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Everything posted by TypoNinja

  1. TypoNinja

    Ad Hominem

    If its still not wrong, then only by accident. The entire point of a fallacy is faulty logic, which leads you to a faulty conclusion. While its technically possible that a conclusion based on logical fallacy is correct, the point of a fallacy is that you had a flawed method of reaching that conclusions. If it happens to be the right one, its sheer coincidence. You've probably also committed a non-sequiter in the process, since the process used to reach the conclusion is wrong. Worse, the coincidence can lead one to believe their flawed process was in fact correct, spawning more errors in the future. If you ever discover you have managed to commit a logical fallacy yet still have the right conclusions, check again and resolve the conflict. Because from a debating stand point, even if you have the correct conclusions, the logical fallacy in your process means you lack any convincing means of justifying that conclusion.
  2. [quote name='NoMercy' timestamp='1324244146' post='2881365'] 2. There is more guilt loaded on Xiphosis than advocating for harsh terms. His is a !@#$@#$ bigmouth who deserves the ass-kick. [/quote] Well hell, if that was the only requirement everybody on the OWF would be at ZI or on the way.
  3. Over five years, that is pretty crazy isn't it?
  4. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1320428874' post='2838506'] I voted yes into disbanding Alterego. [/quote] Third party write in option? We have a winner.
  5. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1320190986' post='2836785'] :wtc: How would unilateral white peace even work? [/quote] It's been done a few times in the past. Usually when rolling micros who've made the error of pissing off a major power. You roll them till yer satisfied, then just stop.
  6. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1318739818' post='2826062'] One wonders why VE would repeatedly go out of its way to obstruct the efforts of the largest alliance currently fighting on behalf of your own allies, the ones which you have decided not to defend. It is an odd way to express your gratitude. I await your thank you note with bated breath. [/quote] Somebody feeling a wee bit touchy? Read my post again. I didn't even specify how I felt about the validity of Rayvon's denial. I only said two things that are pretty easily agreed upon to be true. Having plausible deniability in any incident is useful/good. And having it, the trick is convincing third parties how genuine it it. I'm not obstructing you, I'm certainly not obstructing your war effort. I didn't even say how I feel (though anybody who knows me could probably make a pretty solid guess at my positions). I left a decidedly neutral comment, and you saw it as an attack. Somebody got a guilty conscience?
  7. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1318725332' post='2825867'] "Anyways, the rest of NSO gov weren't aware of the fact I was the source of the info until about 10 minutes ago when I told Rayvon." Clearly by the fact that you've opened your mouth I know you haven't read the post you even quoted. [/quote] Well deniability is always good, the real trick will be how many people give such claims any credibility.
  8. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1318414256' post='2823404'] Ummmmm ok. I am sure legion appreciate you trying to support them and all but it would be better support if what you said actually..you know..made sense? [/quote] I think whats he's trying to get at is a modified "might makes right" argument, with a dash of "An armed society is a polite society". If you find yourself wronged by somebody who is large enough to be a threat you tend to treat them differently than if you are wronged by random micro number 639. Two major alliances dealing with one another tend to reach a diplomatic compromise, a major alliance dealing with a random micro tends to get exactly what they want or the micro gets to eat somebody's boot.
  9. You can be competitve. This is my second nation, I lost something like 2 years of growth. When I existed CN I was in the top .1%. Now I'm not quite in the top 10%. But holy crap, I'm nearing the top 10% of the game despite losing two years of headway. I'll probably never see the top 1% again, but that's not the point. Too many people !@#$%* and moan and try to excuse it as being no fun or unfair because they can't catch up. What they really want in instant gratification, its a remarkably common attitude in north America, but certainly not limited to there. The idea that you should be able to be the best at something just because you want it bad enough, and if you can't get it clearly somebody should make those big meanies doing better than you stop being exceptional. You can catch up. I caught up, you will never be the best of the best, but you can definitely still grow to a significant size. New nations are extremely unlikely to ever become the best, but they have more than enough opportunity to be able to matter. If you really want a stat game focus on TE, it resets regularly. But remember that SE is a political game too and your nation is only one piece of it.
