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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297656522' post='2632211']
already explained the treaties multiple times. too bad you don't even know what you are talkin about just spouting some nonsense you think is true.

also, love how you state how many treaties we have on your side but then go on to state how we dislike your side... makes a lot of sense there...

as for our PM nations, it is more like 50% not 66% and anyone with eyes can see that. we gained 84k from 2/9-2/11 and in the past 2 days lost 64k total. on the other hand, since 2/10 CSN has lost 50k per day for 200k total. that is close to 4 times the amount of NS lost by DT. so, your earlier statement of our losses being equal is also proven wrong. again, anyone with eyes can see what you posted to be false.

what i wonder is how much CSN will start to lose once DT's nations come out of PM... as well as how many more members they will lose (but remember, all their members supposedly support the extortion reps people).

Percent of DT nations in peace mode: 60%
Percent of CSN nations in peace mode: Less than 20%

You're losing roughly 60k NS per day and CSN is losing roughly 60k NS per day.
Way to be completely dishonest and only include 4 days when 2 of those days are the only 2 days you have NS growth, though. That's real great for your credibility.

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[quote name='JackSkellington' timestamp='1297656647' post='2632226']
If you don't account for the ODP DT activated, DT totally jumped in with no treaty.

If you account for CSN's treaty chain cb to hit LoSS failing at last minute, CSN totally jumped in with a treaty.
lol, love the fact they annoyed about DT using a optional treaty to jump into war yet didn't have any treaty or even a remotely valid cb to hit us, CSN have showed they are really classy right from the start of this war.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1297656646' post='2632225']

Yeah, DT's most likely not going to pay 40k tech. Glad we agree! And no, it's not 'incorrect'. The terms offered early in the war will likely be reduced by the time DT accepts peace. They may pay reduced reps, or they may get white peace. Depends on how they act and how CSN feels. None of this contradicts itself. I'm not sure how this is so hard to understand. CSN is either going to get their reps, or this war will last longer and eventually end with lower reps being paid or white peace. None of my post contradicted itself. Read it again.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297656514' post='2632210']
Believe it or not, they were willing to negotiate. And DT would only have had to pay 10k tech. And, DT had more tech when the terms were conceived and had fought much less.

Regardless, the war hasn't been going on very long. Give it some time and the terms will be reduced. Everyone's panicking at these terms which were given to an alliance that had just had what, 1 or two weeks of warfare?

Hmm, I've heard this before from you guys, let me flip it back for you: "Whether it's now or two weeks from now, you won't be getting that tech." Sit and spin, buddy.

For the Fifteenth time, CSN *had* a treaty chain but it fell through at the last moment. Regardless, CSN would LOGICALLY be on VE's side of the war. DT should have been neutral or on OUR side if they wanted to help their allies. Instead, they joined the other side to get a shot at us. *shrug*

Not only has this been thoroughly debunked but there is absolutely no way we would be on VE's side. Our first ally in this war was NV, who was hit by Sparta. And then came Nordreich. It is very clear where our allegiance was after a NOIR partner hit our MDOAP ally. All of this has been explained at least 20x in this thread alone. But keep thinking we're supposed to be on your side, clown.

To all the support we've received - thank you. It means a lot. Our resolve is strong.

To CSN govt and their stooges - We need not conquer CSN. We only have to resist being conquered. Give up, already...because you're never getting that tech.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297656911' post='2632243']
Percent of DT nations in peace mode: 60%
Percent of CSN nations in peace mode: Less than 20%

You're losing roughly 60k NS per day and CSN is losing roughly 60k NS per day.
Way to be completely dishonest and only include 4 days when 2 of those days are the only 2 days you have NS growth, though. That's real great for your credibility.

i looked at our chart. we lost 64k in the past 2 days. so lie #1. we have 26 nations out of 49 in PM, which is 53% so lie #2.

