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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297501539' post='2630199']
Finally teh awr we should have had in worst war ever!

Life contracts and death is expected,
As in a season of autumn.
The soldier falls.

He does not become a three-days personage,
Imposing his separation,
Calling for pomp.

Death is absolute and without memorial,
As in a season of autumn,
When the wind stops,

When the wind stops and, over the heavens,
The clouds go, nevertheless,
In their direction.

just my two cents. No harm meant.

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Good luck, TOOL.

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1297514211' post='2630247']That explains a lot of things.[/quote]
It is very funny that you are just now figuring some self evident stuff up. Says something about some delusions that you had about the political landscape.

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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1297525351' post='2630347']
Come on, surely you can find a treaty chain somewhere. :PThat's funny, we went into this war expecting to gain NS.Had to happen sooner or later. :PAlso, good Lord, both of our armies suck at attacking.You got us. That's exactly why we did it.-Bama

Watch out 'Bama he's a tricky one, he may sekret aid himself.

Also: Hello Azaghul, I'm rapidly (and I mean rapidly) headed your way. :awesome:

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1297535224' post='2630454']
I thought Mia and her crew left TOOL when a disbandment vote failed. I guess they're back.Don't worry, we'll finish what you started.

That was meant in the [s]Pre[/s]Post-Karma sense of course.

Edit: Yep.

Edited by HalfEmpty
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[quote name='bkphysics' timestamp='1297536356' post='2630472']
Enjoy TOOL and have a great fight!

I know NpO is low on your totem pole of alliances you like, but I am happy to see you all stand up with your ally and fight alongside us all who are engaged in this conflict.

Something tells me that TOOL has no intention of being identified as an alliance on Polar's side.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1297535224' post='2630454']
I thought Mia and her crew left TOOL when a disbandment vote failed. I guess they're back.

Don't worry, we'll finish what you started.

Glad to know that I have a crew. Also you think awfully high of yourself if you think your disbandment threats even make us shake in our boots. Keep talking big, we knew what we were getting into when we entered. Our nations may burn but you do not determine our alliance's fate. TOOL determines that but keep talking big, I am sure it amuses yourself.

If that is the best you can come up with, good luck.

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