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Losses/Gains of the Top 10 War Mode Nations, A Series: Sparta

Alliance ranked by Total NS # number represents place among Alliance Nations, Nation Ruler- Nat Link [Days at war] {Number of Opponents} (Total NS) +/- Change in NS Sparta 1. #2 Ethan the Lionheart- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=146124 [2] {3} (225,357.562) +8,678 2. #3 Justin666- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=132232 [2] {2} (171,701.112) +6,069 3. #4 Tulak Hord- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

Christian Coalition Of Countries stats

CCC Nations: 128 NS: 3,425,783 ANS: 26,764 Score: 14.13 Infra 526,257 Tech 216,702 Alliance Infra/tech ratio: 1:0.412 Nukes: 923 Stock Markets: 62 SDI: 42 MP: 53 WRC: 14 Active wars: 85 Offensive: 62 Defensive: 23 Nukes Thwarted 164 Direct Hits 154 Anarchy: 21 Peace Mode: 46 -135,061 NS since beginning of the war about 1589 NS lost per war, respectable but if they want to have a bigger impact on their front against IRON they need to get their upper tier into the war. Among

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

FARK/FAN/NPO Initial War Stats

On 12/2/2011 at 11:29:18 PM the Ruler "Moose Hole" of Coldy Was the first FARK nation to declare war on the New Pacific Order, his noble reason "Auntie and uncle in Bel-air" no doubt carries with it a deep symbolism to him. As in the last war I plan on giving detailed stats on alliances and analysis on that data as dispassionately as I can, I hope you enjoy. Here Are the initial numbers for FARK, FAN, and NPO FARK Nations: 246 NS: 13,941,587 ANS: 56,673 Score: 51.69 Infra 1,972,889 T

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

Christ, I'm just a kid in this game

90 days of war. Sustained, damaging and brutal. GATO is rebuilding, have been for 2 1/2 months now we only fought for what could be considered a blink of an eye in GATO's and CN's history but to me, it seems a lifetime ago that a post by VE would rip Bob apart. I've been reflecting a lot in this new year and was thinking about how GATO, Bob and I have changed. To you Old Guard as i thing of you, 4 digits in your nations and 2,3, hell 5+ million casualties, Im nothing but a snot nose kid. A po

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

NPO war stats

Change since 1/25 in parenthesis, Changes since 2/28 in brackets, totals at the bottom I'm not going to give commentary in this post, I will in another one once I have updated all my numbers for the week, I hope you find them informative As of Feb 28th Nations 548 Nations in Anarchy 192 (35%) Nations in Peace mode 194 (35.4%) Nations in War Mode 354 (64.5) Active Wars 342 Nation Strength 9,041,137 (-7,547,379) Average NS 16,498 (-14,108) Score 38.95 (-25.88) Land 256,972 (-369,691) I

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

Umbrella Aid Slots, facts, and patterns

Umbrella Aid Slot usage Facts and Patterns The following is a breakdown of the aid slot usage of the Umbrella and the Umbrella Applicant alliance affiliations between 3/24 9:07:14 and 3/15 12:01:33. By cataloging and documenting his information i hope to glean insights on the priorities of this alliance who i have little contact with. Furthermore i hope to make the incredibly efficient and complex system of aid and growth more understandable for the average citizen of planet BoB I will firs

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

MK nations invoved in conflicts

Per request and rounded to nearest thousand First 100 most recent wars 11:02 3/21-3/15, aka first 10 pages Added MP/WRC/MP to the smaller guys (20<) who have gotten beaten down to give some perspective. First 10 pages worth 3/15-3/21 11:02 Top Tier_____________________________________ SynthFG- 109k Renegade4box- 81k Der_Ko- 81k Lord Stark- 77k Floyd- 76k Nerthus-70k Affluenza-70k Neneko- 52k 50-20k____________________________________ Lord Chort- 33k Mecha Sheikh- 38k Instr-

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

MK War Stats

Change since 1/25 in parenthesis Nations 184 (-20) Nations in Anarchy 72 (71.2% of nations in war mode) Nations in Peace mode (84)(45.6% of total nations) Nations in War Mode (101) Active Wars 130 22 Offensive 108 Defensive Massive Counter Attacks 3/13-3/14 and 3/16-3/18 Nation Strength 6,681,738 (-4,756,158) Average NS 36,314 (-19,784) Score 25.30 (-16.17) Land 156,528 (-210,590) Infra 703,056 (-766,186) Tech 649,116 (-220,141) SDI 145 (Ave. 25.8 Nukes thwarted since beginning

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

GOONS War Stats

Enjoy Total Nations: 373 (low point was 2/21 at 274, 101 recruits since then) Nations in Anarchy 94 (25% of the alliance) Nations in Peace Mode 39 Active Wars 296 (.79 wars per nation) Total NS 1,791,554 (Down From 4,896,019 as of 1/25 or -3,104,465) Ave. NS 4,803 (Down from approx 16,824 on 2/2 or -12,021 per nation) was 6,129 on the first day of the massive recruitment (2/21) Total Nukes 354 Total Tech 109,744 (-105,099 since 1/25) Total Infra 279,422 (-612,486 since 1/25) Total Land

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

CSN war stats up to 2/26

As per request All parenthesis are the info from 1/22, the Declaration on Loss Unless otherwise indicated, all stats are from personal notes, and Stats from Unspeakable evils graphs on OWF, The stats were taken from approx. 2:30:28-2:36:29 AM, CN time on 2/26 Nations 125 (152) -27 Nations in anarchy 64 (51.2% of total nations, 3rd highest among nations on BoB) Nations In Peace Mode 21 (16.8%) Nations in War Mode 104 ( With 64 of the 125 nations in anarchy, this means 61.5% of warring natio

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

GOD post war synopsis

As per request If you would like me to tell you approx. the damage GOD and GATO inflicted on each other i would happily PM it to you. Our major upper tier battles were against RIA, this is where the majority of dammage was inflicted on both alliances. The second Major source of damage against us was by TTK who had a great blitz and their impressive middle tier was able to single out and coordinate on specific attacks on non-nuclear GATO nations. GOD, though they coordinated attacks quite well

Kubla Khan

Kubla Khan

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