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Who Actually Fight the War

suryanto tan

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Your way of thinking is limited, the fact that I've had to reply multiple times for you to understand that your own complaint is something you've created is very unsatisfying. When I reply I do not speak to 'we,' I only speak to those of you complaining about this very discussion. 


LOL... you are right. I have absolutely no idea of WHAT you are talking about.


This is either because I have "a way of thinking that is very limited" or because you don't make any kind of sense. To be honest, I am unable to say which one is the right option. All I can say is that it's true that I am unable to get what you mean (I don't know if you are trying to say something incredibly complicated that requires a very high IQ to understand it... or you are simply speaking nonsense).


Having said such thing, I don't think the Equilibrium is facing any kind of situation that is "unsatisfying".


Even though a lot of people wishes there were less nations in Peace Mode as to make the war more fun for everyone.

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A lot of Alliances would LOVE to be fighting more wars... specially the ones on the "equlibrium" side... but there aren't targets for everyone, since the Equilibrium outnumbers the side of the corrupt alliances.i.e, right now I am in nuclear anarchy whilst fighting a single war... so I can't declare more wars... but even if I could... I wouldn't find more targets.

They can take my targets then.
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Confining ourselves to our treaties????

LOL... I don't think any Alliance on the Equilibrium side is thinking "Gosh... we have to fight due to our treaties... Booo, damn treaties!".


As for the "lot of targets"...errr... WHERE ARE THOSE TARGETS? (Other than in peace mode, of course).

LOL... If I wanted to fight more wars, the only chances I have right now would be to start attacking my own Alliance (oh, well... it's not that we haven't gone "bipolar" in the past... but it's not the best possible strategy, LOL).


if your side had declared against MK, you might have some more targets. but this all seems so like the Hegemony to plow through people and save their asses by pixel hugging. 22 against 2? grow a sack, put your balls in it, and drag NG into all this. or not. hug your pixels and claim superiority. you still look silly doing it.

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Like I said, confining yourself once again. The only rules regarding targets are the ones you have created, break free of your shackles and embrace your moment in time for it's limited.


Err, no. Admin created peace mode, not us. And your leaders are the ones that ordered you to hide in PM instead of fighting. Zoskia doesnt get credit for any of that, sorry.

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So many alliances claim to take part in this war, but perhaps only a few of them actually set out to fight them.
Here is a summary of the active war as of January, 26, 2013.


Active War Statistics of The Equilibrium War



Alliance with Most Offensive War

Anarchy Inc.    121
NATO    99
Orange Defense Network    95
Sparta    77
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism    77
The International    70
Viridian Entente    68
New Pacific Order    66
Nuclear Proliferation League    58
Invicta    53


9th place... not good enough... let get killing more pixels NPL! o/ WAR!

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Err, no. Admin created peace mode, not us. And your leaders are the ones that ordered you to hide in PM instead of fighting. Zoskia doesnt get credit for any of that, sorry.


Admin didn't create treaties, he didn't create alliances and he didn't tell you which alliances to declare war on. All of these are confining yourself to targets by your own free will. Claiming we are responsible for your 'lack' of targets is at best blasphemy in this dying world. Every time you gain one security you lose a bit of your own free will, it's that simple. So stop blaming others for your own choices.

Edited by Tick1
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if your side had declared against MK, you might have some more targets. but this all seems so like the Hegemony to plow through people and save their asses by pixel hugging. 22 against 2? grow a sack, put your balls in it, and drag NG into all this. or not. hug your pixels and claim superiority. you still look silly doing it.


This coming from a member of an alliance who did not have the sack to hit NoR despite knowing it had CnG backing? This coming from a member of an alliance who also is hiding from NG otherwise they could have hit IRON or NPO?


Sorry, but neither side can claim they are not hiding from NG (except amusingly enough Polaris/TTK/RIA/Avalance/Legion who out of both sides and all other alliances had the balls to hit an alliance allied to NG).


So, you really cannot talk much mate.

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Boo, INT not going to war. Boo, INT going to war. There are valid arguments regarding choices of declarations on both sides of the war; I see no moral argument there.


This is INT's time to shine in the political spotlight. The green glow is just a side-effect. It isn't looking good for them in the long run, but I think they'll pull through.


I really need some goddamn popcorn.

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Come at me bro. I can't declare on you unfortunately even though I would love too. I suppose i'll have to wait until my war expires and I am out of nuclear anarchy. Should be relatively quickly since the person hitting me hasn't thrown a single nuke yet.

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I actually really like stats like these. Would have loved to see MKs in the good old days... And TOP vs C&G war would have been great stats as well.Nice work to those pulling their weight so far. Interesting to see what happens when people leave PM.

Oddly enough I was looking through my old numbers this afternoon and I still have those stats on hand.

Offensive war ranks in Bipolar, for the whole Jan to April period, were:

MHA: 1248
ODN: 1110
IRON: 1039
Sparta: 961
FOK: 781
VE: 648
NpO: 541
GOONS: 502


Also, updated top offensive numbers for this war are:

NPO: 150 (with ~70 in the Kaskus war)
AI: 135
VE - GOONS tied at 109
ODN - NATO tied at 108 Edited by Il Impero Romano
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I actually really like stats like these. Would have loved to see MKs in the good old days... And TOP vs C&G war would have been great stats as well. Nice work to those pulling their weight so far. Interesting to see what happens when people leave PM.


Their slots will be filled

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Boo, INT not going to war. Boo, INT going to war. There are valid arguments regarding choices of declarations on both sides of the war; I see no moral argument there.


