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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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I get the feeling that everything the GGA does gets blown way out of proportion because of their past failures. They have some issues with foreign affairs, but I don't see why they they're getting reamed over this. They were trying to apply what they learned from their past mistakes by trying to cover their arse before they got flamed to Hades and back. Even if this was a case of misunderstanding as to the nature of DJ's statement, I don't think they deserve the flaming right now that they are receiving.
I think that the GGA gov thought it would have been easier to do it this way instead of contacting people privately. This decision has obviously come back to bite them though. I guess that this is just another thing that the GGA can learn from. I just wish people didn't just bandwagon onto the GGA hate. These threads are filled with tons of people who are kicking what used to be a great alliance that is down. I mean, Ochocinco has presented a great plan to reform and improve them. If the great minds of CN did the same, perhaps they will stop making these mistakes and become a reputable alliance again. But then again... this is CN. People won't listen to reason and will just continue to pick on the weak kid because they're easy to make fun of...

Dont even, Just because the GGA hasnt done anything to you doesnt mean they havent messed with everyone else -_-.

The GGA is a joke itself, The trolling will continue until GGA disbands, I dont see any way the GGA can come out this.

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Seeing how apologies to your allies are made beforehand, I would think it contains some not so nice remarks about those allies.

I expect you guys to be consistent and, after kicking a member from the triumvirate out of the alliance for foul words about your allies, also expel the members responsible for these new remarks.

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Seeing how apologies to your allies are made beforehand, I would think it contains some not so nice remarks about those allies.

I expect you guys to be consistent and, after kicking a member from the triumvirate out of the alliance for foul words about your allies, also expel the members responsible for these new remarks.

Exactly; this smacks of a politically motivated action against DerekJones. Seems too convenient to me.

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However I'll go with your break down and if that is correct, I would like to know more about this DJ/elephant graveyard/vox relationship.

Cause the phoenix hungers?

On topic:

GGA, probably not the best course of action for foreign affairs. It's more of a backfire at least in the public eyes, who knows what's been said behind closed #'s.

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How many of you can truthfully say, over the past 2 years or so, there is not one thing that has been said in your government channels that would keep from your allies and/or planet bob as a whole?

It's private for a reason, it's where the government can go and !@#$%* about everything they hate, be allies, members, or posters in general. I can easily admit that I have done all of the above, yet do my allies need to (or will) find out what was said? hell no.

As for GGA as a whole... I've never really liked you guys, but I'm not gonna "troll" or "flame", just offer some friendly advice. OWF blackout.

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I have to be honest, we've been trying this "going green" thing for power and the constant bad weather has made solar power a bit of a crap shoot. So what we do is post these OWF threads to generate heat from the flames of the trolls to heat our houses on the cheap!

Take that, overpriced utilities! :awesome:

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Thank you RV. I appreciate the mention. Some people forget that actions taken by their governments destroyed other peoples homes.

I thought you said that NPO was not the cause of your disbandment, and rather clearly, said that Moo tried to do everything in his power to keep you guys afloat. Althought NPO may have played a large part in your disbandment you made it seem like they had absolutely none and tried to lend a helping hand.

Either way, DJ, never did like you. You constantly play to the crowd. When GGA was on top you supported them, when they're down you kick dirt on them. Am I the only one who can see through all these masks? Am I the only one who's even normal anymore?

Good luck. ;)

EDIT: So many spelling mistakes I've no idea what was up.

Edited by The AUT
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On the brightside, it really can't get much worse for GGA's reputation at this point. They have truly hit rock bottom.

I thought you said that NPO was not the cause of your disbandment, and rather clearly, and that Moo tried to do everything in his power to keep you guys afloat. Althought NPO may have bad a large part in your disbandment you made it seem like they had absolutely none and tried to lend a helping hand.

Perhaps you should read Stumpy's explanation of why TDSM8 disbanded.

Edited by Revanche
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I thought you said that NPO was not the cause of your disbandment, and rather clearly, and that Moo tried to do everything in his power to keep you guys afloat. Althought NPO may have bad a large part in your disbandment you made it seem like they had absolutely none and tried to lend a helping hand.

Either way, DJ, never did like you. You constantly play to the ground. When GGA was on top you supported them, when they're done you kick dirt on them. Am I the only one who can see through all these masks? Am I the only one who's even normal anymore?

Good luck. ;)

Normalcy will not be tolerated! Burn the witch!

On the brightside, it really can't get much worse for GGA's reputation at this point. They have truly hit rock bottom.


Edited by SilverHawk
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Normalcy will not be tolerated! Burn the witch!


Do you have a reply worth giving that isn't ridiculous? Because the past two posts don't make it seem that way.

And terry thank you for this perfect sig quote.

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On the brightside, it really can't get much worse for GGA's reputation at this point. They have truly hit rock bottom.

Are you prepared to stand by that statement? :v:

Seriously GGA, you need to take a step back and really analyze the way you're presenting yourselves on the world stage. Something clearly just isn't clicking right.

Edited by Style 386
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Ironchef, GGA in general: People have opinions. Good alliances debate, vent, and hash out how they feel about this or that. Yeah, I'm dead sure there's a ton of insulting, trollish crap in those logs, including shots at allies. As for me? I don't care. I don't think you can be a decent alliance if you don't bring stuff up in general, and you can't expect everyone to act polite all the time.

