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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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Really, alliance Govts should not have private channels, they should not have pass codes and all government discussion should be done publicly.

If your alliance is doing the above, feel free to criticise GGA for 'incriminating logs'.

Swing and a miss.

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If the CSN was in this position I'd be laughing myself senseless. Not only would planet bob get a first row seat to some of the most disturbed logs ever they'd be treated with high class stimulating conversation.

I think just last week we had a dead baby joke contest. I've seen convos ranging from which teacher at school would you do unmentionable and adult things with to what makes a better bong- the apple or the soda can.

Soda can btw.

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Really, alliance Govts should not have private channels, they should not have pass codes and all government discussion should be done publicly.

If your alliance is doing the above, feel free to criticise GGA for 'incriminating logs'.

Do you even know what you're defending? If you think it's okay to abuse your allies in private, I'll ask: does IRON do this? If so, why are they still your allies and when can we expect the logs to be released by a disgruntled govt member?

Edited by Aimee Mann
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Really, alliance Govts should not have private channels, they should not have pass codes and all government discussion should be done publicly.

If your alliance is doing the above, feel free to criticise GGA for 'incriminating logs'.

I simply want to know what GGA is so afraid of becoming public knowledge. How long has it been since GGA last did anything on the world stage of any importance (besides take orders from certain allies of theirs). Unless you are planning something and your plan gets leaked before it can be executed, then really you have nothing to worry about.

Past plots are always revealed eventually. It is inevitable. And as for bashing of allies in private channels, well, if you hate them that much you never should have signed with them to begin with. The only thing worth protecting is current information. Things from the past, let the people know. It gives them something to talk about. I'm sure GGA knows this, however, which begs the question, what are they hiding that they are so afraid of becoming known to us?

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I am quite certain that you have approved and actively supported most of these wars. And oh well, there is still CIN and m who you forced to disband. You are the last one who should complain about that.


Though if you read closely you might see that Electron Sponge didn't actually complain about powerful alliances destroying communities, he just pointed out the hypocracy of an NPO member doing so.

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There comes a certain amount of trust and friendship when you're involved in government discussions. I know there have been times when I have gotten pissed off at something and ripped into someone for it privately, in a backhand channel, where I know the logs wont get thrown around CN, and I get up the next day feeling better about myself and that person and move on. Sometimes venting is a healthy way to deal with frustration, otherwise it gets all pent up and then you end up yelling and screaming at the person publicly or via query and nothing constructive happens.

So in summation: as much as I like to lol @ GGA like the rest of you, I'm going to go ahead and say I'd pity them if this happened. Then again, they didn't really take pity when our own private chambers were getting leaked all over CN, so rip away boys :rolleyes:

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So wait, you're apologising (in public) for things you said in your private channel, which DJ isn't going to release, and you aren't going to tell us what those things are?

I think this just smacks of desperation to hold onto allies that you've been trash-talking (or planning against, but I don't think GGA has the power or motivation to do that).

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There comes a certain amount of trust and friendship when you're involved in government discussions. I know there have been times when I have gotten pissed off at something and ripped into someone for it privately, in a backhand channel, where I know the logs wont get thrown around CN, and I get up the next day feeling better about myself and that person and move on. Sometimes venting is a healthy way to deal with frustration, otherwise it gets all pent up and then you end up yelling and screaming at the person publicly or via query and nothing constructive happens.

I agree with you that moments of frustration can be unavoidable, and I wouldn't really blame the GGA if the logs contained occasional moments of annoyance or whatever. The tone of this pre-emptive apology announcement however, (specifically the line, "If these logs are released we would like to take the time now to apologize for what problems his dishonorable behavior has/will cause and the strain this puts on our allies.") suggests that the contents of the logs have the potential to be more damaging to the GGA than just the odd bit of frustration.

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Some people have mentioned it before, but yeah anybody would be worried if 2 years worth of government logs were going to be released. It's a private channel on IRC, people speak whatever the hell is on their minds at the moment whether or not they have completely thought it through. It does not necessarily dictate the alliance's policy.

