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NG's Not Only Reasonable, but Kind Offer


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29 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

And yet relevant enough that you all jump hoops over each other to reply back to our every word. 


Have you seen how dead this place is people jump over hoops to respond to anybody.  And I mean anybody.  And let's not forget your own allies have been out here talking about how inactive you are.  It is like you are what GATO once was.  A bloated leaderless inactive mess of an alliance that is a meat shied to smaller alliances that run the world.  Do you even have an emperor anymore?   I assume all the ones from the past see you ass to big an embarrassment to bother trying to save you.  

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19 hours ago, DeathAdder said:


Gonna make a prediction and state that NPO will still be standing, and at #1 AA long after several of your current allies are no longer interested in warring for you.


You underestimate this side. We all have a common goal, one which is not going to go away until the goal is achieved. If it takes 2 years, so be it. You could just disband and hence get your white peace. Nobody likes you.

Edited by Thrash
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18 minutes ago, TheBigBad said:


Have you seen how dead this place is people jump over hoops to respond to anybody.  And I mean anybody.  And let's not forget your own allies have been out here talking about how inactive you are.  It is like you are what GATO once was.  A bloated leaderless inactive mess of an alliance that is a meat shied to smaller alliances that run the world.  Do you even have an emperor anymore?   I assume all the ones from the past see you ass to big an embarrassment to bother trying to save you.  

This place has always been dead when you scale it to the amount of nations playing. It has always been a theatre where there is a minimal % of the population of the game that contribute and participate. These days it's an echo chamber of chest beating by a handful of people repeating the same tripe. There's no meaningful or intelligent discussion to entice further conversation. There is far better places to talk and converse.

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1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

This place has always been dead when you scale it to the amount of nations playing. It has always been a theatre where there is a minimal % of the population of the game that contribute and participate. These days it's an echo chamber of chest beating by a handful of people repeating the same tripe. There's no meaningful or intelligent discussion to entice further conversation. There is far better places to talk and converse.


Don't you have a manwha giveaway to attend to, Cress?

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26 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

This place has always been dead when you scale it to the amount of nations playing. It has always been a theatre where there is a minimal % of the population of the game that contribute and participate. These days it's an echo chamber of chest beating by a handful of people repeating the same tripe. There's no meaningful or intelligent discussion to entice further conversation. There is far better places to talk and converse.


If the game is dead, quit. No one is making you play. No one is making you post here. This entire "I'm too cool for CN, everything is boring, I'm above it all" attitude is something most people grow out of at some point. Yet here you are, posting on the OWF, answering caustic, declaring wars, playing CN.


If you hate CN, leave. If it is such a terrible game, no one is begging you to be here. So go. 


But you won't because this entire act that NPO puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains and spit on the peasants below" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of a role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because no one is afraid of you. No one is impressed by the NPO that is now. You are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this boring shell you are now.

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1 minute ago, Lyanna Mormont said:


If the game is dead, quit. No one is making you play. No one is making you post here. This entire "I'm too cool for CN, everything is boring, I'm above it all" attitude is something most people grow out of at some point. Yet here you are, posting on the OWF, answering caustic, declaring wars, playing CN.


If you hate CN, leave. If it is such a terrible game, no one is begging you to be here. So go. 


But you won't because this entire act that NPO puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains and spit on the peasants below" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of a role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because no one is afraid of you. No one is impressed by the NPO that is now. You are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this boring shell you are now.

Pacifica hasn't been interesting since Brehon and Farrin

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I was going to say that an inactive alliance hasn't the aid slot usage of Pacifica, but then I went to check just to be sure and... I'm not going to say that anymore.

At the same time, NG's aid slot usage is basically the same.


Seriously, what happened?

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1 hour ago, jerdge said:

I was going to say that an inactive alliance hasn't the aid slot usage of Pacifica, but then I went to check just to be sure and... I'm not going to say that anymore.

At the same time, NG's aid slot usage is basically the same.


Seriously, what happened?

At least in NG's defense, 1/3 of our nations are currently in peace mode.

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1 hour ago, Lyanna Mormont said:


If the game is dead, quit. No one is making you play. No one is making you post here. This entire "I'm too cool for CN, everything is boring, I'm above it all" attitude is something most people grow out of at some point. Yet here you are, posting on the OWF, answering caustic, declaring wars, playing CN.


If you hate CN, leave. If it is such a terrible game, no one is begging you to be here. So go. 


But you won't because this entire act that NPO puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains and spit on the peasants below" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of a role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because no one is afraid of you. No one is impressed by the NPO that is now. You are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this boring shell you are now.


