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Joint Val/NoR/DT/Asgaard/RoK announcement

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1308545199' post='2735531']
I for one am saddened by the stop of the entertaining drama, and the fact that the NSO wasn't a part of it :mellow:

Well NSO stole my fathers day card and then they did something else, then after that they were going to something and forgot to do it, so they will do two things later to make up for what they forgot to the first time..... there NSO is included... :awesome:

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[quote name='gambona' timestamp='1308588234' post='2735929']
Flinders if you think you are upset, think of how Asgaard feels. No one has directed any insults or threats our way. We demand our share of insults and threats!

I'd be happy to oblige. Asgaard is the inferior Viking alliance. :D

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[quote name='gambona' timestamp='1308588234' post='2735929']
Flinders if you think you are upset, think of how Asgaard feels. No one has directed any insults or threats our way. We demand our share of insults and threats!
[color="#0000FF"]An unremarkable, boring cookie-cutter alliance is not worth anyone's precious time to insult.[/color]

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1308526473' post='2735096']
We held a treaty with Polar, they were attacked. Anybody who honestly expected RoK not to go war, was plain stupid... not that that is an issue for this thread, though.

No.. anyone that expected you not to defend was not stupid. Anyone that expected you not to defend talked to your emperor or second in command. Tell me why if you honestly planned on defending polar from the start did such a !@#$load of NS change from the RoK AA to NpO's after a day? couldn't they wait 24 hours to declare?

[quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1308528283' post='2735139']
Delta told a funny!

The truth is that SF committed to go in on an oA (for an AA that no longer exists) and then tried to blame US for splitting the bloc when their greater responsibility was to us. PERIOD. You had already decided that your loyalties would lie elsewhere and that the only way for us to "be loyal to the bloc" was to let Polar rot. Prior to this WE followed SF on every errand it ever ran including some things that were, to be honest, rather stupid.

Yes as you said, we COMMITED, and not a peep out of you or tautology. Until the last few hours when you suddenly made a 180. Yeah by then we where commited and going to the side opposed to ALL our allies is hard enough and certainly not a call i'm gonna make if you don't even have the decency to be straight up with us. You had NO intention of defending polar when everything started don't even pretend you did. And sure you're allowed to change your mind, we however did not and continued as planned, a plan that was given to RoK days in advance, changing some logs wont change the fact that i did both in the bloc channel and a query with tautology.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1308545379' post='2735535']
What's left to say? GOD literally [i]raced[/i] Rok to the DoW so that SF could $%&@ them, then they come in here over 2 months after Rok took the hint and left SF and claim that Rok traded [i]them[/i] in? Not much to say past the namecalling and there are only so many names.

Wut the hell are you talking about?

GOD didn't race RoK, GOD didn't even set the time of the attack since they oA'ed with us and thus had to post their DoW after we posted ours. An attack we announced 2/3 days in advance, with specified date and time, and NOONE least of all RoK complained about. Now isn't it strange that if it was so clear that RoK would defend polar they didn't even say anything to stop us from joining the other side of the war?

Know the funniest part of it? Not only did tautology nor rampage stop us or tell us they would defend polar. But when they tried to spin it that we raced them to the DoW tautology pasted MY conversation with him for all RoK members to see. Only one line was conveniently missing and that was where i informed him of our plans. Somehow that one line in the conversation did not make it into his logs. SO did we race RoK to the DoW? No, we continued as planned. They had days to make up their mind and voiced not a single concern. And a few hours before we roll they tell us they're where protecting polar and that that was always the plan, not only would we have to break promises already made days in advance but also follow them in a direction opposed to every single ally we had? $%&@ that. Not on a last minute change of mind.

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[quote name='gambona' timestamp='1308588835' post='2735942']
Hush Bob, no one was talking to you. Just like in our IRC channel! :P
I am the most popular person in our channel. That is a fact. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1308589088' post='2735948']
I am the most popular person in our channel. That is a fact. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

Good to see our plan to make you feel important is working :lol1:

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1308570140' post='2735743']
Could you point this out to me? I think I missed it.

I apologize, I was under the impression Thunder Strike was still a trium, I suppose I am behind. I went back and checked and saw that was not the case. My bad.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1308570140' post='2735743']
Could you point this out to me? I think I missed it.
[color="#0000FF"]Let's not forget that we do have you throwing around slightly more subtle threats. Of course I don't blame you. You're only supporting Xiphy, as any good ally would do, so I cannot think less of you for it. But still you cannot deny what is being said.[/color]

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1308588705' post='2735940']

Wut the hell are you talking about?

GOD didn't race RoK, GOD didn't even set the time of the attack since they oA'ed with us and thus had to post their DoW after we posted ours. An attack we announced 2/3 days in advance, with specified date and time, and NOONE least of all RoK complained about. Now isn't it strange that if it was so clear that RoK would defend polar they didn't even say anything to stop us from joining the other side of the war?

Know the funniest part of it? Not only did tautology nor rampage stop us or tell us they would defend polar. But when they tried to spin it that we raced them to the DoW tautology pasted MY conversation with him for all RoK members to see. Only one line was conveniently missing and that was where i informed him of our plans. Somehow that one line in the conversation did not make it into his logs. SO did we race RoK to the DoW? No, we continued as planned. They had days to make up their mind and voiced not a single concern. And a few hours before we roll they tell us they're where protecting polar and that that was always the plan, not only would we have to break promises already made days in advance but also follow them in a direction opposed to every single ally we had? $%&@ that. Not on a last minute change of mind.

