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The downfall of CN

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The NDAA Act....

So the final straw has broken the camel's back in my eyes... the US government cannot get anymore corrupted then it is with a scumbag president who spews !@#$%^&* about threatening to veto the bill, and then withdrawing all threats... needless to say I am pissed. What are your thoughts on this bill that collectively takes a !@#$ on the bill of rights. Sections 1031, 1032 and 1034 allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens... Citizens of the United States are statutorily excluded on

GDI Crossfire

GDI Crossfire

"Surrender" Terms

I've always wondered about the "protected" status alliances offer to POW's. I do not think very highly of people surrendering, as to me, it seems they are deserting their alliance for their infra. Infra can be re bought, it takes a lot of effort to patch up a trust for someone, and sometimes not at all. What this all leads up to is that, you can't really "guarantee" immunity to those that surrendered, as their own alliance members may end up attacking them for desertion, subsequently the former

GDI Crossfire

GDI Crossfire

The CN Banhammer

Sometimes if I'm browsing the forums and nothing really catches my eyes, I look at ban appeals just for the hell of it, to see why people were banned, and if they are given a chance to reedeem themselves. I have found that many of the bans were for trivial things, or even emotionally driven during times of war where tempers are flaring, and tension is devastating. I have also found that many of the bans were for multi's (and in most cases the appeal is denied rightfully so) but some of the multi

GDI Crossfire

GDI Crossfire

Life on the Interstate

Ok so i think we have all had some !@#$%* times on the interstate, and some either fun times or WTF moments. I shall share some of these WTF moments that i have collected over the past 4 years. Some of this you may find hard to believe, but i promise you it is all true. 1. Was driving down I-77 one time, late to a friend's concert, i was going at least 90 MPH praying that a cop wasn't around, when i see this convertible with pimped out rims, and an insanely loud motor, pass me like I was parked

GDI Crossfire

GDI Crossfire

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