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GPA Nation DoWed?


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He followed orders when engaging and he followed orders when disengaging. We're disciplined and prob has any good GPA trait at level 200%.


I'm sure that your guy followed orders to the letter.  However, o ya baby is Maximus Decimus Meridius in this scenario.  Go review the war stats for all 4 of your defensive wars.

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I'm sure that your guy followed orders to the letter.  However, o ya baby is Maximus Decimus Meridius in this scenario.  Go review the war stats for all 4 of your defensive wars.


Why are you mentioning war stats? Everyone know that o ya baby did more damage than received, what Jerdge said was that the GPA attacking nation disengaged because received orders to, since some sort of agreement was reached between the GPA government and o ya baby, so I really can't see your point.

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Must be a pretty good deal if you can feel okay with getting hit for 233k damage with barely a scratch to oyb in return.

When we deal with rogues the main objective is to get rid of them once and for all, not to get revenge. If the GPA held grudges, we would have had much greater grudges to hit people for in many past occasions, don't you think?
Damaging a rogue is not an objective per se, for us, but a mean to deter future attacks. If future attacks can be avoided in another way we may choose that. Mind you: I am not saying that the deal is good, just that considering it doesn't mean to surrender and it doesn't mean that the military option is off the table once and for all, either.

Edited by jerdge
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When we deal with rogues the main objective is to get rid of them once and for all, not to get revenge. If the GPA held grudges, we would have had much greater grudges to hit people for in many past occasions, don't you think?
Damaging a rogue is not an objective per se, for us, but a mean to deter future attacks. If future attacks can be avoided in another way we may choose that. Mind you: I am not saying that the deal is good, just that considering it doesn't mean to surrender and it doesn't mean that the military option is off the table once and for all, either.

So in exchange for peace he gave you his word he wouldn't do it again? Or DBDC wouldn't?
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So, two days into the show and GPA has already decided to send the message that anyone can raid them without consequences.

They might get reps? i'll let you do the math on what percentage of the damage caused they'll receive.

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So in exchange for peace he gave you his word he wouldn't do it again? Or DBDC wouldn't?

I admit I am not in an easy position. I am not an official GPA spokesperson and, while nobody asked me to do or to avoid doing anything, I don't think it would be appropriate for me to disclose the details of the situation. I am sorry but I am forced to leave the public a bit in the dark.

I anyway also think that, in some time, everything will be clearer: just have a bit of patience, please.



So, two days into the show and GPA has already decided to send the message that anyone can raid them without consequences.

When an aggressor much bigger than anything you can field attacks you, you can't inflict serious "consequences" in a short time: it's just the fabric of reality. Oya would have suffered consequences in the long time - again it's just this world's physics - but we don't allocate our time with only one objective in mind, and other factors influenced the current configuration of our reaction.

We adapt because we are alive: we haven't forgotten our objectives and we continue to pursue our security with a combination of diplomacy and military preparation. Anyone reading the message you're citing in the current situation hasn't a complete picture of it, or they can't properly read it.

Again, I apologize for the impossibility of explaining myself with more clarity. Please give it time.

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They might get reps? i'll let you do the math on what percentage of the damage caused they'll receive.

GPA got a better deal than RIA or any of your allies will ever get.  Some reps and DBDC will deal with future rogues on GPA.  File that away however you need to file it.

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GPA got a better deal than RIA or any of your allies will ever get. Some reps and DBDC will deal with future rogues on GPA. File that away however you need to file it.


Fortunately I have an extremely specific file here, labeled: Things That Won't Matter When DBDC Decides to Clear the Neutrals Out of the Top 250.


Watch your back, jerdge.

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GPA got a better deal than RIA or any of your allies will ever get.  Some reps and DBDC will deal with future rogues on GPA.  File that away however you need to file it.

I think RIA knows that deals with the devil rarely work out. One of my generals recently quoted a famous phrase: "Never trust an alliance with the powerful."
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Fortunately I have an extremely specific file here, labeled: Things That Won't Matter When DBDC Decides to Clear the Neutrals Out of the Top 250.


Watch your back, jerdge.

Good Prodigal Moon

 To my knowledge neither DBDC nor GPA have ever violated a word given. I have had dealings with DBDC on more than one ocassion and never have they violated the word or spirit of any agreement made , so may perhaps this warning is mildly biased.



Dame HIme Themis

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No details but the impression is that jerdge is giving is that GPA are satisfied with the outcome. If I'm reading that right it pleases me. I like the GPA constant in this world. I don't for one second understand it but I do like it.

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I'm surprised the GPA feel they've done enough to dissuade further raids. I imagine what they've got is a promise from o ya baby that neither he nor anyone else in DBDC will raid them again. Promises from powerful alliances and individuals who like to push the envelope have been broken before. I hope I'm wrong and that the GPA has indeed resecured itself from raids, though.

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GPA got a better deal than RIA or any of your allies will ever get.  Some reps and DBDC will deal with future rogues on GPA.  File that away however you need to file it.


I'm surprised the GPA feel they've done enough to dissuade further raids. I imagine what they've got is a promise from o ya baby that neither he nor anyone else in DBDC will raid them again. Promises from powerful alliances and individuals who like to push the envelope have been broken before. I hope I'm wrong and that the GPA has indeed resecured itself from raids, though.

A little more than that from what it looks like, but from here on the outside I don't know what that would amount to in the end either. Jerdge makes it clear he feels some of what was said could be nothing more than 'words' but whether he refers to this part of their deal or something else not known to us in the peanut gallery I dunno.
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A little more than that from what it looks like, but from here on the outside I don't know what that would amount to in the end either. Jerdge makes it clear he feels some of what was said could be nothing more than 'words' but whether he refers to this part of their deal or something else not known to us in the peanut gallery I dunno.

When I said that promises are just words I was only stating the obvious, as I was expecting the similarly obvious objection that we were renouncing to defend ourselves on the field in exchange for "just" words. I also added that the GPA thought/expected that the DBDC weren't pronouncing them lightly.
Nothing of what I said should be interpreted as meaning that I don't trust the DBDC. Not that the public perception of the level of trust I have for the DBDC has much importance, probably, but I thought of clarifying it anyway. :)
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I guess this would be the first unspoken protectorate the GPA has ever had.


Groundbreaking. The fact that it is one of 3 alliances (with elements from another of the 3) in the history of CN to launch a large scale attack on a large neutral alliance, is kind of...sketchy.

Edited by Starfox101
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To all those who expressed sincere concern for those actually involved in this, I'm sure it's appreciated.

I admit I am not in an easy position. I am not an official GPA spokesperson and, while nobody asked me to do or to avoid doing anything, I don't think it would be appropriate for me to disclose the details of the situation. I am sorry but I am forced to leave the public a bit in the dark.

I anyway also think that, in some time, everything will be clearer: just have a bit of patience, please.



For everyone else, I'm agreeing with jerdge here - except I don't have to be so nice about it.  This is between GPA and DBDC only.  If you don't like it, oh well.  Get over it.

Edited by White Chocolate
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