This entire act that NG puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains of our pixelated casualties pretending not to care and spiting on the inactive alliance we've held a grudge against for years" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because you have no real ambition beyond fruitlessly trying to topple a bunch of so-called inactives at the top of the rankings. No one other than NG is impressed by the NG that it is now, it is barely recognisable from the NG that was. You (in particular) are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this sham pretender shell that you lead now.




You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan, you just ride the coattails of their legacy. The NG of today are just like CLAWS; a hastily assembled merger of individuals who bought into your narrative and you're being shielded by alliances whose legitimate grievances against their opponents you have exploited to keep one side of their coalition busy so you didn't get stomped. That's why you made sure Legion got roped into it early while avoiding RFI yourselves because you knew that by activating RFI they would've defended them (and I know how irate you and LWW got when you found this out- how dare they defend their allies!? They should've done what you wanted right? You don't take kindly to not getting your way all of the time) and they would have given you a much more challenging fight than the majority of RFI could. That's why you goaded people who were victims of Doom raids to jump in against the one front that you refused to touch because you knew what would happen if you did- and who can blame them for wanting a shot at vengeance, at least their motives have far more legitimacy than your grudge war against (as far as you and your members have outlined); an irrelevant bloated inactive alliance. It's not a bad war strategy to mitigate your overall losses but at the end of the day? You have used alliances to pursue your own agenda just as NPO have done in the past. You're no better than them.


You do not truly pursue peace because for starters; NG are not actually interested in peace.  You are not declining terms because you refuse to leave people on the field, it's because if people leave the field before you do then it's game over for you. What if the other alliances can get better terms for peace than a blanket white peace? OG/OBR/CRAP have a legitimate concern that Doom will continue their hostilities when this war ends; what assurances do they have of this not being the case if all they get is white peace, have you bothered to consider bringing this up? White peace benefits you the most because you can walk away scott-free but OBR/OG/CRAP deserve some concessions from Doom that they'll cease their history of aggression and hostile manouvers against them. If you actually cared about them you'd take that into consideration and actually advocate for them instead solely your own selfish interests.


Stop pretending that this is friends > pixels, it's simply realpolitik to pursue your own agenda while alliances each of you have openly mocked for being "terrible" in the past are willing sacrificial lambs for the CLAWS/Doom front so that you don't have to deal with RFI and Oculus simultaneously. The people fighting Doom have a just cause, you are merely pursuing a vendetta that precedes your existence on this planet


Nice display of hubris though, if I'm still around long enough I look forward to seeing how your exceptional diplomacy skills work out for you :popcorn:


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5 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


This entire act that NG puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains of our pixelated casualties pretending not to care and spiting on the inactive alliance we've held a grudge against for years" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because you have no real ambition beyond fruitlessly trying to topple a bunch of so-called inactives at the top of the rankings. No one other than NG is impressed by the NG that it is now, it is barely recognisable from the NG that was. You (in particular) are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this sham pretender shell that you lead now.




You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan, you just ride the coattails of their legacy. The NG of today are just like CLAWS; a hastily assembled merger of individuals who bought into your narrative and you're being shielded by alliances whose legitimate grievances against their opponents you have exploited to keep one side of their coalition busy so you didn't get stomped. That's why you made sure Legion got roped into it early while avoiding RFI yourselves because you knew that by activating RFI they would've defended them (and I know how irate you and LWW got when you found this out- how dare they defend their allies!? They should've done what you wanted right? You don't take kindly to not getting your way all of the time) and they would have given you a much more challenging fight than the majority of RFI could. That's why you goaded people who were victims of Doom raids to jump in against the one front that you refused to touch because you knew what would happen if you did- and who can blame them for wanting a shot at vengeance, at least their motives have far more legitimacy than your grudge war against (as far as you and your members have outlined); an irrelevant bloated inactive alliance. It's not a bad war strategy to mitigate your overall losses but at the end of the day? You have used alliances to pursue your own agenda just as NPO have done in the past. You're no better than them.


You do not truly pursue peace because for starters; NG are not actually interested in peace.  You are not declining terms because you refuse to leave people on the field, it's because if people leave the field before you do then it's game over for you. What if the other alliances can get better terms for peace than a blanket white peace? OG/OBR/CRAP have a legitimate concern that Doom will continue their hostilities when this war ends; what assurances do they have of this not being the case if all they get is white peace, have you bothered to consider bringing this up? White peace benefits you the most because you can walk away scott-free but OBR/OG/CRAP deserve some concessions from Doom that they'll cease their history of aggression and hostile manouvers against them. If you actually cared about them you'd take that into consideration and actually advocate for them instead solely your own selfish interests.


