios.
Ustedes se peinan, es cierto, ustedes andan a pie por los jardines,
Debajo de la piel ustedes tienen otra piel,
Ustedes poseen un séptimo sentido
Que les permite entrar y salir automáticamente.
Pero yo soy un niño que llama a su madre detrás de las rocas,
Soy un peregrino que hace saltar las piedras a la altura de su nariz,
Un árbol que pide a gritos se le cubra de hojas.
-Nicanor Parra [/spoiler]
M - [spoiler] The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost[/spoiler]
001 - [spoiler] Rain Before Dawn

The dull, faint patter in the drooping hours
Drifts in upon my sleep and fills my hair
With damp; the burden of the heavy air
Is strewn upon me where my tired soul cowers,
Shrinking like some lone queen in empty towers
Dying. Blind with unrest I grow aware:
The pounding of broad wings drifts down the stair
And sates me like the heavy scent of flowers.

I lie upon my heart. My eyes like hands
Grip at the soggy pillow. Now the dawn
Tears from her wetted breast the splattered blouse
Of night; lead-eyed and moist she straggles o'er the lawn,
Between the curtains brooding stares and stands
Like some drenched swimmer -- Death's within the house![/spoiler]
002 - [spoiler] When If Meets Must
If we can fight together, we must strive together
If we can play together, we must pray together
If we can plan together, we must stand together
If we can cry together, we must try together
We must strive together, if we can fight together
We must pray together, if we can play together
We must stand together, if we can plan together
We must try together, if we can cry together
The future of man is built on a plan
Of working together whenever we can
So "if" must stand so tall
And "must" alone, cannot fall
For together, forever we bring
The best, the good of it all
- James Weldon Lane[/spoiler]
003 - [spoiler] A Lesson in Vengeance
In the dour ages
Of drafty cells and draftier castles,
Of dragons breathing without the frame of fables,
Saint and king unfisted obstruction’s knuckles
By no miracle or majestic means,
But by such abuses
As smack of spite and the overscrupulous
Twisting of thumbscrews: one soul tied in sinews,
One white horse drowned, and all the unconquered pinnacles
Of God’s city and Babylon’s
Must wait, while here Suso’s
Hand hones his tack and needles,
Scouraging to sores his own red sluices
For the relish of heaven, relentless, dousing with prickles
Of horsehair and lice his horny loins;
While there irate Cyrus
Squanders a summer and the brawn of his heroes
To rebuke the horse-swallowing River Gyndes:
He split it into three hundred and sixty trickles
A girl could wade without wetting her shins.
Still, latter-day sages,
Smiling at this behavior, subjugating their enemies
Neatly, nicely, by disbelief or bridges,
Never grip, as the grandsires did, that devil who chuckles
From grain of the marrow and the river-bed grains. [/spoiler]
004 - [spoiler] A Dream
In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed-
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream- that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afar-
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth's day-star?
004 - [spoiler]W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby, D.C.!
W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby, D.C.!
Washington, D.C.
It's paradise to me
It's not because it is the grand old seat
Of precious freedom and democracy
No, no, no
It's not the greenery turning gold in fall
The scenery circling the Mall
It's just that's where my baby lives
That's all.
Washington D.C.!
It's the greatest place to be
It's not the cherries everywhere in bloom
It's not the way they put folks on the moon
No, no, no
It's not the spectacles and pagaentry
The thousand things you've got to see
It's just that's where my baby waits for me
W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby D.C.!
W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby D.C.!
Washington, D.C.!
It fits me to a T
It's not the people doing something real
It's not the way the springtime makes you feel
No, no, no
It ain't no famous name on a golden plaque
That makes me ride that railroad track
It's my baby's kiss that keeps me coming back
It's my baby's kiss that keeps me coming back
-The Magnetic Fields[/spoiler]

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