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Everything posted by Rokula

  1. Agreed Dajobo. Discord is a disease and will not be around in 7 years whilst IRC will still be kicking.
  2. Sad news. I always held STA in high regards and when you guys cut ties with Polar while I was there it was a kick in the gut to a whole lot of us over there. Thanks for making Planet Bob a little more sane and livable. You guys will be missed. o/ STA
  3. So LSF joins the ranks of Racist scum aswell. :gag: o/ Racist FIlith o/ Genocide o/ Selling Out :facepalm:
  4. If by smarter people you mean those idiots that appove with active and vocal support of [ooc] IRL Racist community, Nordreich raising funds for the funreals of their dead scumbag white supremacist members [/ooc] then by all means keep up the good work of being !@#$% racist or supporter thereof. You ally with scum you are scum. Heil Nordreich o/ Heil DoomKingdoom o/ Heil Genocide o/ Heil Racist Scum o/
  5. So the scum of CN allies itself with the Nazi racists of CN. Seems like good match. Its good when rubbish sticks together, congrats.
  6. So its like the same way people sigh and face-palm when they see that you share the same banner as Samus, The Warrior and Montosh. :v:
  7. Worst Alliance Of The Year: Valhalla Worst Military of the Year: SNX Worst Block of the Year: US Most Inactive Large Alliance: ODN Worst Diplomatic Team: MI6 Alliance Most Likely To Fail in 2015: SNX Worst Player of the Year: Rokula Worst Leader of the Year: Chimaera Worst Treaty of the Year: don't know Worst Theme Used in 2014: don't know
  8. As a fan of the rapper MF Doom who takes his persona from Doctor Doom I could see this as one of his album covers, good job.
  9. Tywin I do enjoy reading your essays even if I find them as pale imitations of the best works planet bobs yesteryear*. Your biggest mistake is to to group and lump the so called lulzists alliances together as they were a monolithic group. There are a good few lulz nations and alliances that would have nothing to do with each other, just as there are a few moralist nations, groups and/or alliances who cannot stand each other as well. This right here is a awesome post! See Tywin this is how you do it. Homura said and conveyed more in one post than you have in months of posting. * Oh Admin How I miss old school NPO propaganda, artwork, works and essays back when they were the top antagonists and villains of this world.
  10. Spoiled brats tend to be the biggest crybabies.
  11. This is a model of democracy everyone can approve of!
  12. This a hundred times over. The hypocrites advocating for this is laughable.
  13. Oh snap! If only what you said had value, then you would of had a point. But alas your another enabler of the turdbirds as such a much bigger fool and joke than the idiots themselves.
  14. There is no difference. That is why I label this new crop of world power brokers retards, because they talk and act like idiots.
  15. yeah freaking right Mr Big shot! Special needs children like you need you egos fed so you don't go around crying and stomping on normal more well adjusted kids. Big baby why don't you quit pooping on yourself and maybe the little fellas will quit laughing at you.
  16. Stupidity in action folks, DBDC are the idiots you asked for!
  17. Pax has interest in winning or losing this war. Our only concern is if we can hurt them enough so they do not come around drooling like the retards they are trying to get their jollies again.
  18. Dummies allying with mongoloids a match made in the rubber safety playground. Congrats kids!
  19. I get your point. However as speaking as a non governmental member of my alliance, this has been suggested many times. It comes down to if say Pax and GPA act together according to said plan then Pax and GPA are de fatco no longer neutral. It is again the main failing and blessing of being neutral.
  20. Point taken, but as little as I said in the above post it would make us hypocrites to involved ourselves in such way. We have heard many a rumor about being attacked for the past year or more but we have a cannot do anything preemptive about beyond diplomacy. Beyond that and maybe its the failing of being a neutral, would make us non neutral, at least on planet bob it seems.
  21. If the leadership of PAX would do as you say and as many before you have suggested, we would fail being neutral.
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