Stop pretending that this is friends > pixels, it's simply realpolitik to pursue your own agenda while alliances each of you have openly mocked for being "terrible" in the past are willing sacrificial lambs for the CLAWS/Doom front so that you don't have to deal with RFI and Oculus simultaneously. The people fighting Doom have a just cause, you are merely pursuing a vendetta that precedes your existence on this planet


Nice display of hubris though, if I'm still around long enough I look forward to seeing how your exceptional diplomacy skills work out for you :popcorn:




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14 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


This entire act that NG puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains of our pixelated casualties pretending not to care and spiting on the inactive alliance we've held a grudge against for years" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because you have no real ambition beyond fruitlessly trying to topple a bunch of so-called inactives at the top of the rankings. No one other than NG is impressed by the NG that it is now, it is barely recognisable from the NG that was. You (in particular) are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this sham pretender shell that you lead now.




You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan, you just ride the coattails of their legacy. The NG of today are just like CLAWS; a hastily assembled merger of individuals who bought into your narrative and you're being shielded by alliances whose legitimate grievances against their opponents you have exploited to keep one side of their coalition busy so you didn't get stomped. That's why you made sure Legion got roped into it early while avoiding RFI yourselves because you knew that by activating RFI they would've defended them (and I know how irate you and LWW got when you found this out- how dare they defend their allies!? They should've done what you wanted right? You don't take kindly to not getting your way all of the time) and they would have given you a much more challenging fight than the majority of RFI could. That's why you goaded people who were victims of Doom raids to jump in against the one front that you refused to touch because you knew what would happen if you did- and who can blame them for wanting a shot at vengeance, at least their motives have far more legitimacy than your grudge war against (as far as you and your members have outlined); an irrelevant bloated inactive alliance. It's not a bad war strategy to mitigate your overall losses but at the end of the day? You have used alliances to pursue your own agenda just as NPO have done in the past. You're no better than them.


You do not truly pursue peace because for starters; NG are not actually interested in peace.  You are not declining terms because you refuse to leave people on the field, it's because if people leave the field before you do then it's game over for you. What if the other alliances can get better terms for peace than a blanket white peace? OG/OBR/CRAP have a legitimate concern that Doom will continue their hostilities when this war ends; what assurances do they have of this not being the case if all they get is white peace, have you bothered to consider bringing this up? White peace benefits you the most because you can walk away scott-free but OBR/OG/CRAP deserve some concessions from Doom that they'll cease their history of aggression and hostile manouvers against them. If you actually cared about them you'd take that into consideration and actually advocate for them instead solely your own selfish interests.


Stop pretending that this is friends > pixels, it's simply realpolitik to pursue your own agenda while alliances each of you have openly mocked for being "terrible" in the past are willing sacrificial lambs for the CLAWS/Doom front so that you don't have to deal with RFI and Oculus simultaneously. The people fighting Doom have a just cause, you are merely pursuing a vendetta that precedes your existence on this planet


Nice display of hubris though, if I'm still around long enough I look forward to seeing how your exceptional diplomacy skills work out for you :popcorn:


well thats certainly a take lmfao

you're gonna start embarrassing yourself when anyone who is actually relevant to that situation looks at that and goes "oh dear."

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25 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


This entire act that NG puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains of our pixelated casualties pretending not to care and spiting on the inactive alliance we've held a grudge against for years" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because you have no real ambition beyond fruitlessly trying to topple a bunch of so-called inactives at the top of the rankings. No one other than NG is impressed by the NG that it is now, it is barely recognisable from the NG that was. You (in particular) are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this sham pretender shell that you lead now.




You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan, you just ride the coattails of their legacy. The NG of today are just like CLAWS; a hastily assembled merger of individuals who bought into your narrative and you're being shielded by alliances whose legitimate grievances against their opponents you have exploited to keep one side of their coalition busy so you didn't get stomped. That's why you made sure Legion got roped into it early while avoiding RFI yourselves because you knew that by activating RFI they would've defended them (and I know how irate you and LWW got when you found this out- how dare they defend their allies!? They should've done what you wanted right? You don't take kindly to not getting your way all of the time) and they would have given you a much more challenging fight than the majority of RFI could. That's why you goaded people who were victims of Doom raids to jump in against the one front that you refused to touch because you knew what would happen if you did- and who can blame them for wanting a shot at vengeance, at least their motives have far more legitimacy than your grudge war against (as far as you and your members have outlined); an irrelevant bloated inactive alliance. It's not a bad war strategy to mitigate your overall losses but at the end of the day? You have used alliances to pursue your own agenda just as NPO have done in the past. You're no better than them.


