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The Opening of Pandora's Box


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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1286916118' post='2482782']
I wish we could have been in on this. I won't forget your actions, VE. Then again, though, this is the same alliance that bandwagoned into noCB, demanded 12k in reps from us, then fought against NPO in Karma when it was politically convenient to do so. I shouldn't be surprised.

The debts were repaid, Comrade Sandwich.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286913213' post='2482740']
May I propose a simpler definition of hegemony

Being in power

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1286913721' post='2482744']
You obviously dont know the meaning of the word. Hegemony is the political, economic, ideological or cultural power exerted by a dominant group over other groups. They are the dominant grouping and they have intertwined and overlapping treaties and have worked together to keep people outside their sphere isolated or under their collective thumb

A Hegemony is not simply those with relative power, like the slight NS advantage PB has over other blocs. Instead to be a Hegemon, by definition, it requires ascendency or total dominance.

It is also true then that three groups of roughly equal power with three seperate agendas cannot be a Hegemony. Rather, they would have to be working in partnership with eachother. There is obviously no inter-bloc treaty between any of these blocs. Also, there is no great volume of inter alliance treaties to create a de-facto super-bloc. Between PB and SF, there are 5 of 42 possible treaties: VE-RIA, VE-GOD, VE-RoK, GOONS-GOD, and FOK-R&R. Between C&G and PB there are 3 of 30 possible treaties, GOOONS-=LOST=, PC-Athens, and FoB-PC. Between SF and C&G there is just 1 of 35 possible treaties, Athens-CSN. An 8.4% overlap in the treaties between blocs does not equal an 'intertwining.'

Seen as how both of these elements is absent, neither singally nor collectively do these blocs constitute a Hegemony.

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[quote name='Dementual' timestamp='1286916003' post='2482779']
Holy !@#$. I never saw this coming.

edit: look at that shiny, arrogant, Viridian Entente stamp.

I believe every single treaty ever signed by Viridia was stamped in the past 2 years. silly GGA lackey

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1286916118' post='2482782']
I wish we could have been in on this. I won't forget your actions, VE. Then again, though, this is the same alliance that bandwagoned into noCB, demanded 12k in reps from us, then fought against NPO in Karma when it was politically convenient to do so. I shouldn't be surprised.
The fact that I almost couldn't tell you were joking speaks volumes about the drivel similar to this that I've had to read in recent past.

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Congrats on finally getting this announced. I have to say I like the people personally in VE so I'll congratulate them, since I don't know the others in this bloc.

It does seem like this is some attempt to consolidate power on this side of the web so that you're not worried about any other threats. Just don't go doing Continuum like things and you should be alright.

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='Dementual' timestamp='1286916003' post='2482779']
Holy !@#$. I never saw this coming.

edit: look at that shiny, arrogant, Viridian Entente stamp.
I'm sorry they enjoy sticking to a custom they've had for years.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1286917103' post='2482798']
Congrats on my finally getting this announced. I have to say I like the people personally in VE so I'll congratulate them, since I don't know the others in this bloc.

It does seem like this is some attempt to consolidate power on this side of the web so that you're not worried about any other threats. Just don't go doing Continuum like things and you should be alright.

We'll be like the Continuum but with 1000x more humor.

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[quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1286916489' post='2482789']
An 8.4% overlap in the treaties between blocs does not equal an 'intertwining.'

Its been enough to intertwine in the short time I've been around[img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1286899945' post='2482511']
One of the biggest strengths of Pandora is it is full of active, engaged, and intelligent leadership; each having their own dynamic personalities and important strengths that they bring to the table. No one plays lead to another. We are colleagues and peers, without rank or the need to self inflate.

As to the rest of your post, sorry man, I'm not going to bite. Start an argument some other time.
One of the biggest weaknesses of Pandora is it is also full of Viridia.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286900398' post='2482518']
[color="#0000FF"]GOONS are exactly the alliance they come off to be. I can respect them for that at least. VE on the other hand are one of the most fundamentally dishonest, hypocritical, and least principled alliances out there. I'd much rather see them go away to be honest.[/color]

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286917230' post='2482805']
One of the biggest weaknesses of Pandora is it is also full of Viridia.

So one of the reasons you hate Viridia is that you can't predict its every move like the 'normal' alliances?

I'd say that's more of an advantage, Schatt :)

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1286912223' post='2482725']
This treaty is simultaneously stronger and weaker than expected, looking specifically at Article II and Article IV(b), respectively.

There's plenty of sloppy wording that will be troublesome in certain situations. The area on amendments is surprisingly crummy.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1286917467' post='2482811']
So one of the reasons you hate Viridia is that you can't predict its every move like the 'normal' alliances?

I'd say that's more of an advantage, Schatt :)
Yeaaaahhhhh, way to think of what you wish I was saying, and then say I said that. Keep on truckin'.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1286917467' post='2482811']
So one of the reasons you hate Viridia is that you can't predict its every move like the 'normal' alliances?

That was ... Quite the string ... With a neat little bit of imagination.

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