way to be completely dishonest when anyone can go onto CN and look at our chart and # of nations in PM. actually i included from the 9th. i stated from the 9th-11th we gained 84k NS and from the 12th-13th we lost 64k NS. for CSN, i counted from the 10th-13th. which is actually 1 days less. had i included the 9th, it would have shown that CSN dropped almost 200k on the 9th alone. but yes, i am somehow being dishonest unlike you who i have shown to have outright lied on 2 points. also, if you count the entire war, you won't even come up with CSN having lost only 60k per day. CSN has lost almost 2 million NS since the war began, whereas DT has lost only 600k.

but again, keep up the lies mate. and please try to state i am somehow lying when i have CN charts and statistics backing my facts up and you have absolutely nothing. just so you know, in order to have 60% we would have to have 29 members in PM. which we don't as shown by CN stats page. but this is the best logic and destruction of any argument i have seen from you yet penk.

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[quote]Not only has this been thoroughly debunked but there is absolutely no way we would be on VE's side. Our first ally in this war was NV, who was hit by Sparta. And then came Nordreich. It is very clear where our allegiance was after a NOIR partner hit our MDOAP ally. All of this has been explained at least 20x in this thread alone. But keep thinking we're supposed to be on your side, clown.[/quote]

Brigade was your first treaty partner to enter the war, a week before NV was hit. 6 days actually, but you get the point.

[quote]i looked at our chart. we lost 64k in the past 2 days. so lie #1. we have 26 nations out of 49 in PM, which is 53% so lie #2. [/quote]

What'd you lose all the days before that though?

Yeah... that's right.

60K per day.

And yeah. 53.1%, not 60%. My bad. I'm so evil.

FROM THE 29TH: DT has lost 625,000. CSN has lost 1.3m. Not "2m"

The facts.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Fronz' timestamp='1297656641' post='2632224']
You should check out my previous post then:
That's not really logic, just a comment on the OWF, and also has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

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Just a note to some people: discussing numbers of who is hurting who is not going to solve any issues here. The fact is, bloodshed is not what we hope to gain or advertise in this thread. Instead, we would like to understand why CSN is demanding such an exorbitant amount, preferably not from Penkala's obviously slanted and incorrect book of party lines.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297657331' post='2632263']
Brigade was your first treaty partner to enter the war, a week before NV was hit. 6 days actually, but you get the point.

DT has an MDP with Brig, and Brig has not been attacked by anyone. Thus I'm not sure what you're stabbing at here.

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[23:22] <Xiphosis[GOD]> $%&@ no. USN's in SPAM and you damn well know it.
[23:22] <Xiphosis[GOD]> I help people I obligate myself to help.
[23:22] <bud> aside from USN
[23:23] <Xiphosis[GOD]> If they're in SPAM and not USN and worth helping in all situations, they get bumped up to CA - an actual MDP.
[23:23] <Xiphosis[GOD]> Also something you know full well.

I feel like a superstar getting mentioned during this whole situation :P
Good luck to all parties involved, hope white peace come from this.

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[quote name='dejarue' timestamp='1297655883' post='2632174']

Were you just going to keep skipping over the fact we're not only fighting DT and hope nobody noticed? Over and over? How many times do you think you can get away with that?

Maybe you forgot DT was fighting Legacy as well

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297657331' post='2632263']
Brigade was your first treaty partner to enter the war, a week before NV was hit. 6 days actually, but you get the point.

What'd you lose all the days before that though?

Yeah... that's right.

60K per day.

1) Brigade may have been on your side but never got hit. NV on the other hand got hit and by 2 of those NOIR allies you keep spouting off at the mouth about. good to see that logic of yours continuing to work at optimum levels.

2) actually we have lost 600k in 18 days, which is less than 60k per day (in fact it is 33k per day) but again, i understand that math is hard for you as is logic. also, CSN has lost 2 million in the same amount of time, which is far greater than 60k per day (in fact it is around 111k per day). so no matter what, your argument has been thoroughly debunked.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297657331' post='2632263']
Brigade was your first treaty partner to enter the war, a week before NV was hit. 6 days actually, but you get the point.

What'd you lose all the days before that though?

Yeah... that's right.

60K per day.

