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Mushroom Kingdom Declaration

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358767424' post='3082116']
You have No idea how many Silly people I know that would not see that cop car.

A lot of people don't see them when they're parked in plain sight. Or driving in traffic. I just don't understand it at all.

[quote name='iKronos' timestamp='1358767447' post='3082117']
Oh...just 30 MK nations....the other 102 or Peace'd

Waiting for the counters perhaps?

Allarchon is a peaceful Lord. He wishes nothing but the best for all denizens of Planet Bob. He has asked us to respect His wishes and grant kindness and peace to all those across His planet.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1358767684' post='3082118']
A lot of people don't see them when they're parked in plain sight. Or driving in traffic. I just don't understand it at all.

Possibly the whole "inivisble gorilla in the room" theory or it could just be how alot of people don't see motorcyclists. Ethier way if you're doing nothing wrong no need to worry about parked cops cars :).

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[center]SteamPoweredHitler, glorious leader of the Mushreich, has spoken.[/center]

[center]The head of the Mushvolk has willed.[/center]

[center]All true shrooms will obey.[/center]

[center]Flanked by Generaloberst Mistra and Generalfeldmarschall buttbot, the living embodiment of the glorious shroomanic people has laid clear the duty of all the Mushreich. We and the Umbrellans are bound by blood. Blood we have spilt together. Atavistic blood that runs through both our veins. Any would disrupt this natural order must be destroyed.[/center]

[center]The foreign scoundrels we face are not new enemies. We know them well. We have fought them before. We have defeated them before. We have ground them under our boots before and seen them squirm.[/center]

[center]The Mushreich is above all rooted in tradition. History shall be repeated.[/center]

[center]SteamPoweredHitler has willed.[/center]

[center]All obey.[/center]

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1358767684' post='3082118']
Allarchon is a peaceful Lord. He wishes nothing but the best for all denizens of Planet Bob. He has asked us to respect His wishes and grant kindness and peace to all those across His planet.
You expect me to believe that?...Everyone who hasn't checked GOONS, they have quite a good looking Peace Mode building as well...I DON'T believe that many would go into peace mode when they finally get the chances so many of them have been bragging about to ZI some people.

Huh, this is how it goes...they Peace mode, declare war with a few nations not in peace mode, and wait for the counter on them, jump out of peace when they are ready and pick their own targets while they are low and their enemy is maxed out. They then max out and will be higher than the ones the declared on.

In other words is a coward tactic/strategy. I've been playing strategy games since I was 10, long enough to see where this is headed.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358745449' post='3081653']
This is absolutely pathetic, literally 30 nations not in peace mode and 3 in anarchy an hour before war.

I expected a lot better, the Kingdom really has fallen.

If you understand anything about war strategy. MK is genius in this kind of stuff. They actually use their head to think instead of just trying to score an easy win with numbers. If you cannot see the strategy, ask your MoD. If your MoD do not understand, move to a better alliance.

Edited by suryanto tan
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[quote name='Daikos' timestamp='1358775970' post='3082191']
Don't blame us for our opponents inability to create a functioning top tier.
could have had something to do with you guys picking easy targets for the past 3 years, just a thought.

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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1358776923' post='3082208']
RIA has won half the wars it has fought in the past 3 years.
That doesnt really dispute the fact Umbrella has intentionally ensured anyone who even came close to them(fark) got curbstomped twice, I don't get why people on your side try to pretend like they havent intentionally avoided any close war for quite a long time and attempted to ensure umbrella simply doesnt have anyone in range that isnt their ally.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1358777378' post='3082212']
That doesnt really dispute the fact Umbrella has intentionally ensured anyone who even came close to them(fark) got curbstomped twice, I don't get why people on your side try to pretend like they havent intentionally avoided any close war for quite a long time and attempted to ensure umbrella simply doesnt have anyone in range that isnt their ally.

Every war it's always the same named alliances marching into the front battle so we're creating a meat-grinder effect where the NS growth over x amount of months is reversed. Long established top tier nations end up being pummelled down into low tiers and have a huge advantage in terms of money, tech, and wonders over younger nations which just makes things even worse.

Also, every global war the last few years ends up with one side outnumbering the other by 50% (and people hide in peace mode en masse) so eventually you get to the point where you can pick and choose your fights. Top tier nations are rare and they're usually ultra-rich so damage against them is repaired immediately after the war, but some people who have their long-term nations completely ruined usually end up quitting.

Basically the reason why there aren't more Umbrella alliances is because we aren't letting our nations get to that point. Literally I'm @ the same point I was 6 months ago from the last war, but with every military wonder now and double the tech + cash. I already know I'm going to be back to where I was 6 months ago so it's a never ending cycle.

Basically Cybernations is a minitature version of what it was back during Karma.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1358779824' post='3082245']
there were no difficult targets, especially when all targets insisted on hiding their upper tiers for entire wars.
because said upper tiers were previously gutted by you the war before.

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