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Update: Another Long Weekend

That was meant in both good and bad ways. It was another weekend filled with clouds, rain, and cool temperatures, but this time nature decided to add a lightning show, heavy fog, and some tornadoes in a nearby county. I got off of a six-hour shift at 10 Friday night, showered and changed, then headed back downtown to see a friend of a friend perform at a bar. It was a good performance, but the bar was fairly dead. I went to another bar a block away and met up with some people, where I was until

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil

Of Beer and Men

In the Paradoxian Beer Hall there is a newly dedicated subforum for beer reviews. Since our coming out party, there has been a flurry of activity from across the cyberverse. While many drink and post, it's becoming quite clear that there is only one Tyrant of the Tavern. Zac the Sage accounts for fully 2/3rds of the threads in this particular subforum. His strategy for beverage success involves building his own six packs at the local grocery store and so sampling a wide variety of drinkables



NPO Front NS Stats

https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AprwA4GlvgCxdDdfRFhKUzU4RjFTZDZLLXhzSnpmZEE&hl=en&authkey=COma5s4F Added table of all alliances engaged, their starting NS on their day of declaration, current NS, and the percentage lost. A couple of the smaller alliances I couldn't get stats for because they weren't big enough for UE to track. There is an error with the NPO's side's NS, because I used the 1/24 numbers instead of the actual date they DoW'd. I'll fix it later. I've been thinkin



First Blog introduction

Hello first i would like to tell you something about me. I am a very experienced CN player(been playing since the first month) i have been in every war except the latest one, my old nation was delete due to inactivity last September (it was a top 25 nation). Now i want to tell you something about this blog, it will be updated daily and will consist of many aspects of TTK including news regarding TTK, New treaties,new allies, new programs, ect (everything about TTK. Lastly I would like to say I w

East Prussia

East Prussia

Unimportant Notice

From the desk of the GPA Minister of Foreign Affairs. I was informed that a few hours ago an inexperienced GPA Recruiter (at his first tries) mistakenly went backwards and not forward into the new Nations list, in that way sending repeat PMs to 125 Rulers. Some of these Rulers had by then probably already joined other alliances. I wish to apologize to said people for the unintentional SPAM delivered in their Inboxes. Be sure that the crazy spammer has already been put at arranging Ikebana to



Long-Term Peace Mode Nations of the Mushroom Kingdom

On January 24th, the Mushroom Kingdom, as a part of Doomhouse, declared war on the New Pacific Order. On January 26th, two days later, a group of alliances countered with the bulk of their higher NS nations in peace mode. At the time of the counter-declarations, the following Mushroom Kingdom nations were in peace mode, and have been in peace mode continuously since then. Infrastructure: 8,999.99 Nation Strength: 67,404.359 Infrastructure: 15,500.99 Nation Strength: 65,616.456 Infrast



ATTENTION Umbrella/GOONS/Nordreich!!!!!!

It has come to my attention that I am in control of around 40 black senate votes. If you really want to win your senate war I will accept candy, a puppy, or sexual favors. I will also be willing to sell the votes for private access to Doomhouse secrets. Including a VIP seat during negotiations with Pacifica, an alert system for when you begin your next Pre-empt, and backstage access to Toad's Kitchen. NoR....if you can't find any puppies, candy, or want to keep your virginity; just cancel on



Alas, Babylon

Welcome to Temporal Paradox where I will tell you how people are spending their free time on our forums. The Library Reading of A Game of Thrones has ended, and the discussion has begun! There are several AGOT topics to choose from in the library including one wherein we try to one-up HBO's casting. Stop by and have fun. If Fantasy isn't exactly your cup of tea, you might enjoy the April/May book of the month Alas, Babylon. Reading will take place this month with discussion occupying in Ma



What I drank last night, or maybe night before, I dunno, it's a blur.

Actually, I had half a pint of Jacky D's Sour Mash, as I like to call it. But lets get to the beer part. First, Old Rasputin. It !@#$@#$ rocks. Nice imperial stout, rich and thick. My current fling. Try some today, kids. Er, young adults. From some site, which mirrors my thoughts exactly. (and too hungover to write my own) Blue Moon. Solid fruity type drink. A Belgian White, I believe, tastes strongly of oranges. Good stuff. Mich. Light. As in, light in the pants. It was as if



A relic of over 3 and a half years ago.

So a couple weeks ago I accidentally remembered my login information for my old photobucket account, did some looking and found this. I figured I'd share it just for the humor aspect as well as for the historical note. I present to you... the PIAT web I used to maintain back in 2007. Observe the beautiful simplicity, the treaty spamming of RIA, and the fact that probably well over half of the alliances represented are long dead.