Indeed, we had told RoK of our plans in advance without any objection and far before they confirmed to us they were defending Polar, while over the course of the previous few days basically all but stating they (RoK) agreed with the war and wasn't going to defend Polar. Hell, RoK didn't even have the damn decency to tell us they were defending Polar. Instead, we had to ask them about the intel we were receiving 3 hours before update that said RoK was defending Polar for certain. It was only then, when confronted with that, did they say that they were defending Polar.

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Hold everything!!!

I take an extended hiatus and you pull this out of yer butts?!

2 years of innuendo and snickering behind our hands and you wait till I am gone to throw this together?

To Hel with the lot of you!!

I'll be back.. and you'll be sorry.

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[quote name='Leigon' timestamp='1308532708' post='2735236']
I find it mildly ironic to see you and Rok getting along so gloriously again.[/quote]

I left, whether you want to actually believe it or not, because it was what was best for all concerned. In the end Rok performed magnificently in the Karma War and took a hell of a beating in the process. As for my time here at Valhalla, it has been one hell of a fun ride, brutal at times to be sure, but I'm glad I came and helped. Back in the day, Val and Rok were MDoAP partners. Had the Karma War never happened, there's a good chance that relationship would have remained unbroken.

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It bears mention that not only did Tautology flip-flop, but also then flagrantly lied to several of RoK's allies about what actually happened. His incompetence extended so far that he also mistakenly listed the date of the decision to defend Polar as having been [b]after[/b] the DoWs. He also claimed that RoK did not object to the attack (or utter even the smallest peep of protest in any conversation with anyone in SF) because they felt sure that VE would attack anyway. No doubt he knew that this absolutely wasn't the case.

Given the above, and given that members of RoK believe anyway that Polar was attacked over RoK's stated objections, I can only assume that the membership of RoK was blatantly lied to. The only other plausible option for their statements in this thread is that those who are posting are just plain dumb, and I suspect they'd rather be accused of gullibility than outright stupidity.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1308579991' post='2735830']
I knew this thread had real potential. I'm just upset that all the anger is directed at RoK. I'm accustomed to the butt hurt and angst being directed towards NoR. It's just not fair.

Though I can't quite understand why all the resentment is bubbling up at this very moment. I could understand SF being upset with RoK leaving SF. That's certainly couldn't have been a very clean break to make considering the history there, but I don't recall this degree of outrage. I could understand being upset when RoK canceled some of their other treaties as well. Cancellations always suck and it did give notice as to a general direction RoK wanted to take their foreign affairs. But I still don't recall this degree of outrage. Maybe I'm not remembering it properly or maybe I just missed it, but where was all the outrage towards RoK previous to this bloc announcement? The foreshadowing of RoK's general FA direction was rather clear. At least it was to myself and certainly to any FA department worth a damn.

Maybe you all just kept the butt hurt bottled up and this announcement released it all in one go. If that is the case, you guys need to deal with your frustration better. This just isn't healthy man.

Having said that, I can understand the frustration. But the thinly veiled threats certainly strike me as rather juvenile. Mjolnir is certainly not intimidated.

Because raging behind closed doors about someone who hasn't thought about you or spoken a word about you in months just isn't good enough. We've moved on from SF, but apparently SF has not moved on from us.

Get over yourself, Xiph. This bloc was not created with you, your alliance, or your bloc in mind. Should the two blocs come to blows it will be your own doing, but perhaps that is what you want? We left the bloc, took some jabs at eachother, and it was over as far as we were concerned. Then again, you have this nasty habit of making an enemy of someone in your own mind and pushing it so far that they eventually consider you an enemy as well. Paranoia at it's finest.

I like how you got nostalgic for a second there, but I have to break some sad news to you. Hoo is gone. He stepped down eight long months ago and he will be the first to tell you that this isn't his alliance anymore. We aren't making decisions based on what we feel Hoo would do, we are instead doing our own thing and making decisions that we, the government of Ragnarok, feel are best for the future of our alliance. Let go of the past and the way things used to be. Our FA direction has nothing to do with you or your bloc. SF also isn't the bloc that it used to be and I'll let someone else debate whether that is a good thing or not. I will, however, point out that it certainly was not the tight-knit group of friends that I thought it was going to be before I joined. I always wanted to be in that bloc and in those backchannels plotting and chatting with the lot of you. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that SF's best days were behind them. Then again, that is to be expected when a select few (historically you, Hoo, or Delta) dominate what the bloc does or does not do.

Either way, we do not hope for your demise nor are we actively pursuing it. We joined a bloc of like-minded alliances that we feel are kindred spirits. A group that looks at bloc life the same way that we do. You, GOD, and SF have never came up. Until now, of course. Sad that you and yours couldn't just wish us luck or stay away from the thread altogether.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1308595920' post='2736012']
I left, whether you want to actually believe it or not, because it was what was best for all concerned.

I don't think anyone in CN doubts this a bit, Hal.

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