You do not truly pursue peace because for starters; NG are not actually interested in peace.  You are not declining terms because you refuse to leave people on the field, it's because if people leave the field before you do then it's game over for you. What if the other alliances can get better terms for peace than a blanket white peace? OG/OBR/CRAP have a legitimate concern that Doom will continue their hostilities when this war ends; what assurances do they have of this not being the case if all they get is white peace, have you bothered to consider bringing this up? White peace benefits you the most because you can walk away scott-free but OBR/OG/CRAP deserve some concessions from Doom that they'll cease their history of aggression and hostile manouvers against them. If you actually cared about them you'd take that into consideration and actually advocate for them instead solely your own selfish interests.


Stop pretending that this is friends > pixels, it's simply realpolitik to pursue your own agenda while alliances each of you have openly mocked for being "terrible" in the past are willing sacrificial lambs for the CLAWS/Doom front so that you don't have to deal with RFI and Oculus simultaneously. The people fighting Doom have a just cause, you are merely pursuing a vendetta that precedes your existence on this planet


Nice display of hubris though, if I'm still around long enough I look forward to seeing how your exceptional diplomacy skills work out for you :popcorn:


holy crap. take a chill pill.

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2 minutes ago, KameraadLenin said:

well thats certainly a take lmfao

you're gonna start embarrassing yourself when anyone who is actually relevant to that situation looks at that and goes "oh dear."


If you say so 🤷‍♂️ Just popping my head above the parapet to put forward a counter-narrative with more to it than both parties exchanging spits of bile. I'm not contesting that you're actually advocating for Polar, but I doubt you sincerely give a damn about OBR/OG/CRAP despite your protestations otherwise. You're more concerned with keeping people on the field and even you all knew that getting blanket white peace for all parties was beyond a farfetched pitch.


But hey at least someone in your coalition had the sense to start negotiations.

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1 minute ago, Thrash said:

holy crap. take a chill pill.


I'm feeling pretty zen but thanks for the concern. I know people are used to one paragraph posts of mud-slinging and anything with more than that is people taking things "too seriously" - like I said, just popping in to make a rare post. Enjoy the rest of your day :) 

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1 hour ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan

Hi hello, founding government member of NG here. Gov of iFOK when we merged into NG and held various NG gov positions for the next 4 years after founding ranging from mid gov to triumvir. Current MoIA

What former leaders are you talking about regarding this "true and objectively better NG," because a pretty significant portion of the people who have been running NG for the last 11 years have counselled Lyanna in some form.

You can screech all you want about ly's legitimacy but she has literally decades of NG leadership experience backing her and she has been instrumental in bringing about one of the most coherent forms NG has ever experienced.


Edited by KameraadLenin
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6 hours ago, Tiberius said:

This place has always been dead when you scale it to the amount of nations playing. It has always been a theatre where there is a minimal % of the population of the game that contribute and participate. These days it's an echo chamber of chest beating by a handful of people repeating the same tripe. There's no meaningful or intelligent discussion to entice further conversation. There is far better places to talk and converse.


I am sorry you have nothing intelligent or meaningful to say.  And that you are no longer a part of those who contribute or participate.  But that is not my fault.  Tell you what, you find somebody capable of meaningful and intelligent discussion send them here and we will see what we can do.  You do know that only person who generally represents NPO here is that Stonewall guy. the very opposite of intelligent.  Or even literate to be honest. Seriously what the hell happened to you all?  Is nobody left from the old days than breathe a little life into you?  

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1 hour ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


 The NG of today are just like CLAWS;



Careful.  If you continue to insult both CLAWS and Non Grata with such slander, the only issue that will hold up peace will be in which alliance dungeon you will sit, ours or Non Grata’s.  

Edited by White Chocolate
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1 hour ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


This entire act that NG puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains of our pixelated casualties pretending not to care and spiting on the inactive alliance we've held a grudge against for years" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because you have no real ambition beyond fruitlessly trying to topple a bunch of so-called inactives at the top of the rankings. No one other than NG is impressed by the NG that it is now, it is barely recognisable from the NG that was. You (in particular) are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this sham pretender shell that you lead now.




