I don't watch basketball (especially pro-ball). Sometimes, I get into March Madness but that's about it. I find the game a bit boring (though if you like it, have at it). It's rare that something basketball related gets my attention. This is on of those rare times. From NBA.com:
Kobe Bryant is someone who, for as long as I can remember, has had this air of smugness around him, like he can do/say whatever he wants and get away with it (at least relatively). Huge turn-off. This incident is just
There are about two weeks left in Lent. It has been a bit rough at times because I gave up some major vices for Lent. That list includes sweets (i.e. candy, soda, ice cream etc.), fried foods (I love buffalo strips, especially with honey mustard), and pizza (which I have tons of access to on an almost daily basis). In general, part of the reason for giving up those specific things is 1) I'm trying to get leaner, 2) in a few days there is an event at which I will attempt to run 3.2 miles which is
That was meant in both good and bad ways. It was another weekend filled with clouds, rain, and cool temperatures, but this time nature decided to add a lightning show, heavy fog, and some tornadoes in a nearby county.
I got off of a six-hour shift at 10 Friday night, showered and changed, then headed back downtown to see a friend of a friend perform at a bar. It was a good performance, but the bar was fairly dead. I went to another bar a block away and met up with some people, where I was until
Monday, 9:30 a.m.
I walk out of my townhouse to go on a morning run. It's a beautiful sunny day. It's warm with a light breeze from the South. People that I see seem in high spirits at the beginning of what will be a great Spring day.
Tuesday, 9:30 a.m.
I walk out of my townhouse on my way to work. It feels less like April and more like early Winter. The temperature is just above freezing, but a stiff wind out of the North makes it feel far colder. A light shower of snow is falling. And peopl
This is actually from this past Sunday...
Sudflood is an all-day (i.e. 1pm to 2am) concert that my fraternity puts on every year in April, the proceeds of which go to Push America (an organization to benefit people with mental and physical disabilities). There were a couple of years that the concert, for whatever reasons, didn't take place, so this was the first time in a while it went on.
It was a blast. I saw a lot of people I had not seen in years. The weather was pretty crappy (40's
I walk into work on Tuesday morning, and one of the first things that I see is a picture of me printed out next to a picture of Gollum (i.e. from "The Lord of the Rings" film). What really got me was that this was done by one of the managers. I have a couple of thoughts on this:
1) I'm pretty sure I could have called this harassment since this was a manager (which someone suggested I do).
2) This manager is not well liked. Most of us hate him to some degree. I'm actually one of the people that
Some advice to help with that hangover that you should have today:
-Sports drinks (you pissed away a lot of electrolytes...literally)
-Eggs (cysteine helps get rid of hangover-inducing toxins)
-Bananas (see sports drinks)
-Painkillers (I'm talking Aleve or something like that, not oxycodone or vicodin).
-DO NOT drink coffee (this may actually make you feel worse)
Hope everyone (myself included) feels better.
I'm sure a lot of you are too young to remember the 1993 Super Storm (or weren't even alive...damn I feel old), but it was definitely a big deal. Even my home town, which is in a meteorological mountain shadow, got 18 inches of snow and we missed a few days of school (we would have missed more, but it hit on a weekend), we lost electricity, and it affected a third of the country with everything from flooding to thunder-snow. Some of the drifts were taller than I am now.
This was back when winte
Oh dear, where to begin.
1) After only about 5 hours of sleep, I had to be at work for a double shift, and it was totally boring. A relative waste of time.
2) Went to a bar with two mates (one of whom is JP) only to find that everyone was going to a bar (in a nearby city) that JP and I had been talking about going to for months. We are halfway there when we decide (based on time and things we must do the next day and so on) to turn around and go back home (by which I mean a bar where we live)
I say unlikely mainly because most would not expect a football player to stick their neck out into political issues, and less so in the manner that Brendon Ayanbadejo of the Baltimore Ravens did. From "The Baltimore Sun:"
For those who don't know, the significance of the timing of this is that a marriage equality bill is one step away from being passed in Maryland. There will likely be a vote in the House on Friday (having already passed in the Senate) and the Governor has already pledged to s
I hope everyone got their indulgence out of the way yesterday.
Since I'm not Catholic, I only have limited knowledge of how this stuff goes. Today is the start of Lent. A friend of mine from back when I was in grade school told me that it was traditional to give something up for the 40 days of Lent and usually I do so every year (although since the beginning of Lent changes every year, sometimes it passes without me even realizing it).
This year, I decided that I would be giving up sweets (hen
The cold grip of Winter has finally loosened. Around these parts, we have enjoyed a few days of unseasonably warm weather with a few more ahead of us. It looks like there will be a cool down after that, but I'm definitely enjoying the warm spell while it lasts. Mid 60's today and spending as much time outside before work as I can. Hope you guys have some good weather too.
I loathe Winter with a passion. An early end is much welcomed.
Representative Christopher Lee of New York (26th) has resigned his office. Apparently, he had an ad on Craigslist in the "Man seeking woman" section that included a shirtless picture. Side note: he's actually pretty fit for a Congressman. Here's the problem: he has a wife (and a son to boot). Good luck with that Mr. Lee
P.S. Can you guess what party he is in?
Sometimes, I wonder why people say the things they say because they say things that are utterly stupid. Such was the case when I read this story about Media Day during the week leading up to the Super Bowl:
I have never understood Groundhog. A bunch of people in Pennsylvania wait around a hole in the cold for a rodent to pop its head out and see whether or not Spring ends early or drags on another month and a half. The worst part is that this little guy is far less accurate than normal weather-people (61% fail rate, or so I read). This goes on the list of stupid holidays with Columbus Day and St. Valentine's Day.
Personally, I prefer Arbor Day. At least trees give us shade...and paper.
Her father campaigned in 2004 on a largely culturally conservative platform. Seven years later, Barbara Bush, daughter of former president George W. Bush, has joined the likes of Meghan McCain, daughter of Arizona Senator (and two-time presidential candidate) John McCain. Both ladies are daughters of high profile social conservatives who have seen past the homophobia of their fathers to come out publicly in favour of marriage equality.
In a video posted on YouTube by the Human Rights Campaign,
I spent the early part of this week in a haze. Only my worst hangover felt this bad. It started Sunday night around 10pm. A friend of mine picked me up to see a film ("No Strings Attached," which I recommend seeing) and I started feeling sore in my throat. I remember thinking about getting popcorn to help with that (a substitute for gargling with salt water...which I have always hated). I didn't but, but I did take some Nyquil but couldn't get to sleep until around 2am.
My alarm went off at 8am