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Impero's Game: The Truth About the Alleged Spying and Evidence of Deception

Rebel Virginia

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1295660394' post='2590153']
I'm amused by how all the people who got betrayed by Lennox are unquestioningly willing to present everything he's saying as true, accurate, and complete. One minute you're all declaring him duplicitous scum, but that fact is overlooked when Rebel Virginia posts some logs of a conversation with him, all the while screaming "HYPOCRISY" at VE.

He is scum for victimizing Dajobo, and if i recall no one claimed his screenshots of the logs were "omgz fakz". The only contention was that Dajobo had no malice in his actions and he was being baited into this whole ordeal. Is he gullible for trusting a former polar who he had a friendship with? Yeah, but by no means is he a master spy who was orchestrating this whole thing.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295660155' post='2590132']
Still doesn't explain why Dojobo would have taken the initiative to suggest MK or VE.

Sure, Dajobo suggested Mk or VE and Lennox chose VE. Now we have this information showing that Impero provided Lennox with information to give to NpO and I think we have a pretty good understanding of why Lennox chose to 'spy' on VE rather than MK.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295660539' post='2590170']
[color="#0000FF"]Unfortunately, Lennox's logs with Impero were not saved, so my interview with him and the evidence he gave to me is all I had to work with, but it is more than enough for any impartial truthseeker to piece together the real story, as I myself did.[/color]

There is no such thing as an impartial truthseeker here. I suggest you goto GPA or one of the other neutrals, they're as impartial as it gets.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1295660006' post='2590124']
As of 8 hours ago I know of more than a couple alliances that were on the fence, mostly cause they just could stomach fighting for NpO. The affect this may have is pushing some of those alliances towards NpO. One has to ask, "If they are willing to do this to NpO, whose next?"

If all that Lennox has said is true (I am still a skeptic) this war will end up defining the future of our world.
I hope the first part is true. Would make the war more fun for everybody.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295660324' post='2590148']
You may be jumping the gun just a tad bit, given that Impero hasn't even posted a response yet. Then again, perhaps I should think back to my recent post regarding people immediately believing to be true what they want to be true.

I wouldn't expect an immediate post - he didn't spend countless hours planning it out meticulously like the rest of his scheme.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295660539' post='2590170']
[color="#0000FF"]Unfortunately, Lennox's logs with Impero were not saved, so my interview with him and the evidence he gave to me is all I had to work with, but it is more than enough for any impartial truthseeker to piece together the real story, as I myself did.

@LittleRena, here are the direct links to the links in the image, a PM to Lennox from Impero. They are still active.

<Lennox> http://oi52.tinypic.com/2j0h91j.jpg
<Lennox> http://oi53.tinypic.com/28u18uu.jpg
<Lennox> http://oi51.tinypic.com/2djb190.jpg
<Lennox> http://oi54.tinypic.com/25re89z.jpg[/color]

Did it not seem suspicious to the impartial truthseeker that someone planning a double cross would make the mistake of not saving logs incriminating one party? I think impartial is the wrong word.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1295660312' post='2590147']
Almost as credible as Schattenman, which isn't credible at all.
While they both spin as much as they can, I don't think either RV or Shatt would put up fake screenies. Lennox however absolutely would, and he would gladly give them to RV as real. I mean if you're going to betray Dajobo, you would be crazy not to screw Impero.

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[quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1295660679' post='2590180']
I hope the first part is true. Would make the war more fun for everybody.

On a personal level I'd still rather see Polaris destroyed. However, I planned on fighting on their side through proxy if it allowed just because. Like I said the CB doesn't matter to [i]me[/i] however to most it will.

Also, Crymson and Aruds running around like headless chickens trying to do [b]damage control[/b].

You two look ridiculous.
RV looks incredulous.
It is very fabulous.

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1295660386' post='2590152']
I apologize if I misused the term, sometimes the finer points of term usage in English escape me. Anyway, I wasnt addressing the OP with that line, but rather something on the first page;

Since everybody hangs on every word here, I will do my best with my English.

That's actually genuinely my bad. For some reason I said to myself "I should PM this" and then posted it anyway.

To the topic at hand, it would seem Impero's timeline casts doubts upon RV's reaching implication that Impero had talked to Lennox prior to Lennox talking to Dajobo.

Edited by TheNeverender
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295660539' post='2590170']
@LittleRena, here are the direct links to the links in the image, a PM to Lennox from Impero. They are still active.[/color]

Yeah, I was trying to explain the filetype diffrence and being the same file.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1295660421' post='2590155']
Are you suggesting that NpO would never consider something like this to eliminate any opposition should they ever be on top of or close to the top of the food chain?

How many wrongs make a left again?

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1295660526' post='2590164']
And you're willing to immediately accept the information he gave to VE, without first confirming it? While we can argue about what happened after the CB, we can confirm that VE did no independent confirmation before declaring war. That's placing the same trust in Lennox you are now decrying everyone else for.

