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The Return of Return of Return of Return of Chron, Part Deuce.

Hello again, Planet Bob, it's been awhile (again), and I just finished an 80s montage preparing for an epic bout with Apollo Creed. Which actually was pretty awkward, since exhuming a deceased fictional character is a rather tricky endeavor, only to punch him out. Thankfully there are no laws covering the desecration of fictional remains. At any rate, I'm back (again), and ready to slap everyone silly with my own particular brand of commentary. New and improved Chron, now with a lemony scent



The Horsepower Sect.

V8 Supercars, Aussie Racing Cars. Whether its Group A, or Group C. For some reason we always manage to keep up with the rest of the world! its been announced that V8 Supercars Australia is now going worldwide with a Race in Texas starting in 2012. What do you guys think? will you americans watch it? will you europeans still take an interest? since us aussie are losing all interest except for the big one. The Bathurst 1000. where the winner becomes King Of The mountain. Mount Panorama, one o

Lord Caparo

Lord Caparo

An Unofficial Official Announcement from The Last Remnants

An Unofficial Official Announcement from The Last Remnants Due to the recent vandalism of our wikki page (the changing of our acronym from TLR to tLR and other combinations) we have decided to make it clear that from this point on, that when referring to The Last Remnants in acronym form, "TLR" shall be used and only "TLR". Furthermore, it should be noted that The Last Remnants shall refer to the Last Republic as "tLR" and we encourage others to do the same. We mean no disrespect to the



When Costs Become Too High

There are moments in life where we regret the actions we've taken, when we hurt those we know most. When you end up staring, wondering where did you go wrong at the emptiness at your hands, knowing you've cost yourself a friend. There are always these moments in life and I imagine I will have them again but the same mistake - when you don't learn from it, what kind of life is that? I have never understood people who don't learn from their mistakes, doom themselves to repeat patterns to life, as



An Apology

So, a few days ago, I was editing my nation bio, and noticed that it mentioned an old friend, Kittyquel. So, I decided to stop by her nation and say hi. When I got to her nation, I decided that instead of a boring old PM, I would send her something nice and fun: A spy attack. Nothing malicious, just some friendly little religious propaganda that doesn't do anything because of her Great Monument. The odds of success were 50%, and surprise, surprise, I got caught. Whatever, I thought, it's just a



Alliance State of Mind

I was talking to a couple of people last night about something that happened back in 07 and in the course of retrieving the threads involved so we could all have a laugh about it, I noticed something; everyone in the thread was mostly being cool to each other. There was some nastiness, but it was subtle. It reminded me of when LUE disbanded, and NPO gov turned out to hail them and remark on how the fighting had brought them closer. Seems to me you just don't see that anymore, and it's a shame,



A Note on Spy Attacks

Dear CN, If a nation attempts to incite Religious Propaganda against another nation that has a GT, odds are it's a joke. Especially if it is between two people who know each other. In fact, the odds are so high that it isn't a chance, it's a fact. And if you think otherwise, you probably shouldn't be here. Sincerely, Ghux



Stormsend Bored At Work, Reads Too Much News

(1) David Hasselhoff has landed a role in "Sons of Anarchy" as a porn producer named "Dondo." The show will be big in Europe. (2) Oprah Winfrey will be teaching a high school class. I'd say she's just going to give away free high school diplomas, but most schools do that anyway. (3) Eliot Spitzer's show on CNN has been cancelled. They're giving his slot to Anthony Weiner. (4) Casey Anthony has been sentenced to four years in prison. Good news is that she still gets to visit bars. (5) LaToya




Stop reforming bad alliances, they died for a reason. Also, if you do decide to do it, don't get offended when people make fun of you. It's like filling your mattress with manure and then complaining when you wake up smelling like !@#$. Before you ask, yes I am actually OOC and IC mad~

Melancholy Culkin

Melancholy Culkin

Life on the Interstate

Ok so i think we have all had some !@#$%* times on the interstate, and some either fun times or WTF moments. I shall share some of these WTF moments that i have collected over the past 4 years. Some of this you may find hard to believe, but i promise you it is all true. 1. Was driving down I-77 one time, late to a friend's concert, i was going at least 90 MPH praying that a cop wasn't around, when i see this convertible with pimped out rims, and an insanely loud motor, pass me like I was parked

GDI Crossfire

GDI Crossfire

Another Casey Anthony Post

To say holy crap I give no !@#$ about the Casey Anthony trial and don't understand why any of you do. The kid was irrelevant to humanity and so is her mom. More relevant and useful people died today, and will have died tomorrow, and no one is crying about that.



