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  • Sanctioned Alliance
    Orange Defense Network
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    Republic of Tiola
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  1. Hello, Need one more for 3 BR (fast food, construction, beer w/ uranium + fish). Message me ingame: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=456843 I will respond to you with who to trade with. Thanks.
  2. Hello, Recently lost two trade partners in our trade circle that was running 300 days. Looking to patch it up long-term again. Trade Circle is 3 BR (fast food, construction, beer) w/ uranium + fish. Need Sugar, Spices, Lumber, Aluminum. Don't change your resources yet. Please reply here or PM me ingame. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=456843 Thanks.
  3. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1358899505' post='3084068']NEW and LSF don't owe The International [i]dick [/i]and it is repugnant that anyone imply they do, especially as payment for something CPCN did over 4 years ago, which is, in fact, a matter of decades.[/quote] I don't give two hoots about NEW. Never liked them in the first place. I just think it's very poor taste to turn around and attack any of your former treaty partners after a short window and when their pants because you screwed up and got called out. I mean, this IS cybernations and nobody fights each other unless they feel they got the other guy outnumbered so I guess it's honorable. CPCN and INT are literally the same alliance because the vast majority of people who merged from the other alliances (I forget their names, too lazy to wiki) all ended up leaving in a year anyway. When INT was formed 80-90% of CPCN's current government was put back in power so in the end it was literally a change of name and an extra mil nation strength added. Now, before INT was formed many ex-LSF members in CPCN from LSF and wanted their freedom so Craig (few other govi's) pushed NV hard to get LSF freedom. Here's a history lesson -> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=25335 Also, do you know who paid most of the tech for LSF's freedom? You guessed it -- CPCN. So CPCN (INT) helped give LSF it's freedom after being oppressed and stuck in perma-peace mode for who know's how long and gave them protectorate until they strong enough to stand on their own two feet before giving them a real treaty. So years later LSF goes and start that fiasco with NoR and expects INT to suddenly come flying to their rescue when they screwed up right before MK is about to start that Dave War (I still don't even know what it was about). Any rational alliance would of not taken the obvious bait setup to give the enemy side the initiative, but you know how everyone is around here in regards to name calling when somebody says no. // Also, people don't care about history because the exact same alliances that formed the Hegemony are now pushing to be put back in power. I think it's laughable that people call Mushroom Kingdom evil when half the alliances fighting on NEO-Hegemony's side were fighting for Mushroom Kingdom and now changed sides when it was convenient.
  4. The Return of the Hegemony http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hegemony_%28Power_Sphere%29
  5. Way to be opportunist and attack your former ally, NEW (and LSF). I guess LSF forgot how the CPCN (now INT) got NV to not-perma ZI them after how many years stuck in peace mode? I guess people have short-term memories these days.
  6. [quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1358858605' post='3083618'] this escalated quickly. i mean, things got out of hand fast. [/quote] They've been planning this for a while. Seems a little too convenient that alliances that had their treaties cancelled with less than a month ago are suddenly attacking their former treaty-mates. Really shows you how low Cybernations has sunk too.
  7. [quote name='Baron Flynt' timestamp='1358778368' post='3082226'] How do you think it feels to see an alliance who at one time stood up to The Initiative and The Continuum at every chance turn into a lapdog of some rehashed version of the Unjust Path? [/quote] And IRON and NPO helped MK crush the same alliances who are suddenly on their side. I mean, you can call me old school, but when I saw NPO and IRON fighting on DH/C&G side I knew something was wrong.
  8. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1358777378' post='3082212'] That doesnt really dispute the fact Umbrella has intentionally ensured anyone who even came close to them(fark) got curbstomped twice, I don't get why people on your side try to pretend like they havent intentionally avoided any close war for quite a long time and attempted to ensure umbrella simply doesnt have anyone in range that isnt their ally. [/quote] Every war it's always the same named alliances marching into the front battle so we're creating a meat-grinder effect where the NS growth over x amount of months is reversed. Long established top tier nations end up being pummelled down into low tiers and have a huge advantage in terms of money, tech, and wonders over younger nations which just makes things even worse. Also, every global war the last few years ends up with one side outnumbering the other by 50% (and people hide in peace mode en masse) so eventually you get to the point where you can pick and choose your fights. Top tier nations are rare and they're usually ultra-rich so damage against them is repaired immediately after the war, but some people who have their long-term nations completely ruined usually end up quitting. Basically the reason why there aren't more Umbrella alliances is because we aren't letting our nations get to that point. Literally I'm @ the same point I was 6 months ago from the last war, but with every military wonder now and double the tech + cash. I already know I'm going to be back to where I was 6 months ago so it's a never ending cycle. Basically Cybernations is a minitature version of what it was back during Karma.
  9. [quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1358776710' post='3082207'] In this war it is a little different since ODN's sugardad (MK) needed their b&$&h as a meatshield. [/quote] Like any alliance in Cybernations attacks solo or when the odds are even. It's ironic watching the same alliances who helped tear down the Hegemony are helping to build it back up.
  10. Last time INT fought NATO they were whining to us about being nuked. I hope you've grown up since then.
  11. So what can you realistically do to an alliance who's average war chest is over 5 billion? Wait until you knock down those Umbrella nations with 10k+ tech to the 60k range.
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