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New Sith Order Announcement

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' timestamp='1309887231' post='2749507']
A not completely unpredictable response from the Angry Teenage Sith Peanuts.

Predictably will do for you in the end. I hope fate allows me to be eating popcorn while this happens.


I think you're missing some, and others in the wrong place? :blink:

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What I've learned from this thread:

- NSO has been doubledipped in molten platinum
- Rotavele invented the best possible response to anything The Big Bad posts.
- nutkase has a new alliance to go rogue on
- Legion's method of plugging the holes in their PR fjörd involves thumbs and anuses.
- :(( NSO :(( is soon to become a meme here.

Edited by nippy
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[quote]Slander is not a casus belli. Legion has the "CB" against us, no matter how false it may be. I'm sorry, but how do you not understand that?[/quote]
Is the whole point of this thread not that you are claiming you never spied on them and therefore they [i]don't[/i] have a CB on you?

I'm pretty sure some NSOers have been spying on Legion, but as I said in the other thread, they can't prove it while all the spy ops are succeeding because of their terrible preparation and low spy count. NSO's official position is apparently that their members did not do any spying and there isn't any evidence to prove them wrong, so Legion should really just shut up and fix their spy count so it doesn't keep happening.

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Freedom of information is important. Heck isn't that why we fought Karma to protect the right to freedom of information?

[spoiler]You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Gibsonia. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:
Desired Religion: Jainism
Desired Government: Federal Government
Threat Level: Low
Tax Rate: 30%
Number of Spies: 550
Last Nuke Purchase: 4/10/2010 12:28:16 AM
Last Wonder Purchase: 6/20/2011
Total Money: [u][b][font="Arial Black"]$1,196,036,387 He actually has a warchest I'm shocked[/font][/b][/u]
Technology: 4,410.25 Levels
Last Bill Payment: 7/5/2011 8:00:32 AM
Trade Partners: Jenkinsland, Ithaca, Bombay, Macau, Shinra United
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Total Aircraft: 80
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 666
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 54
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:

Corvettes: 0
Landing Ships: 0
Battleships: 0
Cruisers: 0
Frigates: 0
Destroyers: 0
Submarines: 0
Aircraft Carriers: 0
Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

On the other hand this guy doesn't so all is right with the world.

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Macau. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:
Desired Religion: Islam
Desired Government: Democracy
Threat Level: Low
Tax Rate: 30%
Number of Spies: 0
Last Nuke Purchase: 3/9/2011 11:28:17 PM
Last Wonder Purchase: 6/3/2011
Total Money: $169,663,648
Technology: 3,355.04 Levels
Last Bill Payment: 7/5/2011 2:40:58 AM
Trade Partners: Jenkinsland, Bombay, Gibsonia, Shinra United, Ithaca
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Total Aircraft: 60
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 540
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:

Corvettes: 0
Landing Ships: 0
Battleships: 0
Cruisers: 0
Frigates: 0
Destroyers: 0
Submarines: 0
Aircraft Carriers: 0
Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.


Edited by The Corrupt Teacher
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From the Legions charter.

[quote]Five: War

A: According to the principles of Pax Legio, The Legion endorses peace between its members and other nations of the world. All unprovoked attacks against any nation or alliance are strictly prohibited.
[b] B: Should a member nation be the victim of an unprovoked attack, all members pledge to rally their full military and economic prowess in defense of the attacked nation [/b]and aiding reconstruction and war efforts to the best of their abilities under guidance from officials.
C: Development of nuclear weapons is encouraged.
D: The Imperator has the ability to declare war, or obtain peace, based on the Legion's current active treaties. Only in the most dire of situations, with the most convicting evidence against another alliance, may the Imperator declare an aggressive war.
E: The Consulate are the deciding body on the definition of a "dire or warranted" situation. A vote can be called by any Consul asking for evidence that warrants war, or an explanation as to why war was called. A 3/4 majority vote will determine whether war is warranted or not. [/quote]

Members of the Legion are being repeatedly attacked. The Legion government know this and are allowing the attacks to continue. They are also refusing to defend their own members because a foreign power wont let them.

Legionnaires, your government has failed you. They have abandoned you and left you defenceless against attackers because they care more about keeping the government of NPO happy than protecting their own members. Rise up, rise up and remove these so called leaders. If they wont help you and wont leave the seats of power then vote with your feet and leave the Legion. Dont reward your governments complicity in the attacks you are enduring by tolerating this act of treason.

Get angry, get mad, for the love of admin revolt and reclaim your alliance from the traitors who are allowing these attacks to go unpunished

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1309866684' post='2749304']
Sure, if some Legion nations join OMFG they can finally compete with you for most mediocre nation in OMFG :P
Shhh! They'll catch on to my plan! By recruiting people crappier than me, I'll look better!

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1309885019' post='2749453']
You already spied Weebland Damsky :P
[/quote][quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309885207' post='2749457']
I have never spied Weebland, the Defender of Legion did. Perhaps he wished to spy on him twice to show that his pitiful intelligence agencies have not improved.
Here NSO accuses Mr Damsky of spying. NSO has no actual proof of such spying. NSO slanders a member of Ronin. Hypocrisy.

Edited by Jaiar
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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1309891776' post='2749553']
Here NSO accuses Mr Damsky of spying. NSO has no actual proof of such spying. NSO slanders a member of Ronin. Hypocrisy.

This obviously requires an official apology.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1309891776' post='2749553']
Here NSO accuses Mr Damsky of spying. NSO has no actual proof of such spying. NSO slanders a member of Ronin. Hypocrisy.
There's an obvious distinction.

I wouldn't expect much else from a Pacifican, though.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1309891776' post='2749553']
Here NSO accuses Mr Damsky of spying. NSO has no actual proof of such spying. NSO slanders a member of Ronin. Hypocrisy.
xfd how hard are you trying

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1309891776' post='2749553']
Here NSO accuses Mr Damsky of spying. NSO has no actual proof of such spying. NSO slanders a member of Ronin. Hypocrisy.

Does it look like Varianz's screenshots were photoshopped to you?

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1309888913' post='2749532']
Is the whole point of this thread not that you are claiming you never spied on them and therefore they [i]don't[/i] have a CB on you?

I'm pretty sure some NSOers have been spying on Legion, but as I said in the other thread, they can't prove it while all the spy ops are succeeding because of their terrible preparation and low spy count. NSO's official position is apparently that their members did not do any spying and there isn't any evidence to prove them wrong, [b]so Legion should really just shut up and fix their spy count so it doesn't keep happening.[/b][/quote]


I mean, come on, its a simple fix Legion. Just build up your spies.. Not a complex fix.[/color]

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NSO, you must realize that protecting the free exchange of information does not mean protecting those who commit acts of war, unless you are condoning your members spying. If so, then that is an act of war. However if you do not condon them spying then, you can hand over their names without any hard feelings. The trust that your members gave to you, does not mean that you protect them from themselves, but that together you can solve your issues. This is either a case of NSO spying on Legion, with orders. Or your members spied of their own free will and you should probably let them accept the consequences of their. The formation of alliances does not undo personal responsibilities.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1309895783' post='2749596']
Does it look like Varianz's screenshots were photoshopped to you?

Are you trying to suggest that the Defender of Legion faked the images?

Do not worry, I have discussed this with him and he has granted me photographic evidence of the reports. Of course some minimal editing had to take place to protect his identity.


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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1309916561' post='2749897']
It seems particularly wasteful of money to destroy tech levels in nations that small.

I believe that the Defender of Legion merely wished to show that he had the [b]ability[/b] to do such a thing.

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