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A Dark Templar Announcement

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1297649387' post='2631893']
Just get Valhalla to step in and do something about it. You guys can change everything, what the hell is this I don't even...

We have our own schedule and time and place will of our choosing.

Don't tell me you actually think that anything being demanded by Xiph on behalf of CSN is even remotely justifiable.

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[quote name='NorthernLights' timestamp='1297650725' post='2631964']
True - honestly I don't really care about the details. It just seems like it's going to be one of those situations that won't go away. That may be the only thing it shares with the IRON - Gre. thing.

It will go away after CSN drops some more nukes on DT and collects a few more tears.

[quote]If we need your input on terms for Pacifica we'll give you a call.

Don't stay up. [/quote]

I'll give my input whether you like it or not. Deal with it, Ardus.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='General Ozujsko' timestamp='1297650556' post='2631956']
Never said that you're "loosing"...but your warchests will not sustain a prolonged war against DT.
That's ok, I'm sure your warchest will not survive a prolonged war against...THE SUPERFRIENDS! :blush:

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1297649415' post='2631898']
[url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=LoSS"]LoSS is definitely at peace now.[/url]
Actually, they are at peace with Hydra, which is the treaty chain that initiated this whole mess, as said in the OP. Considering that peace exists, this one should too. But, for the reasons outlined in the OP, it doesn't.

[quote name='Jaymjaym' timestamp='1297649537' post='2631907']
I don't believe LoSS are completely out of the war yet(just with Hydra I believe).
Yeah, scratch that guys, I thought I had read that LoSS was out of the war completely. :P

Then the main issue I see from your side is that LoSS apparently thought it was wise to call DT in (via an ODP) when they could have exited the war with a white peace that day.

I'll say it once again, hopefully this mess will be sorted quickly.

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1297650967' post='2631978']
CSN should pay reps to DT for them having to deal with those tantrums from Liz.

Face it, CSN. You're circling the drain. Get out of this war now before you end up disbanding during a war your coalition is winning.
Clearly this is killing us.

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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1297650936' post='2631975']
The best thing about this thread is seeing all the closet moralists come scurrying out of their holes.

You're next. :smug:
This has nothing to do with Moralism or tech raiding. This is about CSN demanding high reps from DT....

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1297649905' post='2631925']
Guess what genius? They used an optional clause to attack DT and now are whining because DT joined the war via an optional clause. Is VE teaching CSN the art of double standards?

Guess what genius! The guy I quoted was asserting NO treaty at all. Go crawl back under your rock.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1297650759' post='2631965']
I don't like that anyone other than Polar is even being considered to pay reps. They came in on a defense clause people. It's not like they hit people with no treaty or physical connection to the war. Surely if you hail us for taking AZTEC in the manner we did, then giving DT reps for a defense clause entry entry is a little...well...hypocritical, no?

Bottom line: I don't like myworld, but even I think this sucks.
I think Sparta is filled with pretty levelheaded people, and hopefully you guys will see some of your allies you made since Karma arent the best of people, I miss having you as allies Sparta.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297650430' post='2631950']
Prepare to never see peace. :smug:

Noted Penkala, should we regard this as an official VE stance or you talking out of you rectum again?

Edited by Dajobo
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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1297650936' post='2631975']
The best thing about this thread is seeing all the closet moralists come scurrying out of their holes.

You're next. :smug:
[color="#0000FF"]I had no idea I was in the closet. I always thought I was quite openly flamboyant about my moralism.[/color]

[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1297651301' post='2632001']
Noted Penkala, should we regard this as an official VE stance or you talking out of you rectum again?
[color="#0000FF"]Is there really that much of a difference?[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1297651243' post='2631995']
Guess what genius! The guy I quoted was asserting NO treaty at all. Go crawl back under your rock.
So, um, because you were less wrong than the guy you quoted, but still completely incorrect, that makes you correct?
Well done.

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297651227' post='2631994']
This has nothing to do with Moralism or tech raiding. This is about CSN demanding high reps from DT....
And why shouldn't they? Try arguing that without spinning it into an eternal struggle between justice and depravity. CSN can do whatever the hell they want, if you don't like it you should do something besides run your mouth.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1297651243' post='2631995']
Guess what genius! The guy I quoted was asserting NO treaty at all. Go crawl back under your rock.

I asserted that CSN came into this whole party with the use of no treaty, which they judged as acceptable.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297648775' post='2631854']
The vast majority of CSN's treaties mandated they participate in this coalition.

The majority of your treaties also mandated that you participate on the other side of the coalition.
I'm going to fix a lot of this for you. Keep up.

[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297649010' post='2631868']
I count two MDP+ vs. two MDP+ (NoR, NoV vs. GR, Brig.) And I count 4 NOIR alliances vs. 2. The four are on our side.

The total count, then, is six alliances on our side of the war, versus four on the other side of the war.
Who the **** is NoV? NoR and NV were on their side of the war before GR were active enough to declare on Legion IIRC.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1297650254' post='2631941']
Your side made it clear a while ago noir is nothing to them when sparta dowd nv
Let's be honest here. Everyone knows that NOIR is only a tool for bandwaggoning. Economically it offers nothing of value and Black is way too split and always has been for an actual bonding time.

[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297650430' post='2631950']
Prepare to never see peace. :smug:
Ask Ramirus how that went buddy.

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1297650878' post='2631971']
If we need your input on terms for Pacifica we'll give you a call.

Don't stay up.
I heard there is a chance of dying due to insomnia, you might want to tease him some more... Please.

[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1297650936' post='2631975']
The best thing about this thread is seeing all the closet moralists come scurrying out of their holes.

You're next. :smug:
Buddy, I'm one of the most anti-moralists here. I tech raid a guy twice and make him commit suicide like he was a someone on Manic Monday but, these terms are !@#$.

Penkala, you need to stop White Knighting. Liz isn't worth it. And I'm p. sure she's on her period at the moment.

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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1297650784' post='2631967']
I think the mistake has been made that this is about participants in a larger war trying to resolve a reasonable ending once a front has been closed.

What is going on here is a couple individuals using a war as a cover for banditry. It's opportunistic extortion, plain and simple.
This really isn't even slightly an accurate characterization.

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