Private channels are a sanctuary away from the overbearing, rigid moral standards of public and they should stay that way. I wouldn't worry about it, I'd worry about salvaging your reputation, getting some growth going, and getting yourselves organized.

When you catch me agreeing with Xiphosis, you know something's up. Yeah this is that happening.

Also, work on the whole sense of humour thing, GGA.

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What, I'm not allowed to play the sterotyped part of a GGA member? Make up your mind!

The problem is that you are being a stereotyped gga member. Why don't youtry and post something intelligent and coherent to make your alliance look better instead of giving up and going with the flow of stereotypicism?

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Okay, now that I've actually read the 13 pages, I think I'll contribute.

[22:08] <DerekJones> And you already put me on the target list once :-P

[22:08] <Sognatore> it happens

[22:08] <DerekJones> And that managed to get into TWiP for its sheer stupidity

[22:08] <Sognatore> because TWiP matters oh so much

[22:09] <DerekJones> It's helped to establish GGA as a joke

[22:09] <Sognatore> not to anyone that matters

[22:09] <Sognatore> but thanks for your input

[22:09] <DerekJones> Keep thinking that

[22:09] <DerekJones> Who was the last non-newbie, non-former GGA member to join GGA?

[22:09] <Sognatore> I'll think what I'd like and you can think what you'd like and we'll see how it goes

[22:10] <DerekJones> I think we're seeing that already

[22:10] * DerekJones points to GGA's !@#$ reputation and sinking score

[22:10] <Sognatore> DJ go get some sleep. You've gone off your rocker

[22:10] <DerekJones> And if it really doesn't matter what is said in the TWiP, then what's the problem with sending my entire #smokeybackroom over to Vox?

[22:11] <DerekJones> You know, stuff about your <edited out>

[22:11] <DerekJones> All good reads, and if it doesn't matter to you guys, then what's the big deal?

You missed this part.

Somehow, these logs don't surprise me and it really does prove GGA's stupidity. Now we know that not only do they make the stupidest of mistakes, but they don't even realize it. The highlighted part is was really gets me, because that means basically EVERYONE outside the GGA doesn't matter. Although after thinking about it a bit harder, they obviously do care at least a little bit, considering this topic.

Never before have my services been so desperately needed.

You have my vote good sir although at this point, I don't think even you could save them.

Vultures only ever circle the dead and dying. Talk about back-handed support. :awesome:

I laughed for a good five minutes.

What I see is a mob acting like the crass vultures that they are. Its a shame really, some of the alliances I used to consider having some class are behaving like beasts in this situation.

So its an alliance you don't like, sometimes showing class and honour to your enemies is harder than showing it to friends. What you and the rest of the mob is doing, is showing how quickly a population can go from humanity to the gleeful ignorance of monsters.

You may be finding lulz at the idea of an alliance on the verge of breakdown, but I find the idea of a community being ripped apart abhorant. I didn't like it when it happened to VE, and I don't like it happening to GGA. I believe that any community in strife deserves some compassion.

But of course don't let me ruin the fun for you, I just wonder how you'd have liked it when your alliance and its community was ripped apart.

And this mob is the same one that claims to be so righteous and honour bound, irony tis of thee.

Once again GGA, best of luck in overcoming these problems.

This "mob" is pointing out the facts. These aren't just small opinions they are giving, but facts. GGA is a cruddy alliance. You can look at all their previous actions from the last 6 months just to see that. You can even go farther than that.

Also, I know this has been over used, but I'm saying it again. You and GGA have no right what so ever to complain about ripping communities apart. GATO, Legion, GOONS, CIS, IAA, ONOS, VE (the first), LUE, TDSM8 and even an alliance I was part of, GOLD, all shredded to pieces with NPO involved in one way or the other. You should just consider yourself lucky that the NPO's leadership isn't as bad as GGA's.

Edited by Nintenderek
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The problem is that you are being a stereotyped gga member. Why don't youtry and post something intelligent and coherent to make your alliance look better instead of giving up and going with the flow of stereotypicism?

Because it's the Cole Train, Baby! Nothing can stop the Cole Train!

Plus anything intelligent spoken will still be derided, mocked and flamed. So instead of wasting my time, I'm going to play the court jester because it makes me lol.

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Ironchef, GGA in general: People have opinions. Good alliances debate, vent, and hash out how they feel about this or that. Yeah, I'm dead sure there's a ton of insulting, trollish crap in those logs, including shots at allies. As for me? I don't care. I don't think you can be a decent alliance if you don't bring stuff up in general, and you can't expect everyone to act polite all the time.

Private channels are a sanctuary away from the overbearing, rigid moral standards of public and they should stay that way. I wouldn't worry about it, I'd worry about salvaging your reputation, getting some growth going, and getting yourselves organized.

Short of something coming out that a couple of months ago GGA wanted to bury Moo in the backyard next to Fluffy the cat and that turtle that crawled into the heat duct and didn't get found for a couple of years, I honestly don't see anything but more fodder for the "Burn GGA! Burn!" crowd coming out of this.

Xiph gives good advice here. Move along.

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wow, this was blown out of proportion pretty quickly. Given the fact that DerekJones did release some logs into #vox_populi, I think it's unfair to say that he was 'obviously joking' but maybe that's just me.

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