  10. Alright, trying this again. First off, we always see suggestions like these, suggestions of people whining. Its always couched in terms of "fairness" and "catching up", but what it is, is a symptom of the society of instant gratification fostered for so long. Nobody wants to work for their gains, they want to join a game and be able to be in the top 10 next week. They don't care the 5 year head start somebody has, they think they should be able to 'catch up'. Every game which isnt based on a resetting round (or new server launches) sees people like that all the time, the lazy people, the people who think they are entitled to more for less work because they showed up late. Its silly on its face, but lets go to the actual bad ideas now This is another "Boo hoo I can't be as cool as the high ranked guys" suggestion. Its basically saying "take years of effort and flush it down the drain because I have an inferiority complex". But that's not the terrible part, that's just the bad part. The terrible part is that its an idea to turn off tech. With tech importing gone (bye bye tech deal, the corner stone of the CN aid system) and tech degrading, everybody will quickly have an identical amount of tech. Somebody will do the math, and figure out the best amount of tech to maintain to get the biggest bang for your buck. With everybody having the same amount of tech.... Why have tech at all? Everybody will have the same tech infra upkeep discount, everybody will have the same bonus damage, everybody will have the same econ bonuses. But that's just the beginning, you've now made the WRC way less useful, the econ wonders that adjust based on tech, also now just a homogonous econ block, maybe even not so good anymore depending on where the tech stops. Wanna take in game politics driven by game mechanics? There is more than one alliance whos identity and power are about their crazy tech stockpiles. They worked hard to get those too. TOP is TOP because they have crap tons of tech and money. Think we wont see a couple of wars the second we see an update announcing that somebodies alliance is about to drop 300k tech? Don't think people will want to try and secure an advantage for themselves before their advantage gets taken away from them? Oh boy, you know why there's a foreign aid cap? Because admin wanted somebody to play his game, not hop skip and a jump clear up to 20k NS. Oh let me explain. 3 mil is chump change now a days, alliance growth patterns are limited by incoming FA to new nation. The trick in CN has always been redistributing the wealth. An alliance wants to get the cash from the high nations down to the low nations where its got lopsidedly high value. When my infra costs 20,000 times yours it's a far better investment to give you the cash. The FA limit is there to make sure people actually play the game instead of getting gifted half way up to endgame. But that's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that its already criminally cheap to sit at 1k infra and nuke forever, less than 5 mil a day, less than that even depending on trades and wonders. Based on a 2 billion dollar warchest somebody could keep hovering at 1k and nuking for over a year 400 days in fact. The only saving grace to that scenario is that eventually the money runs out, and even FA can't come in fast enough. But if we uncap FA, hooo boy. As little as tripling the FA from 3 mil to 9 mil is enough for outside funds to keep our nuking friend going indefinitely. 9mil every other day should be just enough to keep the nukes flying, and that low low on hand cash once you hit that point means spy ops and GA's aren't gonna nab very much of that on hand cash. A couple of guys with 5 billion a piece could fund 10 guys at indefinite nuking for 200 days. 12 guys raining nuclear Armageddon for over 6 months. Who could then immediately rebuild to a quite high level thanks to that uncapped FA. Find a home, sign up for growth program, 20 days later sitting on 100 mil or so they should find themselves back up to 5k infra and on self sustaining back collects in short order. But hey, none of these are issues right? Lets uncap FA cause people can't get their instant gratification, lets do away with tech because the people who haven't been working at it 5 years think they should be able to compete favorably with the people who have! There couldn't possibly be any negative consequences for completely breaking a games economy and invalidating one of its core mechanics!
  11. Oh what the $%&@. I type out a big ass wall of text hit add reply and it just evaporates? No message, no pop up just gone? $%&@ you blogsystem!
  12. Bottom Of the Barrel War Its all the crappiest alliances shooting at eachoter, it works!
  13. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1317870640' post='2817708'] To be fair, one nation witn 0 NS would give you 0.02 score, so that's pretty much the minimum you can hit. [/quote] Oh hey cool, never knew that. So a 100 member alliance could never fall below 2 score?
  14. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1317706746' post='2815811'] [img]http://ri5.rialliance.net/poke-legion.jpg[/img] [/quote] If only because I remember the flash you ripped that from, this one is funny
  15. [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317272565' post='2811083'] UPN acknowledged their mistake when they offered to pay twice what they believed the damages to be. NG refused to accept that acknowledgement because it was not nearly humiliating enough and apparently nowadays the opportunity to humiliate other people is the only reason most citizens of Bob get out of bed in the morning. [/quote] VE policy starts at ZI or 3x damages when somebody rogues us, so !@#$%*ing about 2x being outrageous isn't gonna get you to far with the guy said policy is named after.
