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Promotes French Culture & brings together French Ethnic Peoples

This Conference is an attempt to promote French culture and bring together nations with French ethnic peoples and nations who have given themselves French place names. The conference attempts to promote peace and development throughout cyberspace. Nations of Creole ethnicity are given a special place in this conference because of the historical ties and role of the French language and culture in Creole. Also, nations name based formed of former French colonies in Africa, Americas, Asia and t



The Real

Can you tax Warren Buffet? I don't mean Laffer Curve stuff, I mean, basically, when you get right down to it, can you tax Warren Buffet? The question took chunks of the EconBlogosphere recently. And the answer...not clear. Yeah, we can certainly tax his money. But that obfuscates the issue, because money is useless. You cannot eat money. You cannot build a house out of money. You cannot cure cancer with money. So who cares how much money Warren Buffet is making? What matters most are the raw r

Lord GVChamp

Lord GVChamp

My Epic Last Stand

Well, it was Friday, and that can only mean one thing. Gotta get down, which seat to choose... No, no. It means Extraction Mission! The Human perk we chose was "Freak on a Leash" - We gained possession of a "pet" Witch, which we could "let loose" on the Zombie horde. Once let loose, it did it's own thing, and at least once it actually just ran straight out of the field of battle, but usually it just ran around stunning Zombies. The Zombies still had the EMP active for the mission, and it w



Christ, I'm just a kid in this game

90 days of war. Sustained, damaging and brutal. GATO is rebuilding, have been for 2 1/2 months now we only fought for what could be considered a blink of an eye in GATO's and CN's history but to me, it seems a lifetime ago that a post by VE would rip Bob apart. I've been reflecting a lot in this new year and was thinking about how GATO, Bob and I have changed. To you Old Guard as i thing of you, 4 digits in your nations and 2,3, hell 5+ million casualties, Im nothing but a snot nose kid. A po

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

Hoo's NFL Draft Preview: Quarterbacks

To be honest, this year's crop of quarterbacks is pretty underwhelming. There isn't a stand alone slam dunk signal caller that is going to make teams salivate. What you do have is a lot of "maybe", "could be", and "has the potential to be" than you usually see in the first few rounds of a draft. In fact, there isn't a whole lot of separation from #1 to #7 on my list and I moved several of them up and down numerous times before settling on an order. No sir, there is no Sam Bradford in the 2011 N

Van Hoo III

Van Hoo III

Still Alive

But it was by no means a triumph. Number wise, the hoard lays claim to a little over half of the players. That is quite low for how it usually is by the end of Wednesday. But we have lost 2 missions in a row, the Zombies are completing missions and getting perks. The next two days are going to be a slaughter. They have a Boomer (Drops an instant spawn point when stunned), several Thralls (reduced stun timers), Tanks (2 minute stun, socks only), and several Blights (A rather complicated unit



Why I became a GOON

I started my nation in Feb 07 when I saw the link on Fark.com. Irony tag assplodes by the time this blog is over. I didn't read the Fark thread about the link, though, so I wasn't really aware that there was a Fark alliance or that they were in the deathgrip of a war with GOONS. In fact, I wasn't really aware of any alliances; I knew there were alliances, but I didn't see any reason to join one, I just collected taxes every day. I never got techraided because I never bought tech--why buy som



2 Months of Nukes

My war with MK began on the 1/28/2011. After almost a month of warfare with MK already, on 2/20/2011 ODN declared war on Kerberos Nexus. It has now been almost 2 months since ODN declared war on Kerberos Nexus, how has the war went for them? Well here you can see how many nukes have been exchanged over the last 2 months. This doesn't include nuke reports from more than 2 months ago, as those haven't been recorded. You can also get a close estimate of how many wars I've fought looking at the nuke



Stieg Larson

Back when the Forite Order of Raiding and Anarchy was busy pile driving a bunch of yokels into oblivion we discovered two very important things. Sajassbie the alliance is alright and we are still good friends to this day. The Moralist Front were/are some of the biggest OWF bandits in Cybernations. I think we Forites got threatened with rape and disfigurement about 389 times by those silly geese and they never once the delivered. The only one who even bothered was that Damsky guy and I was wel