If our logs were to be released-- I'd go ahead and do some damage control on OWF, make sure people know that these are just private channels for some to vent. At least it will come from my mouth and reduce some of the spinning.

But... when you're the GGA and people are oh so ready to stereotype you guys and spin anything you guys might say... don't take that tip. And when you're posting on the OWF, you're trying to gain the support of the masses as well-- something you guys have clearly lost and probably won't regain in the foreseeable future. It's in your best interests to have just keep a low profile and took care of this with your friends in the private channels.

I probably shouldn't make fun of you guys, simply because I know a couple of guys in there who really do want to help out GGA. So a shoutout to Chaosplayer. :)

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OOC: I smiled when I saw this, sorta reminds me of that little kid who just can't keep a secret...

IC:anyways not exactly brilliant to announces this unless it is proven he is deemed a threat and even if was why announce something that would damage the GGA reputation

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Haha. It sounds like he was just joking to me, but you must have said something bad to have screwed up royally enough to apologize BEFORE anything has even happened. Now you are gonna have your allies wondering what the hell you said about them that was so bad

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Haha. It sounds like he was just joking to me, but you must have said something bad to have screwed up royally enough to apologize BEFORE anything has even happened. Now you are gonna have your allies wondering what the hell you said about them that was so bad

It appears he did post portions BEFORE this was posted.

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It appears he did post portions BEFORE this was posted.

If it were anything incriminating it would have made its way onto the MK private forums (as well as every other alliance's private forums). Because it hasn't I'm going to assume it really wasn't anything, but is instead used to justify this nonsensical paranoia over what was obviously a joke.

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I thought you said that NPO was not the cause of your disbandment, and rather clearly, said that Moo tried to do everything in his power to keep you guys afloat. Althought NPO may have played a large part in your disbandment you made it seem like they had absolutely none and tried to lend a helping hand.

Im sorry but wut? NPO and Moo helped us out... they let us die in peace. They let us disband without having to pay reps from beyond the grave, or worse, forcing us to keep on living despite being a hollow shell. Yeah, Moo helped us in that way, but you can't really claim NPO did in any other way, the reps still killed us. As Revanche pointed out, I explained it in my "Why TDSM8 Disbanded" thread.

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What I see is a mob acting like the crass vultures that they are. Its a shame really, some of the alliances I used to consider having some class are behaving like beasts in this situation.

So its an alliance you don't like, sometimes showing class and honour to your enemies is harder than showing it to friends. What you and the rest of the mob is doing, is showing how quickly a population can go from humanity to the gleeful ignorance of monsters.

You may be finding lulz at the idea of an alliance on the verge of breakdown, but I find the idea of a community being ripped apart abhorant. I didn't like it when it happened to VE, and I don't like it happening to GGA. I believe that any community in strife deserves some compassion.

But of course don't let me ruin the fun for you, I just wonder how you'd have liked it when your alliance and its community was ripped apart.

And this mob is the same one that claims to be so righteous and honour bound, irony tis of thee.

Once again GGA, best of luck in overcoming these problems.

But it was ok for you guys to do this to GATO, Legion, LUE, Onos, NAAC, MK, FAN etc etc etc. This is a shining example of how you guys hold the rest of the world to a separate set of standards than your allies.

GGA has shot themselves in the foot over and over and over and over again in the FA/PR department. At some point in time you need to let them bleed out if they can't be fixed. GGA needs to take EVERYONES advice...ally and enemy alike AND STOP POSTING. If your members can't listen to the gag order. KICK THEM OUT. Anyone, and gov included in this, from GGA posting right now just makes things worse.

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But it was ok for you guys to do this to GATO, Legion, LUE, Onos, NAAC, MK, FAN etc etc etc. This is a shining example of how you guys hold the rest of the world to a separate set of standards than your allies.

GGA has shot themselves in the foot over and over and over and over again in the FA/PR department. At some point in time you need to let them bleed out if they can't be fixed. GGA needs to take EVERYONES advice...ally and enemy alike AND STOP POSTING. If your members can't listen to the gag order. KICK THEM OUT. Anyone, and gov included in this, from GGA posting right now just makes things worse.

Listen to this man, for he is wise.

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