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GPA Nation DoWed?


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What is funny is the counter has already resorted to turtle and at the same time, has managed to anarchy himself. :facepalm:  http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=151267


It's a sensible move. Prob cannot have enough soldiers to win GA's, and thus to prevent DBDC stealing land he sold of all his soldiers, which also caused his anarchy.


Not sure how it's "funny"Wouldn't want the DBDC nation making their tech and land back, if I were GPA.

I've been telling some folks for a while that this is the only sensible response to a DBDC raid. This way they get nothing from you, and when you nuke them, they lose stuff, so it will always result in a net loss for them, larger probably than if you fought back.
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Rofl whats with people shooting their mouths off all over the owf and then never backing it up?

Seems a bit crazy to do that, i mean everyone expected GPA to roll over, then they come talking all tough and people are like "orly never expected that"

And then 24 hours later GPA rolls over... just roll over at the start next time and save everyone the emotional rollercoaster :|

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Thanks SOM. Considering Rhizo coordinated well with the other 3 nations I was fighting with, it can be hard to keep track of where all the damage I was taken was coming from hahaha. I probably mixed up tech for infra. 


Yeah, there's a lot of factors at play so it depends on lots of things, especially when you're facing three people. :v:

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Rofl whats with people shooting their mouths off all over the owf and then never backing it up?

Seems a bit crazy to do that, i mean everyone expected GPA to roll over, then they come talking all tough and people are like "orly never expected that"

And then 24 hours later GPA rolls over... just roll over at the start next time and save everyone the emotional rollercoaster :|



this is the best response of the thread 

how truly pathetic the GPA is ..

you really shouldn’t call yourself neutrals you guys are more like a waste of space on planet BOB

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Rofl whats with people shooting their mouths off all over the owf and then never backing it up?

Seems a bit crazy to do that, i mean everyone expected GPA to roll over, then they come talking all tough and people are like "orly never expected that"

And then 24 hours later GPA rolls over... just roll over at the start next time and save everyone the emotional rollercoaster :|


I don't think anyone should be too surprised since he was hitting them since the 27th without receiving a serious response and still didn't.

A decent strategy would have being to stick more nations on the guy ASAP, at least one guy who has 30k tech or more to do the nuking for the first round. 


GPA's only real threat is DBDC nations, if they weren't planning strategies for this then they have being ignorant of planet Bob. It's pretty apparent unless they have no idea how to deal with this sort of stuff their only strategy they attempted to use was peace at any cost. 

Edited by Commander shepard
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From "You're useless cowards" to "Go GPA go!" to "You're a waste of space" in the span of two days, the frustration is strong around these boards.


Oddly GPA and O ya were the calmest, most civilized people in the thread.  Your observation is spot on.

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I'm still interested 8n the hypothetical.

GAs don't make sense now but after a couple rounds of nukes they do once all those citizens from infrastructure are gone. Hypothetically large nation loses in a drawn out war.


When facing someone with massive amounts of land, GAs never make sense. Nukes, navy, air and cm's gain XP and do damage, GAs just open up the veins on your own game piece. Infrastructure is meaningless.

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From "You're useless cowards" to "Go GPA go!" to "You're a waste of space" in the span of two days, the frustration is strong around these boards.


Don't forget "what am I doing with my life?" upon realising that we're still reading this.

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Rofl whats with people shooting their mouths off all over the owf and then never backing it up?
Seems a bit crazy to do that, i mean everyone expected GPA to roll over, then they come talking all tough and people are like "orly never expected that"
And then 24 hours later GPA rolls over... just roll over at the start next time and save everyone the emotional rollercoaster :|

Discussing things an reaching an agreement isn't the same of rolling over. Both sides think they got something out of the deal and, while I am still undecided myself about the agreement, it can't be construed to be anything like giving up or renouncing our defence.
It's too early to give out the specifics and I couldn't be the one giving them, anyway, but you're wrong if you think that the only thing that happened here is that the Agency ceased it's attacks on oya. Sure, most of what was assured will "just" be words, but our government believes that the other party didn't pronounce them lightly.
Time will tell. It's not like we are now suddenly unable to deny any aggressor any gain, should it become necessary with other raiders.
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From "You're useless cowards" to "Go GPA go!" to "You're a waste of space" in the span of two days, the frustration is strong around these boards.

Luckily for me I knew exactly what to expect when dealing with GPA. ;)


Relying on them to do anything more than collect stats will result in disappointment.

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Pro-tip: Relying in someone who hasn't any connection with you nor has any obligation to delight you will always result in disappointment.

Pretty much exactly what I was getting at. I learned the first time GPA was hit by NPO that they will not use their stats to hurt anyone. They did not even fight back against a great majority of wars declared on them in that war. You guys just...exist. For all the stats and members, you provide less entertainment than a one-man AA. Every time a new recruit joins WTF or GPA it is no different than a new member deleting.

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From "You're useless cowards" to "Go GPA go!" to "You're a waste of space" in the span of two days, the frustration is strong around these boards.

To be fair I think you are comparing different peoples opinions and most of them have maintained their personal stance all along.

I watched this thread with interest and while it obviously would help us if GPA went all out I think D34th summed it up quite nicely.
In GPA's defence I've seen them stand their ground at great expense over rogues so without knowing the details I tend to believe them when they say they have an agreement that's worthwhile to them.

Congrats GPA.
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Pretty much exactly what I was getting at. I learned the first time GPA was hit by NPO that they will not use their stats to hurt anyone. They did not even fight back against a great majority of wars declared on them in that war. You guys just...exist. For all the stats and members, you provide less entertainment than a one-man AA. Every time a new recruit joins WTF or GPA it is no different than a new member deleting.

Well, it's not exactly the same but close enough. I agree with the sentiment and then some.

If there's anything worse than a Polar, it's a neutral. As the old saying goes. ;)

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Pretty much exactly what I was getting at. I learned the first time GPA was hit by NPO that they will not use their stats to hurt anyone. They did not even fight back against a great majority of wars declared on them in that war. You guys just...exist. For all the stats and members, you provide less entertainment than a one-man AA. Every time a new recruit joins WTF or GPA it is no different than a new member deleting.


Looks like we don't have the respect of Cole Hamels. :P


Pro-tip 2: Alliances doesn't exist to entertain other people than it's members.


Since we don't have allies to worry about, the only people GPA need to satisfy is it own members and I can say without fear, based in what I read in the forums, that GPA is successfully accomplishing this objective. 

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Looks like we don't have the respect of Cole Hamels. :P


Pro-tip 2: Alliances doesn't exist to entertain other people than it's members.


Since we don't have allies to worry about, the only people GPA need to satisfy is it own members and I can say without fear, based in what I read in the forums, that GPA is successfully accomplishing this objective. 

Your alliance does not have my respect. You personally, however, do have my respect. Can you just join a new alliance please, Death?


Well, it's not exactly the same but close enough. I agree with the sentiment and then some.

If there's anything worse than a Polar, it's a neutral. As the old saying goes. ;)

Fair enough, we have a similar saying! ;)

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Your alliance does not have my respect. You personally, however, do have my respect. Can you just join a new alliance please, Death?



I could, but all the forms to fill and questions to answer bores me to death, so I'll keep singing "kumbaya my lord" around the campfire with my fellow hippies comrades. 

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