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Alliances Throughout the Years


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[color=#0000ff]NPO - September 14 (ten days after I created Rebel Virginia Mark I) until late December, 2006. I had gotten recruitment messages from NpO, IRON, and GATO. NpO and IRON both interested me, while GATO I quickly decided was an awful alliance (I was pretty sharp for a newbie). I became frustrated with the lack of opportunties available though and then briefly resigned to join TCF (Tri-Color Federation, a failed alliance) for three hours. I was quickly won back to the NPO by the efforts of Moo, Vladimir, and Jack Tarr who all insisted that I return. I later got a position as a Lieutenant for Alpha Battalion, got elected to the War Council, and spent the majority of 2007 in the High Command as the Intelligence Director.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]That is a brief history. Factions started to emerge in the NPO government during the months before the Unjust War. Chron was expelled over stupid stuff, and then Anthony later, with most of the High and Junior Commands leaving with him for either GOONS or MK. I was left as the senior military officer remaining in the NPO. I was not fully a part of the clique of Imperial Officers surrounding Moo, so Umbrae Nocturn was placed in charge of the military (he was an internal affairs man, while I had been in the military for months). This was purely political since he was a member of the clique, whereas I was not. I was quite vocal in my support for Polar and in my distrust of GOONS. Later Ivan was removed as Emperor (despite Moo-Cows' resignation). I remained neutral in that, to my later regret, but my sympathies for Ivan and Sponge were well-known. I started receiving hints from Koona that I should step down, or else. I did just that, and left the alliance completely. I became quite critical of them for awhile, not out of malice but for what I perceived as incompetence (attacking FAN for a second time, for example).[/color]

[color=#0000ff]On my own, the first incarnation of FAIL came into being. I was raided by WAPA, and had some fun. Later Starfox recruited me into the first Vox Populi. I later reformed FAIL and attacked that alliance. I sought to rejoin NPO, wanting to reconcile, but that didn't happen. They thought me unstable. Slayer welcomed me into TPF though, and despite his obsession with NoV and NoR I found him to be a decent person OOC. I remember him fondly, despite the IC disagreement that later came. I left TPF after a month and rejoined NPO. The reconciliation I wanted never came. NPO attacked GATO a month after I joined.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]I joined GATO for two weeks of the war. My nation was rubbish from my adventures in FAIL, but I didn't plan on helping them. I did not fight the IRON and NPO nations that hit me. My purpose was to sabotage GATO internally. I ran for Assembly Chairman and almost run, but before I could win I came clean about my intentions. I had grown fond of them and wanted to help them. The NPO IC's would not forgive that betrayal. I resigned from GATO since I figured my presence would make it more difficult for them to get peace. I was becoming vocally critical of the NPO and its policies, and was placed on ZI lists by both the NPO and IRON. FAIL emerged for the third time, until I deleted Rebel Virginia Mark I in July.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]Starfox and Doitzel approached me a week later, and then Vox Populi II was created. I fought the NPO for a few months, but I was tired. I had been criticizing them for months and wanted a break. I took a several month hiatus (keeping Rebel Virginia Mark V alive, I rerolled several times when in Vox to get some decent resources) and was eventually taken off the PZI lists of GGA, Valhalla, NPO, IRON, and I forget who else. I joined MK for a few months, but in the middle of Karma I got bored and reformed FAIL for a bit. I started criticizing the victors, ever being the Rebel. It was after this that I joined NSO. The first run did not last too long, since I reformed FAIL and briefly joined RIA, but during the second run I found a home for nearly two years. NSO remains the alliance I have spent the most of my time in CN in. I rose to being a Dark Lord, but eventually resigned. I remained as a Prophet for many months. It stuck with the Sith through a lot, being rolled many times and being the laughing stock of CN for over a year. The loss of the NSO to Legion, however, was too much for me. I resigned, reformed FAIL, had some fun, and have been enjoying a semi-retirement in MK since earlier this year.[/color]

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If I remember correctly it goes a little something like this:

[b]CDS[/b] - My alliance cherry so to speak.

[b]Legion[/b] - Graphix talked me into it and I liked it for a while, but of course being the war monger I was... was easily pulled into...

[b]GGA[/b] - Pulled into thanks to Decollo and left with him after the war and getting my nuke cherry popped courtesy of GATO.

[b]\m/[/b] -The first and best form of this alliance in my opinion. Loved the people and times were never dull with them.

[b]House of the Rising Sun[/b] - Starfox talked me into this one... It didn't last long and I can't remember why.

[b]Vox Populi[/b] - Self explainatory and not one of my greatest moves. But at that time I yearned for change of power in CN, I just didn't go about it in the right way.

[b]Browncoats[/b] - After my PZI courtesy of NPO(which was my fault), almost a year or so after my failed nation I tried to come back thanks to Chairman Hal and then came the infamous Bilow calling me a slut bit. I had really meant to return and be a productive member of Planet Bob, but it didn't work out due to taking forever to fall in Moo's good graces. By the time I did, life was too hectic to keep up with Planet Bob.

[b]The Combine[/b] - After two years of being gone I have returned and joined here coutesy of Starfox.