You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan, you just ride the coattails of their legacy. The NG of today are just like CLAWS; a hastily assembled merger of individuals who bought into your narrative and you're being shielded by alliances whose legitimate grievances against their opponents you have exploited to keep one side of their coalition busy so you didn't get stomped. That's why you made sure Legion got roped into it early while avoiding RFI yourselves because you knew that by activating RFI they would've defended them (and I know how irate you and LWW got when you found this out- how dare they defend their allies!? They should've done what you wanted right? You don't take kindly to not getting your way all of the time) and they would have given you a much more challenging fight than the majority of RFI could. That's why you goaded people who were victims of Doom raids to jump in against the one front that you refused to touch because you knew what would happen if you did- and who can blame them for wanting a shot at vengeance, at least their motives have far more legitimacy than your grudge war against (as far as you and your members have outlined); an irrelevant bloated inactive alliance. It's not a bad war strategy to mitigate your overall losses but at the end of the day? You have used alliances to pursue your own agenda just as NPO have done in the past. You're no better than them.




Do you have any idea what it takes to keep and active alliance community in these days?  NG is about as active as it gets.  Look at the state of NPO, IRON, VE etc.  So go peddle that, you cannot hold a candle to others crap, some place where people do not know any better.  You have been around long enough to know you are just blowing smoke and I know you know better. That girl has worked miracles.  

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1 minute ago, White Chocolate said:

Careful.  If you continue to insult both CLAWS and Non Grata with such slander, the only issue that will hold up peace will be in which alliance dungeon you will sit, CLAWS or Non Grata.  


They are called CLAMS not CLAWS; the founder wanted to create Planet Bobs first seafood themed alliance.  People invert the M to insult them into sound like something a five-year-old would name an alliance.  

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1 hour ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


This entire act that NG puts on, this, "we rule from the high mountains of our pixelated casualties pretending not to care and spiting on the inactive alliance we've held a grudge against for years" act is just that, it is your bizarre and boring choice of role play. Except now? It just makes you look bitter and sad because you have no real ambition beyond fruitlessly trying to topple a bunch of so-called inactives at the top of the rankings. No one other than NG is impressed by the NG that it is now, it is barely recognisable from the NG that was. You (in particular) are just riding the coattails and accomplishments of those who came before you who were better, more dynamic and more interesting than this sham pretender shell that you lead now.




You may be the daughter of the founders but you don't hold a candle to the prior leaders of the many of the true and objectively better Non Grata leaders that came after the formation of Poison Clan, you just ride the coattails of their legacy. The NG of today are just like CLAWS; a hastily assembled merger of individuals who bought into your narrative and you're being shielded by alliances whose legitimate grievances against their opponents you have exploited to keep one side of their coalition busy so you didn't get stomped. That's why you made sure Legion got roped into it early while avoiding RFI yourselves because you knew that by activating RFI they would've defended them (and I know how irate you and LWW got when you found this out- how dare they defend their allies!? They should've done what you wanted right? You don't take kindly to not getting your way all of the time) and they would have given you a much more challenging fight than the majority of RFI could. That's why you goaded people who were victims of Doom raids to jump in against the one front that you refused to touch because you knew what would happen if you did- and who can blame them for wanting a shot at vengeance, at least their motives have far more legitimacy than your grudge war against (as far as you and your members have outlined); an irrelevant bloated inactive alliance. It's not a bad war strategy to mitigate your overall losses but at the end of the day? You have used alliances to pursue your own agenda just as NPO have done in the past. You're no better than them.


You do not truly pursue peace because for starters; NG are not actually interested in peace.  You are not declining terms because you refuse to leave people on the field, it's because if people leave the field before you do then it's game over for you. What if the other alliances can get better terms for peace than a blanket white peace? OG/OBR/CRAP have a legitimate concern that Doom will continue their hostilities when this war ends; what assurances do they have of this not being the case if all they get is white peace, have you bothered to consider bringing this up? White peace benefits you the most because you can walk away scott-free but OBR/OG/CRAP deserve some concessions from Doom that they'll cease their history of aggression and hostile manouvers against them. If you actually cared about them you'd take that into consideration and actually advocate for them instead solely your own selfish interests.


Stop pretending that this is friends > pixels, it's simply realpolitik to pursue your own agenda while alliances each of you have openly mocked for being "terrible" in the past are willing sacrificial lambs for the CLAWS/Doom front so that you don't have to deal with RFI and Oculus simultaneously. The people fighting Doom have a just cause, you are merely pursuing a vendetta that precedes your existence on this planet


Nice display of hubris though, if I'm still around long enough I look forward to seeing how your exceptional diplomacy skills work out for you :popcorn:



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