Another Casey Anthony Blog Post

Since the jury on the Casey Anthony trial returned their verdict yesterday afternoon, everywhere I look, I see people crying in outrage. I wish they'd all just shut the $%&@ up. Yes, the death of that young girl was a tragedy, but these are the type of people who will tell you up and down how great America is, and when one of the thing that makes America great works like it does, they get all angry. Yeah, its murky waters, maybe she was guilty, maybe she wasn't. The fact of the matter is



Re: Casey Anthony Verdict

I've seen one of the most disgusting things today. And that is the response of the Media to the Casey Anthony verdict. I don't spend much time at all watching the news because I can't stand the sensationalism around trials like this. Hearing about it is unavoidable, but it's hard to listen to the news seriously when you know that their primary objective is not the delivery of truth, but to sell a story. Today, the Justice System prevailed. This is exactly how it's supposed to go down. It's



Casual Nonsense

I love the 4th of July - it's right up there with Halloween tied for first in my list of favorite holidays. Guns, fireworks, BBQ, more fireworks, more guns, racing... all to celebrate a glorious and bloody revolution against an absolute monarch that overstepped his reach. What's not to love? But perhaps more than usual, you hear the passive assertion that the military is "protecting our freedoms" around this time of year. It's always bugged me though, it seems to be based on a false premise - w



The Journal of an Urban Survivialist; #20: The End (Sort Of)

Well, it appears that my uppity rebellion from the streets has been crushed by the imperialist dogs commonly known as The Man, or The System, or, in this particular case, <ahem>.. the, eh, The Girlfriend. Like all vicious tyrants she employed her greater resources against my forces at their weakest point, rendering them defenseless under her onslaught, namely using my voracious appetite for her... company... against me. Women can be surprisingly persuasive. While Mr. Mellencamp was



Two earthquakes just hit my city

Just an hour or two ago two earthquakes hit the city where I live. It was really scary but fortunately they weren't too big and nobody was killed or anything. I was playing with my dog at the time and she curled into a ball with fright (obviously curling into a ball solves everything and makes the earthquake go away. XD When I had recovered a bit, I found it pretty adorable.) Unfortunately we're on an active volcanic field (although there haven't been eruptions in centuries) and people are frea



#15 More Idiot, Less Savant

*Poll Question: The first sounds grittier, the second seems more... adventureful. What do you think, CN? ( ( ((0)_____________~-~_____________(o)) ) ) The night before, laying in my ex's bed (she was on the couch, granting me some reprieve from the elements as a favor) my spider sense was tingling. Not only has there been a marked sensation of anxiety or danger preceding a lot of the trouble I've gotten in, it has been remarkably accurate. While it hasn't always gone off before I jump in



Last blog entry for a while

So this will be my last blog entry for around 2 months, because I'm headed off for Navy basic. Just in case zombies over-run the planet and eat everyone or something I just wanted to give the following people some shout outs. Gibs, Rush, Thrawn, Stagger, Xiph, DT, Osravan, Sgummo, Kubla, Randalla, Gambona, LW, Kain, Grievous, TL, Chimey, and Lizzy you guys are all super awesome. Everyone else I've met on the way was pretty cool too (unless I told you I hated you). To GATO: I still love you gu



I get stopped at 25...and yet they get 20000 :(

Yeah so the NPL is a great laugh and all as we try and tip planet bob to the edge of Judgement Day... the scarey thing is though in the Real World the situation really isn't much better... Is it just me or does everyone else get a little nervous looking at Russia with 20,000 nukes... not so much in a cold war "the russians are coming!" kind of way but more in a... oh god i hope they count those babies close and some corrupt border guard doesn't sell one off on the side to some crack pot like

King Wally

King Wally

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