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I joined red when I started playing in August of 2006---probably because I was doing a lot of modding for RTW at the time---and stayed unaligned for three months, during which (being unaware of the game's norms) I ghosted the NPO for a bit and attacked a few nations for spoils. One of these nations, unfortunately, was part of GOONS, which, as I found out, was a rather large grouping. Fortunately, I got off by sending $50K in reparations.

I joined NPO (because they were the biggest red alliance) in November of that year. The regimented structure and constant movement was fun for awhile---GW3 is still the funnest war I've ever been a part of---but eventually I got sick of the fact that the membership were drones with no say in the leadership's decisions and no recourse in the frequent instances when members were treated poorly by their higher-ups; it was also evident that advancement through the cronyism-based power structure (which RV has made reference to) would be nearly impossible. As such, I left at the end of June, 2007.

I joined TOP immediately after leaving NPO. TOP was an alliance very well thought of in NPO for its performances in GW2 and GW3, and was considered an elite alliance. More, it was a democracy. I went to work immediately and was Grand Hospitaller (MoIA) in two months, then Grandmaster (head of state) two months after that. We have a wonderful community, and I doubt I could ever enjoy another alliance as much.

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Oasis ~ Oct 2006 - Jan 2007 [GenMem, Chancellor, Alumni Council]
* Viridian Entente ~ Jan 2007 - May 2007 [GenMem, Minister of Finance]
* Royal Dominion ~ May(June?) 2007 - Sept 2007 [Minister of FA]
* Viridian Entente ~ Sept 2007 - May 2008 [Minister of FA / Lord]
Darwin Alliance ~ 2 weeks [GenMem ~ War Council]
** Ordo Recolitus/Verde ~ June 2008 - April 2009 [GenMem, Minister of FA]

-- into the abyss of RL --

* Viridian Entente ~ November 2009 - December 09/January 2010 [Minister of Awesome]
** Selucid ~ sat on 2man Selucid AA with KingAlexanderIV from when we left VE while founding Symphony
** Symphony ~ May 2010 - August 2010 [Founder, Quadrumvir of FA]
New Sith Order ~ August 2010 - present [GenMem, Marauder/Master of Propaganda & Indoctrination, Marauder/Master of Lies, Sith Lord, Dark Lord, Emperor]

* - directly associated
** - with other members of/from Viridian Entente

** edit: fixed dates in the second half .. Dates were off by a year ..

Edited by Rayvon
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IAA, first rendition. Left because I was a noob.
MERC, joined on day 3 of existence, became CoFA not too long after, stayed until we merged into The Resistance a couple years later. Was the longest living micro-micro alliance out there for a while.
The Resistance, been there for 450 days... Not too bad, just a bit inactive often. Currently a councilman.

Edited by PorkPotPie
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Lets hope I don't break the maximum character amount. Ill just go by the ones under my name Rotavele.[list]
[*][b][color=#d3d3d3]Zenith [/color](6 months)[/b] - Left after Karma
[*][b][color=#0000ff]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] (4 Months)[/b] - Left to form TIO.
[*][b][color=#0000ff]The Imperial Order[/color] (3 Months) [/b]- TIO Disbands
[*][b][color=#800080]The Legion[/color] (10 months) [/b]- Left due to not feeling at home, Never made any friends here. All my friends were in foreign alliances.
[*][b][color=#006400]Grand Global Alliance[/color] (2 months) [/b]- GGA Disbands
[*][b][color=#0000ff]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] (6 Months)[/b] - Left after PB-NpO War, To try the "Other side of the web".
[*][b][color=#00ffff]Athens[/color] (6 months)[/b] - Fought TPF for the remainder of PB-NPO. Then Athens merged, but I didn't follow along.
[*][b][color=#ff0000]New Pacific Order [/color](2 Months)[/b] - Left to spy on CSN.
[*][b][color=#b22222]Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations[/color] (3-4 Months)[/b] - Started to come to spy, began liking CSN the very next day. Left due to a disagreement with leadership about the war.
[center]----------------------------------------------------Beginning of my spiral decline and heavy AA hopping---------------------------------------------------------[/center]

[center](7 Alliances in 8 Months)[/center][list]
[*][b][color=#0000ff]New Polar Order[/color] (1.5 months/War AA)[/b] - Came to Polaris in a feeling of honor and to continue the fight for "Our side" of the war. Recruited by Valhalla on the battlefield 3 days before peace was [u]announced[/u], but was labeled as a deserter despite the fighting being ceased.
[*][b][color=#800080]Valhalla[/color][/b] [b](3 Months) [/b]- Left due to my personal inactivity, Felt as if I did not fit in as Valhalla was a very professional and active alliance
[*][b][color=#0000ff]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] (2 Months) [/b]- Left to form Sovrana, after dispute with several members.
[*][b][color=#b22222]Sovrana[/color] (1 Week) [/b]- My personal alliance that I felt was the same as Bal Masque, just a bit smaller and then merged Sovrana into it.
[*][b]Bal Masque (1 Week)[/b] - I "quit" Cybernations. War broke out due to me "quitting" and revealing spy logs of myself spying on CSN.
[*][b][color=#a52a2a]Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations[/color] (2 Weeks/War Alliance/Part of Terms)[/b] - Proposed to Liz, that I fight for CSN instead of being ZIed by CSN. I had a chance to avoid punishment, side with MK, and let CSN get destroyed. Out of respect for Liz and the alliance I had already got in this mess, I fought for them for two weeks. I ended up being put on MK's ZI list for the deterrent of the war.
[*][b][color=#a9a9a9]Kaskus [/color](1 Month) [/b]- Left due to feeling as if I was getting Kaskus into a bad relationship with MK, and to avoid any conflict.
[*][color=#0000ff][b]North Atlantic Defense Coalition[/b][/color] [b](Current)[/b]