Lord Boris

Lord Boris

Update: A Tale of Two Days

Monday, 9:30 a.m. I walk out of my townhouse to go on a morning run. It's a beautiful sunny day. It's warm with a light breeze from the South. People that I see seem in high spirits at the beginning of what will be a great Spring day. Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. I walk out of my townhouse on my way to work. It feels less like April and more like early Winter. The temperature is just above freezing, but a stiff wind out of the North makes it feel far colder. A light shower of snow is falling. And peopl

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil

Update: Sudflood XXI

This is actually from this past Sunday... Sudflood is an all-day (i.e. 1pm to 2am) concert that my fraternity puts on every year in April, the proceeds of which go to Push America (an organization to benefit people with mental and physical disabilities). There were a couple of years that the concert, for whatever reasons, didn't take place, so this was the first time in a while it went on. It was a blast. I saw a lot of people I had not seen in years. The weather was pretty crappy (40's

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil

A Day Without Dignity - a rant on celebrity driven sexy imperialism

Y'all know the old axiom that starts "give a man a fish"..... The same could be said for shoes, clothing, disposable diapers, baby formula and a whole pile of other crap humanitarian development professionals refer to as SWEDOW (Stuff We Don't Want). So today is supposed to be "One Day Without Shoes" sponsored by the oh so progressive Tom's shoe brand, with a pile of dirty soled melanin challenged celebs leading the barefoot charge for all the poor chirrens of the world who ain't got shoes. B

Juana La Loca

Juana La Loca

More Stats

I have compiled nation strength stats for NPO front using UE's stat thread and lately the charts ingame since he stopped updating a few weeks ago. The graph is publicly visible here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AprwA4GlvgCxdDdfRFhKUzU4RjFTZDZLLXhzSnpmZEE&hl=en&authkey=COma5s4F A couple of notes- 1. The NS stats are 1/10000 scale. 2. I stopped tracking GOONS on the 26th of January when our allies hit. 3. Most of the fighting fell out of Umbrella's range after the firs



Its been a year

So it’s been a year today, one year since Rural Route 3 was founded. I know one year isn’t very long for this community and with our over extensive April fool’s Day, instead of posting this and losing it, I decided to post it here. I want to thank all of you, new friends, old friends, and those I’ve had the privilege to clash with. I find it’s important to reflect on where we have come from because it helps us understand where we are now. Most of this will be an OCC reflection over the past year

Joseph Black

Joseph Black

Update: My Precious

I walk into work on Tuesday morning, and one of the first things that I see is a picture of me printed out next to a picture of Gollum (i.e. from "The Lord of the Rings" film). What really got me was that this was done by one of the managers. I have a couple of thoughts on this: 1) I'm pretty sure I could have called this harassment since this was a manager (which someone suggested I do). 2) This manager is not well liked. Most of us hate him to some degree. I'm actually one of the people that

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil

An Analysis of Recent Theses on CyberNations Morality

This week's Statement From Squad S actually has little to do with current events and is instead a response to some other posts regarding the meta-theory of the morality of war. It is not in any way specific to the current conflict, so I'd like to keep responses non-partisan. There's a little bit of required reading for this post: You Doing It Right? and The Logic of War in CN, from eyriq's recent blog. In his post, eyriq makes important claims about interactions between players in the contro



My Final Four picks:

8. Butler over 11. VCU 3. UConn over 4. Kentucky Championship: 8. Butler over 3. UConn I don't feel confident about any of these, by the way. What a crazy tournament this year ...

Van Hoo III

Van Hoo III

Mohali Showdown

In the minds of many, the one real battle in the world cup. Inspite of a stellar performance by Wahab Raza. The lads in green lose to the blue boys. Celebrations like you have never seen outside of a India-Pakistan cricket match, also equal scale in national mourning on the other side. Regardless of what happens in the finals, in the mind of the average Indian, the cup was won on 29th March 2011. A fact : TV for the Indo-Pak semifinal were more expensive than those for the final. The st

Alfred von Tirpitz

Alfred von Tirpitz

NPO war stats

Change since 1/25 in parenthesis, Changes since 2/28 in brackets, totals at the bottom I'm not going to give commentary in this post, I will in another one once I have updated all my numbers for the week, I hope you find them informative As of Feb 28th Nations 548 Nations in Anarchy 192 (35%) Nations in Peace mode 194 (35.4%) Nations in War Mode 354 (64.5) Active Wars 342 Nation Strength 9,041,137 (-7,547,379) Average NS 16,498 (-14,108) Score 38.95 (-25.88) Land 256,972 (-369,691) I

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

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