These logs are probably true. Whether or not they change anything, well that's up for each of us as individuals to decide. One thing is for certain, the CB was not as innocent an infringement on VE as they'd like us to believe.
Don't confuse my statement for one of defense of Viridia, Impero's conduct, or anything of the sort. I can't believe they offered him protection afterward.

The lacking "innocence" of the Entente boils down to a claim that Viridia wanted this war, to which I respond "duh." We wouldn't be at war if the Entente didn't want it. You don't have to stretch details and goof around like this to see that. It's apparent from the conduct that war was desired and pursued at first opportunity. I just don't think that's a bad thing.

Change is good. War is change. War is good.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295660539' post='2590170']
[color="#0000FF"]Unfortunately, Lennox's logs with Impero were not saved, so my interview with him and the evidence he gave to me is all I had to work with, but it is more than enough for any impartial truthseeker to piece together the real story, as I myself did.

You're hardly impartial. And since you don't have the logs, you're resorting to the barest of circumstantial evidence. You haven't proven mens rea, and your lack of logs shows that you have no actus reus either.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1295660569' post='2590173']
Actually, I'll make this its own thread

This is a blatant lie, and thus it changes nothing. You know it and Lennox knows it. I never approached him about going to polar, he approached me with his inital logs of Dajobo. This was not enough to constitute proof (and quite frankly, since he couldn't get me screen shots because he was on mibbit and only logs, I didn't exactly belive him), so another conversation with actual proof of it being Dajobo was necessary.

Below you will find proof that this is a lie. First are screen shots of my logs with Lennox, along with the file creation and last alteration dates. You will see that they have not been altered (the last modification date is the last time I spoke with him on that nick), and you will see that[b] the first time he approached me was after his conversation with Dajobo[/b]. Second is my PM box, with the date and time Lennox PMed me the logs of his initial talk with Dajobo, which was, as you will see, during the conversation where he revealed the existence the fact.

I challenge Dajobo to post the logs and file information of his conversation with Lennox as well.

[color="#0000FF"]No lies on my part. I may be one of the few left on good terms with Lennox, but I trust him. He feels a little bad about screwing over Polar, but not too much. He still hates you more than you know though. I can't verify the exact order of who spoke to who first, but it is pretty obvious to everyone that you were working with Lennox. You provided him with the war chest information, and you had him show it to Dajobo, who had no idea what he was going to be looking at.[/color]

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1295660445' post='2590156']That's a poor choice of words like the Hindenburg was a minor technical error.
[/quote]Yes, his poor choice of words did have blow back of epic proportions, but they were poorly chosen words nonetheless and not some crazed conspiracy.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1295661033' post='2590200']
You're hardly impartial. And since you don't have the logs, you're resorting to the barest of circumstantial evidence. You haven't proven mens rea, and your lack of logs shows that you have no actus reus either.

big words dont make u smart, goon :((

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295661050' post='2590201']
[color="#0000FF"]No lies on my part. I may be one of the few left on good terms with Lennox, but I trust him. He feels a little bad about screwing over Polar, but not too much. He still hates you more than you know though. I can't verify the exact order of who spoke to who first, but it is pretty obvious to everyone that you were working with Lennox. You provided him with the war chest information, and you had him show it to Dajobo, who had no idea what he was going to be looking at.[/color]

So the best we have to go by is your word. Wonderful.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295660812' post='2590188']
On a personal level I'd still rather see Polaris destroyed. However, I planned on fighting on their side through proxy if it allowed just because. Like I said the CB doesn't matter to [i]me[/i] however to most it will.

Also, Crymson and Aruds running around like headless chickens trying to do [b]damage control[/b].

You two look ridiculous.
RV looks incredulous.
It is very fabulous.

It is better that they answer to these accusations than to ignore them, this has been presented in such a way that they appear to be quite convincing. Kudos to RV and Lennox for that at least.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1295661019' post='2590199']
Don't confuse my statement for one of defense of Viridia, Impero's conduct, or anything of the sort. I can't believe they offered him protection afterward.

The lacking "innocence" of the Entente boils down to a claim that Viridia wanted this war, to which I respond "duh." We wouldn't be at war if the Entente didn't want it. You don't have to stretch details and goof around like this to see that. It's apparent from the conduct that war was desired and pursued at first opportunity. I just don't think that's a bad thing.

Change is good. War is change. War is good.

Then I believe we're in agreement. I'm fine with war as long as we're all honest why it happened. Hiding behind manufactured Casus Belli and face-saving "diplomacy" is just a needless masquerade.

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Somehow the PR wars surpass the importance of the In-Game wars - cool stuff. Nice try at flipping this Polaris, however, I think you not succeed. But to each his own... :lol1:

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