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1352439578' post='3050401']
NAAC - June 06 to about the end of December.
FIRE - Not the ones you're thinking of, small white alliance, R stood for the letter R, literally.
NAAC - From right before they entered GW2 until disbandment, Jan 07 through April 07
ODN - April 07 - Around October 07.
FIST - Around October 07 until they merged with Darkfall to form Dark Fist
Dark Fist - Formation until Jan 09.
Echelon - Jan 09 through Jan 10.
TPF - for about three weeks in January 2010.
Echelon - January 2010 - March 28, 2010
Sanitarium (first) - March 28, 2010 through May 31st, 2011.
TPF - May 31st, 2011 to April 13th, 2012.
Sanitarium (reformed) - April 13th, 2012 to present.

Odd. I have always associated you with TPF/Sanitarium. :o

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[quote name='PorkPotPie' timestamp='1352764232' post='3051581']
MERC, joined on day 3 of existence, became CoFA not too long after, stayed until we merged into The Resistance a couple years later. Was the longest living micro-micro alliance out there for a while.
The Resistance, been there for 450 days...

450 days since MERC disbanded... seems like yesterday Donkey Kong bumped recruitment topic. Largest recruitment topic on CN forum for smallest alliance on CN forum. :P

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[Apr 07 - Dec 07] NPO - Left due to several differences with policy etc, and boredom of being in a mass alliance.
[Dec 07 - Jan 08] TOP - Expelled.
[Jan 08 - Feb 08] None - Was under ZI from NPO.
[Feb 08 - Dec 08] MK - Left with a few others who all wanted a changed of scenery.
[Dec 08 - Present] Umbrella - Tech.Rules.Everything.Around.Me

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CNDI - So long ago
GOLD - ^
OASIS - Madhouse.
NPO - Had a fun time in NPO, just didn't fit in.
SOUL - Leader. My second favorite alliance in CN. Had alot of amazing times in this alliance. Won blue team senate with 15 members in our alliance. Being in BLEU, awesome. Fighting the UJP, awesome.
MCXA - Joined for a week won an election for government. Didn't do much after that. Left before TSO split off.
SOUL - Leader
SOLID - FA guy. Train wreck of an alliance.
DT - Home.

I think that's the right order.

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ODN - 1 or 2 months idr, but Aug-Oct roughly
ICP - 1 1/2 months
NoR - Dec 06-May 07

NoR - Dec 06-May 07 Disbanded the alliance
VE - for 3 days after NoR disbanded
NoV - May-Dec

NoR - Oct 10-Aug 11

NoR - Oct 10-Aug 11
MHA - Aug 11-Jan 12
NoR - A week or two, was going to be nobility demoted for leaving so I left again on my own accord
Umb - Jan-Present

I don't know if it can be counted as still being a member since I'm letting my nation sit and collect pixel dust for the forseeable future, but I'm on the AA so I guess it counts.

Fun ride though.

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I'm not going to bother with dates, its hard enough to keep everything in order.

Mutually Assured Defense - I doubt I was there for more than three month before they merged into Echelon.
The Gramlins - Probably somewhere between six months and a year.
Federation of Buccaneers - A couple years, easily the most fun I've had in CN.
Poison Clan - Less than a year, might be the "best" alliance I've ever been in during the period I was there.
The Privateers - Just long enough get bored and delete.
GOONS - 666 days now, how about that.

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[*][b]Christian Coalition of Countries January 31st, 2008 - January, 2009[/b]
Nate1865 recruited me into the CCC, and I loved it. I still hold many of those people who I met there very dear to my heart. The CCC gave me my first job in gov. I served in GWV. During my Chancellorship I was VoNC'ed without grounds, and instead of putting the alliance under stress of an impeachment, The Kaiser, Newtype, Doitfojesus and I decided to leave for a close ally of ours, GR.
[*][b]Greenland Republic January 2009[/b]
My time at GR was short, as drama was kicked up a few notches in the CCC, and rather than put GR in a bad spot with the CCC, I left and then helped a friend (Roo) found the GOP.
[*][b]Green Old Party February 1st, 2009 - present[/b]

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i'm really loving these lists from people. you can see quite a few where people jumped to exact opposite sides of the web for one reason or another. many staying with the same alliance/group of friends since starting, and even more jumping around til they find home

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