This is INT's time to shine in the political spotlight. The green glow is just a side-effect. It isn't looking good for them in the long run, but I think they'll pull through.


I really need some goddamn popcorn.



We're doing fine....quite happy with those stats actually.  Given the size of our alliance vs the number of people we're fighting, it's worth a laugh or three.

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Here is the updated statistic for today. 
In the first post, I mistakenly used my time zone to stamp the date. From now on, I will post in CN time. 
The newest entry of data is from
1/26/2013 17:23
Active War Statistics of The Equilibrium War
Alliance with Most Active War 
Orange Defense Network    478
Anarchy Inc.    398
The International    319
Nato    252
Umbrella    190
Viridian Entente    181
New Pacific Order    158
The Order Of The Paradox    158
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism    135
Kaskus    121
Alliance with Most Offensive War
New Pacific Order    149
Viridian Entente    109
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism    108
Orange Defense Network    107
Nato    95
Sparta    85
The International    76
Anarchy Inc.    75
Mushroom Kingdom    65
Nuclear Proliferation League    62
Alliances with Most Defensive War
Orange Defense Network    371
Anarchy Inc.    323
The International    243
Umbrella    158
Nato    157
The Order Of The Paradox    113
Viridian Entente    72
Kaskus    72
The Last Remnants    51
Sparta    32
Updated on January, 26, 2013 (CN Time)
Rank    Alliance    Active Offensive War    Active Defensive War    Total Number of War    Percentange
1    Orange Defense Network    107    371    478    209.65%
2    Anarchy Inc.    75    323    398    180.09%
3    The International    76    243    319    306.73%
4    Nato    95    157    252    127.27%
5    Umbrella    32    158    190    218.39%
6    Viridian Entente    109    72    181    120.67%
7    The Order Of The Paradox    45    113    158    149.06%
8    New Pacific Order    149    9    158    46.2%
9    Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism    108    27    135    90.6%
10    Kaskus    49    72    121    336.11%
11    Sparta    85    32    117    67.24%
12    Mushroom Kingdom    65    26    91    68.42%
13    The Last Remnants    32    51    83    71.55%
14    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations    57    14    71    21.45%
15    Nuclear Proliferation League    62    4    66    44.59%
16    The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons    49    16    65    61.9%
17    Invicta    56    6    62    91.18%
18    New Polar Order    44    16    60    22.81%
19    Nusantara Elite Warriors    50    2    52    62.65%
20    New Sith Order    21    26    47    41.23%
21    North Atlantic Defense Coalition    33    7    40    38.46%
22    Death Before Dishonor    37    3    40    31.25%
23    Shangri-La    15    24    39    54.17%
24    Fark    34    1    35    23.03%
25    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance    28    4    32    25.2%
26    The Templar Knights    26    3    29    22.48%
27    Random Insanity Alliance    26    3    29    32.58%
28    Global Order Of Darkness    25    3    28    59.57%
29    The Imperial Order    20    7    27    13.64%
30    RnR    22    5    27    13.04%
31    The Legion    22    3    25    14.2%
32    The Sweet Oblivion    10    13    23    109.52%
33    The Dark Templar    22    1    23    31.94%
34    Global Alliance And Treaty Organization    8    14    22    11.4%
35    Christian Coalition Of Countries    20    0    20    23.81%
36    The Phoenix Federation    19    0    19    16.1%
37    Libertarian Socialist Federation    18    0    18    58.06%
38    Doombird Doomcave    8    9    17    212.5%
39    The Order Of Righteous Nations    16    1    17    53.13%
40    World Task Force    7    9    16    9.14%
41    Mostly Harmless Alliance    12    4    16    7.24%
42    The Order Of The Reaper    9    5    14    70%
43    Aurora Borealis    6    5    11    37.93%
44    Zulu    9    2    11    183.33%
45    Avalanche    10    1    11    37.93%
46    LoSS    11    0    11    6.29%
47    ODN Applicant    1    9    10    40%
48    TOP Applicant    0    9    9    225%
49    Darkfall    3    6    9    180%
50    Argent    9    0    9    20.45%


Edited by suryanto tan
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ODN continues to lay down its pixels without concern. That is how we roll these days. Can't say the same for a lot of these alliances.

Nobody is disputing your ability to lay down pixels, almost 2M NS worth in such a short time!


o/ ODN


(I'm just joking around, ODN have been great opponents so far and I'm enjoying myself immensely)

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if your side had declared against MK, you might have some more targets. but this all seems so like the Hegemony to plow through people and save their asses by pixel hugging. 22 against 2? grow a sack, put your balls in it, and drag NG into all this. or not. hug your pixels and claim superiority. you still look silly doing it.

yes because internoptional hates to attack from an advantage right?

Hypocrisy at its best. Well you cant expect something different from a band of cowards.
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Admin didn't create treaties, he didn't create alliances and he didn't tell you which alliances to declare war on. All of these are confining yourself to targets by your own free will. Claiming we are responsible for your 'lack' of targets is at best blasphemy in this dying world. Every time you gain one security you lose a bit of your own free will, it's that simple. So stop blaming others for your own choices.

You are trying to be deep and you are just embarrassing yourself.

Add: sorry for the double post. Edited by King Louis the II
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yes because internoptional hates to attack from an advantage right?

Hypocrisy at its best. Well you cant expect something different from a band of cowards.


*looks at the wars going on, and our declaration*


Yes, we are cowards.  Thank you for outlining it for us.  I default to your expert opinion in the matter.

Edited by Crownguard
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