  16. [quote name='Trekwiz' timestamp='1316936988' post='2808056'] They have no idea what to do with balls. Perhaps I should teach them? [/quote] Neither do you, we repo'd yours when you tried to substitute stupidity and stubbornness for testicular fortitude.
  17. [quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1316544936' post='2804591'] You are welcome. Perhaps the Viridian Entente could use this occasion to actually reflect on those individuals and groups that did make your resurrection possible. And then, for extra credit, reflect on why so many felt the Viridian Entente, as a community and a group, deserved to be brought back. If an actual reflection was done, and thought put into such an exercise, I think you'd realize that you are making tremendous mistakes that are still yet fixable. [/quote] Polar wants to talk to VE about fixable mistakes? Well actually, now that I think of it, you guys are experts on that subject. Lots of experience there.
  18. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1315721879' post='2798594'] Didn't the game also accept my peace mode? I'm not sure why his war takes precedence over that. I would be willing to continue fighting the war in peace mode, the only thing that would be affected are spy operations and since I have a higher tech level it would have more of a negative effect on me. [/quote] Seems logical to me, the game is already designed to not let you declare war on a peace mode nation, hence if there is an active war you were not in peace mode when it was declared, even if only by fractions of a second.
  19. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1315686789' post='2798268'] I've never understood how there could even be confusion in this case. "Don't aid alliances at war" isn't a very difficult concept. [/quote] Because reality has little bearing on the OWF.
  20. No one is going to stand up and seriously claim tech dealing with a nation at war doesn't count as war aid. Because if they do the next time they are at war they'll find that their enemies all suddenly have [i]lots and lots [/i] of tech deals. I bet 3/50's become suddenly very popular. You really have to pay attention to the propaganda you attempt. When its that silly its just a waste of time. At least do us the courtesy of coming up with something that isn't completely ridiculous. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1315686694' post='2798266'] Well that last batch of aid you sent to Methy was titled "War Aid" so can we cut the crap about it being "tech deals". Clearly that wasn't the case. [/quote] And if that's the case, you really be up !@#$ creek now. Pleading member ignorance is one thing, we've all got plenty of members not active enough to know better, but actually calling it 'war aid' just sunk ya.
  21. [quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1315658701' post='2798009'] Sounds perfect because I know it's just an empty idle threat But nice try to flex nuts [/quote] Its a threat? Why would it be a threat? Didn't you just finish telling us it was acceptable behavior?
  22. Nice thought with the topic, problem is people that are clueless enough to send cash to a rogue, probably are also too clueless to read the OWF. [quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1315628421' post='2797814'] No I see your point, however they are threatening other people with war and reps who may not know the situation and thinks they are simply doing tech deals, which goes back to my point that if they don't check the owf then they aren't knowingly aiding meth rage who is at "war" They see it as cutting off funding. I see it as restricting the flow of services in a legit private deal between two nations and they don't have the right nor the might to enforce that globally [/quote] From this point forward I will go out of my way to buy tech from people your alliance is at war with. When you complain about it, I shall link you this post. Sound good? Edit: Forums seem to have borked the quoteing lesse... I think thats got it.
  23. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1315091224' post='2794024'] That was a very long time ago. [/quote] I will admit to being a truly old fart.
  24. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1315089262' post='2793999'] I actually see progress being made as most of CN realizes how horrible GOD is. [/quote] Does no one take pride in themselves anymore? I remember when all would condemn rogues for the negative incident they are, instead we get school yard crap spewed everywhere. If I were you I'd be embarrassed.
  25. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1315082335' post='2793906'] Arexes said it better, but we are not taking GOD's side, but you are still a nuke rogue. We know what's it like to be at the other end of a nuke rogue with full wonders/improvements. But congrats on that warchest, very impressive and good luck. I think it would be hard to not rogue with 11b sitting there collecting no interest. I also repent of my blasphemous behavior toward Johan. May he have mercy on me. [OOC]Making fun of the Potter thing though is pretty unoriginal and would constitute an "OOC attack" in my book. Not cool. Oh how times have changed from the UJP days. [/OOC] [/quote] I was just reading this topic full of hails aimed at nuclear rogues and thinking how far Standards have fallen over time. I remember when alliances would attack their own rogues as an unimpeachable gesture demonstrating they did not in fact approve of that behavior. Instead now a days people stand back and cheer. My opinion of many has lessened today, but, my opinion of you has risen today. Cheers.
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