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What TOP does in its free time--that's not spent playing CN

Entries in this blog

Every Thread is about Polar

It was fun to watch Polars cry about this for the first few months or so, but at this point it's getting kind of annoying. Now I don't follow RandomInterrupt's line of reasoning on this. Personally I believe that because any thread involving a Polar treaty or Polar change of government necessarily affects the circumstances involving their foretold destruction, that it's fair play to remind them of that fact. So if they change ministers or emperors or whatever--IMO--posts like the following ar



Summer CN Activities

Barring the sudden resumption of global hostilities, you might be asking yourself, "What in the world can I do to maintain my interest in this dying game?" The Order of the Paradox has your cure for the Summer peace-time blues! The Beer Hall (link) Aside from the regular spammy nonsense, you'll find that we have a number of sub-forums and summertime specials to cater to your every need (not really, but hey). The Library (link) Last month's book Alas, Babylon while thoroughly enjoyed by all



Of Beer and Men

In the Paradoxian Beer Hall there is a newly dedicated subforum for beer reviews. Since our coming out party, there has been a flurry of activity from across the cyberverse. While many drink and post, it's becoming quite clear that there is only one Tyrant of the Tavern. Zac the Sage accounts for fully 2/3rds of the threads in this particular subforum. His strategy for beverage success involves building his own six packs at the local grocery store and so sampling a wide variety of drinkables



Alas, Babylon

Welcome to Temporal Paradox where I will tell you how people are spending their free time on our forums. The Library Reading of A Game of Thrones has ended, and the discussion has begun! There are several AGOT topics to choose from in the library including one wherein we try to one-up HBO's casting. Stop by and have fun. If Fantasy isn't exactly your cup of tea, you might enjoy the April/May book of the month Alas, Babylon. Reading will take place this month with discussion occupying in Ma



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