And yeah. 53.1%, not 60%. My bad. I'm so evil.

FROM THE 29TH: DT has lost 625,000. CSN has lost 1.3m. Not "2m"

The Brigade is a MDP, and I don't believe they ever got countered.

EDIT: Kain beat me to it >.>

Edited by xR1 Fatal Instinct
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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1297657563' post='2632272']
DT has an MDP with Brig, and Brig has not been attacked by anyone. Thus I'm not sure what you're stabbing at here.

I was just correcting him about the order of allies to enter, which was somehow important to his point. His first allies to enter were, in fact, on VE's side.

[quote]The Brigade is a MDP, and I don't believe they ever got countered. [/quote]

Fair enough.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1297654416' post='2632124']
Please tell me that the people who were lauding Sparta's ridiculous "coalition warfare" actions aren't supporting CSN and GOD in this embarrassment.

Were they ridiculous before the tactic was employed against you or your side? I never saw you condemning FAN's attack on IRON or NSO's attack on Molon Labe or anything or any of the people who have complained doing the same. I really don't care either way here since it's not like DT has been friendly. On the other hand, they did attack Legacy who are the reason due to their extreme cowardice you get to use "ridiculuous coalition warfare" as a propaganda point, so it's kind of a wash. It was hilarious to see them get hit by an NV ally.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1297650759' post='2631965']
I don't like that anyone other than Polar is even being considered to pay reps. They came in on a defense clause people. It's not like they hit people with no treaty or physical connection to the war. Surely if you hail us for taking AZTEC in the manner we did, then giving DT reps for a defense clause entry entry is a little...well...hypocritical, no?

Bottom line: I don't like myworld, but even I think this sucks.

See below, your naivety is impressive.

[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297651906' post='2632019']
Somebody's mad? CSN had to pay stupid reps to the Hegemony(because all reps are stupid) in the GATO-1v War. They fought in Karma against the unjustices the Hegemony did from post-UJW to the Karma War. Now they are asking for ridiculous reps too. [b]Karma was supposed to get rid of this !@#$.[/b]

Those dreams were only the dreams of politically weak alliances with no real political principles or backbones. Yes, I'm talking to you Sparta, MHA and the legions moralistic bandwagoners. You turned the tide in Karma on a ridiculous pipe dream of a great new world. Xiphosis was and still is a determined leader with a backbone. He and Archon among others have played you like the suckers you are. I'm gonna laugh as I watch you shift and shift to stay on the side that portrays itself and "more moral" to you. You simply aren't good enough politically to ever be more than a pawn in any game you play. Strong-willed leaders like Xiphosis will always make the world go round, you don't have that and probably never will due to a substandard internal culture.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297657331' post='2632263']
Brigade was your first treaty partner to enter the war, a week before NV was hit. 6 days actually, but you get the point.


Brigade declared offensively on the 20th, without any prior warning to DT. We have a non-chaining defensive pact. We had no obligation and informed them as such. EDIT: They were never countered, as well.

NV was attacked on the 24th by Sparta, our NOIR "ally" you keep saying we're buddies with. A well-informed person would know our reaction to that.


I'll concede that Brig was the first to enter but it didn't mean anything...really.

Edited by General Ozujsko
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Also I love how Bud and Xiph literally cannot have a conversation without reminiscing on days gone by.

...The old farts.

Good luck with the whole crying to the OWF thing, DT. Hope it works out for you! (Okay, no, I don't.)

Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297654640' post='2632132']
not really. cuz we never stated the amount of reps was too low. nor did we demand any reps from CSN. we asked for an apology and then retracted that the moment CSN refused. other than that it was white peace. your analogy comes nowhere near the mark.
Whether you retracted it or not, the fact of the matter is that you still asked for an apology from the people you had previously said you were willing to pay reparations to. That pretty clearly falls into the realm of "calculated insult."

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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1297646856' post='2631774']
I'm still staggered by the proposed reps. That anyone thinks these are appropriate is beyond me.

I agree. Further, the magnitude of them is proof positive of Xiph's influence in this affair.

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