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You're all mad.

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but not half as mad as me and I've had quite enough of your rational thinking! your desire for self-preservation. flinching from the flame rather than accepting it's warm embrace. seeing things as they are instead of as they are not. saving for the end instead of ending for the save. reacting in kind instead of being kind in reacting. holding on to what you can instead of what you can't.

It sickens me. This sanity is insane. We were well taught but never learned.
To go forward you must go back. So this is what I'll do. I'll leave the sanity up to you.
As of now I lay down my crown. You've all been great and that I can't take.  The Dark Lord Sauron leads us now. HHOOOWWWLLLLL!

~ signed,
a Mad Man

Edited by Canik
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Canik has created a long lasting legacy in CN, likely very few here on planet bob who don't know his name. From back in FEAR to present day Freehold of the Wolves, all the ups and downs he has navigated us well. A great friend, an even better mentor and leader.

His tenure so long, no man is more deserving of time away from the throne than he. He has left some tremendous shoes to fill, but I have a great crew with me and great allies, what more can a new King ask for? I am happy to take a seat at the throne and look forward to prosperous times.


Our current gov is as follows:

Dark Lord Sauron, All-Seeing Monarch

Taco, The Taco (and Hand of the King)

Velocity, Lord of State and Regent

CodArk2, Lord of War

Lord Draculea, Lord of Economic Affairs and Human Robot

Smitty256, Lord of Internal Affairs and the man With Too Many Titles


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I honestly never thought I would see an FTW without Canik at its helm, and it's going to be a really strange adjustment going forward.


That being said, if anyone was going to fill his shoes, it had to be DLS. Best of luck, and I look forward to working with you!


P.S. I can't believe I'm the first person in this thread to say this, but: Roll Velocity!

Edited by lilweirdward
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3 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

I honestly never thought I would see an FTW without Canik at its helm, and it's going to be a really strange adjustment going forward.


That being said, if anyone was going to fill his shoes, it had to be DLS. Best of luck, and I look forward to working with you!


P.S. I can't believe I'm the first person in this thread to say this, but: Roll Velocity!


trust me, I know how you feel. Canik was in charge when I first created my nation in 2015 and he has been in charge up until today. So yeah, it will take a little getting used to but I can think of no better replacement than DLS. 

I guess this means that Canik is no longer your puppet master, DLS is. 🤣🤣🤣

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9 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

I honestly never thought I would see an FTW without Canik at its helm, and it's going to be a really strange adjustment going forward.


That being said, if anyone was going to fill his shoes, it had to be DLS. Best of luck, and I look forward to working with you!


P.S. I can't believe I'm the first person in this thread to say this, but: Roll Velocity!


Seconded! In honor of the start of the reign of DLS, Roll Velocity!

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When I joined FTW, there was Canik, the Mad King. If I ever did something good, I owe it to him. I was privileged to serve during his reign and we couldn't have asked for a better leader and friend. 


And there was DLS, whom I've seen rising. May he lead lead us through good and bad, to a future of peace and prosperity!


Long live the King!

Hail FTW!


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Canik, so conflicted with you as I always wanted to like you but never had the chance. You brought a since of ‘rationale’ to this place and had quite a clue with the smallest details. You’ve earned your retirement. Salute 

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2 hours ago, Canik said:

but not half as mad as me and I've had quite enough of your rational thinking! your desire for self-preservation. flinching from the flame rather than accepting it's warm embrace. seeing things as they are instead of as they are not. saving for the end instead of ending for the save. reacting in kind instead of being kind in reacting. holding on to what you can instead of what you can't.

It sickens me. This sanity is insane. We were well taught but never learned.
To go forward you must go back. So this is what I'll do. I'll leave the sanity up to you.
As of now I lay down my crown. You've all been great and that I can't take.  The Dark Lord Sauron leads us now. HHOOOWWWLLLLL!

~ signed,
a Mad Man

I wanted to write a testimony on you, however I figured it was better to just say it’s about time. May the Phoenix take you to the coldest Jovian moon to freeze eternally. 

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A live view from the Doom Squad domain...:




Let us pray that with Dark Lord Sauron sitting on the Iron Throne, may he lead Bob to a more peaceful world. We thank Canik's service for keeping Bob safe and as a steadfast friend to Doom Squad and friends.

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You convinced me, I'll come back! DLS, crown please!
Why are your guards stabbing me?



4 hours ago, Duderonomy said:

Am mad. Can confirm.

Do it then.

3 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

You brought a since of ‘rationale’ to this place

Why thank you, LH. Some day I hope we can put it all in the past.

Rationale, I mean. You'll always be scum of the earth. 🤮


2 hours ago, Kongo Jack IV said:

I wanted to write a testimony on you, however I figured it was better to just say it’s about time. May the Phoenix take you to the coldest Jovian moon to freeze eternally.

It wasn't better. You just took the easy way out as usual. I blame you for everything, Deebo. ;)


4 hours ago, Velocity said:


l’ll see you when I see you, old friend. :)

Not if I see you first! Roll velocity!!

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The tumult and the shouting dies—

The Captains and the Kings depart—

Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heart.

Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,

Lest we forget—lest we forget!


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6 hours ago, Lord Hershey said:

A live view from the Doom Squad domain...:




Let us pray that with Dark Lord Sauron sitting on the Iron Throne, may he lead Bob to a more peaceful world. We thank Canik's service for keeping Bob safe and as a steadfast friend to Doom Squad and friends.

Good to see that @firingline made it onto the news.

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21 hours ago, Canik said:

but not half as mad as me and I've had quite enough of your rational thinking! your desire for self-preservation. flinching from the flame rather than accepting it's warm embrace. seeing things as they are instead of as they are not. saving for the end instead of ending for the save. reacting in kind instead of being kind in reacting. holding on to what you can instead of what you can't.

It sickens me. This sanity is insane. We were well taught but never learned.
To go forward you must go back. So this is what I'll do. I'll leave the sanity up to you.
As of now I lay down my crown. You've all been great and that I can't take.  The Dark Lord Sauron leads us now. HHOOOWWWLLLLL!

~ signed,
a Mad Man

I must protest my sanity: I see things as they could be - and as they shouldn't be - and that warms my desire to preserve myself, my time, by ending everything, before it even starts.


You've been mad, true, but only until today. Welcome to the right side.


Condolences to DLS.

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