Captain Enema

Captain Enema

Humans vs. Zombies

It's that time again, for the most awesome game of tag ever. Humans vs. Zombies is, basically, a week long excuse for college students to run around campus with Nerf guns. It is awesome. Last session we had over 700 people playing. How it works, is on Monday morning, right after midnight, everyone is a Human, except for three or four "Original Zombies." The basic premise, is that if a Zombie tags a Human, that Human becomes a Zombie, but Humans can "stun" Zombies for a short period by shoot



A Canadian Election Story

But no, it's not about this election. Grab some cocoa and sit down. The story's not a terribly long one, but for astute followers of either Canadian politics or the American media this may provide a smile or two. Our story begins in my home town of Toronto, a few days after the September 4, 1984 General Election. I was sitting at home watching TV when the phone rang. It was John Oostrom, newly-elected MP from the Riding of Willowdale. He said that on election night he had spoken with all of h

Ashoka the Great

Ashoka the Great

NBA playoffs western conference

ok the western conference is set. 1.Spurs vs 8 Grizz. i have Spurs in 6-7, but i can smell and upset. i just find it hard to pick against San Antonio who for 90% of the season been playing Great basketball. a nice mix of Vets and young players. Memphis does bring in size to match the Spurs in Marc Gasol and Zbo Memphis also has the perimeter player to hang with them in battier and Rudy Gay. i can smell a possible upset but the Spurs have TONS of experience in the playoffs where Memphis doesn



New peace mode stats

https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoJD-FIuyoB0dGlWeUlaNDluUzZ3NXhub1ZPV1M0LVE&authkey=CMmrnf4C&hl=en#gid=3 All stats were gathered between about 14:30 and 16:00 cn time. I'm posting it now because I didn't have time to look at the numbers until now beyond doing a reality check The changes in lineup: VE and FOK have been added for Doomhouse after their DoWs on NADC OSA has been removed from the DH side, since they are no longer at war with the surrender of ASU CD, NSO, TOOL,

flak attack

flak attack

NBA playoffs. eastern conference

the east is set. so i'll start off in the eastern conference. and in a few days i'll do the western. 1.Bulls 8.Pacers i have Bulls in 5-6 games no way Pacers have the talent to score many points in this series a sweep wouldn't shock me 4.Magic 5.Hawks Magic in 7. Orlando is a little deeper of a team than Atlanta. in crunch time i dont like Atlanta go to players. i'll take Magic in 7 3.Celtics 6.Knicks i have Celtics in 6. Boston can guard both Stoudemire and melo. New York doesn't even



Outsourced: Another Reason to Loathe Him

I don't watch basketball (especially pro-ball). Sometimes, I get into March Madness but that's about it. I find the game a bit boring (though if you like it, have at it). It's rare that something basketball related gets my attention. This is on of those rare times. From NBA.com: Kobe Bryant is someone who, for as long as I can remember, has had this air of smugness around him, like he can do/say whatever he wants and get away with it (at least relatively). Huge turn-off. This incident is just

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil

Update: Almost There

There are about two weeks left in Lent. It has been a bit rough at times because I gave up some major vices for Lent. That list includes sweets (i.e. candy, soda, ice cream etc.), fried foods (I love buffalo strips, especially with honey mustard), and pizza (which I have tons of access to on an almost daily basis). In general, part of the reason for giving up those specific things is 1) I'm trying to get leaner, 2) in a few days there is an event at which I will attempt to run 3.2 miles which is

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil

A small proposal

For the Love of God, Think of the Casualties! Convention Preamble. The undersigned alliances, wishing to prevent the de-escalation of conflicts into peace mode, and the horrifying devastation it brings to casualty counts, proudly commit to the For The Love of God, Think of the Casualties! Convention. Article I. Each signatory joins this Convention individually, as a unilateral solemn commitment to its principles and intentions. This document does not constitute an alliance or pact between th



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