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Alliances Throughout the Years


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IRON since day 1.

Applied to NPO and GGA too, they were slow to accept application and I liked the name IRON. Got here from Battledawn forums and found CN political scene to be alot more mature and developed as compared to Battledawn. Recall some VE guys there as well.

My first war was against Schatanman, he spammed gay emo kiss pics to me -.-. Good times

Edited by shahenshah
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Oh wow, this could be a story. Although I do have to say, interesting topic. I'll be paying attention to see where different people came from.

First I was unaligned. Then I was in some !@#$%* maroon alliance that I don't even remember the name of for three days until they switched their forums and those forums wouldn't work for me. Then I was unaligned for the longest time again. Then I was in GOLD. GOLD was basically full of drama whores though whom thought they were more important than they actually were, and then UJW became a thing. I'd talk about ROFL, but it seems Schattenmann has already described it better than I ever could.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1352351064' post='3050023'] As a Hidden GOONS I went to Republican Organization for Liberty, this god-awful ex-GOLD AA that Nintenderek founded with some winy 6th-graders. I became MoD by virtue of possessing a copy of Arcades' war guide (now roundly considered one of the worst ever written)

I'd almost be offended if it wasn't for how true this statement is. I'm pretty sure that somewhere on my old laptop, I still have logs of you telling Grobend that you "wouldn't ***** him." and him logging off. I think that quote best describes how horrible that alliance was. I think it would have been better had Grobend not been a member and had it not been a bunch of people who only joined because they wanted government positions...

Then came Purge and all that mess. Browncoats and all that mess. SOAP (also known as ROFL 2.0) where I was accused of trying to coup the leadership after being appointed to replace an inactive leader (appointed by one of the remaining active leaders, since about half the government was inactive) after that inactive leader decided to finally log into the forums right after I was appointed. Then I was in APP for like a week, maybe two, and then joined Vox. After that, I took about a month long break until I was recruited to help some ex-ODNers with some alliance they were forming. I worked on that for like a week and then Inci told me I should join him in his green team alliance called The Realm founded by Jonathon Brookbanks, whom was no longer a member at the time.

What I didn't realize though, is that Inci only wanted me there so he could make me regent, since he wanted to leave his spot as Emperor. A bunch of people got pissed, and honestly I can't blame them and people became inactive and we merged into FIRE. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62028"]Worse, idea, ever[/url]. After that, I joined Asriel Belaqua in reforming Browncoats for what I didn't realize would be my one final fight, then took a three year break from the game (while keeping my nation alive and inactive) and then returned and joined CoJ since it was really the only alliance left that was originally founded on Vox Populi principles. And that's it. I'm sure there's an alliance or two in there somewhere I'm forgetting, but I've been in so many micro alliances now it's hard to remember all of them.

Edited by Nintenderek
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CDS - July 06 to september 07, greatest alliance I've ever been in, and learned a crash course in alliance politics and government roles near the end due to having to do it all, Technically I was a member of COLD in GW3 because CDS used COLD to rearm and aidbomb ourselves.
TPF - CDS disbandment until 3 months pre karma, helped found OPP, was MoFA which essentially meant troll the OWF and shoot the !@#$ on IRC, an enjoyable alliance with alot of CDSers in it due to the COLD merger, etc.
NPO - for maybe a month, only joined because I knew I couldnt get TPF away from NPO, so I might as well try to make NPO able to fight the war that was coming, everyone told me I was stupid for thinking so many people wanted to roll Pacifica. major achievement is the boxxy wordfilter in #nsa
IRAN - 2 Months pre karma until B&, pet project from Slayer, Batallion was retarded, everyone else was pretty cool people and I'm happy I took the job over there.
B& -July 09 til feb 11
RIA - from the time I got unbanned until now. plenty of ex CDSers and similar atmosphere, probably will be an RIAer until the game ends.

I could include the numerous versions of CDS and assorted rogue AAs in here, but I figured I'd just go for actual alliances.

Edited by Mogar
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[b]Polaris:[/b] June 2006- mid July 2008 Fought GW1 and every other war with Polaris. I left to join a micro with some friends.

[b]Paragon Ascendancy:[/b] mid July 2008-mid August 2008 Left shortly before it disbanded because PA sat on the sidelines instead of entering WotC to defend our protectorate, MK.

[b]Polaris:[/b] mid August 2008-Nov 2008 Left a couple of weeks after terms ended and joined Gremlins.

[b]Grämlins:[/b] Nov 2008-???? Not honestly sure. Left a couple of weeks before Ramirus turned Gremlins into a !@#$hole. Joined IAA.

[b]IAA: [/b]Stayed with IAA for a while (with a brief stint in DAWN fighting the Rämlins during the Gremlins-IRON war.) Joined DT next.

[b]DT: [/b]Joined TIO around a month before the PB-NpO war. Stay for around a year and recently joined TIO.

[b]TIO: [/b]Been in TIO for the last 181 days.

Man it is unbelievable how I remember dates better from the beginning than I do in the middle. Would be a bit easier if Gre wrote in when Ramirus destroyed Gre. :(

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[b]Grey Council[/b] - March 06 to Sept 06, invited by Bumpy after I was arguing sovereignty against people in the NPO.
[b]Order of the Black Rose [/b]- Sept 06 until (hell I don't remember now). Got into it with Experimentium for pulling RL into it, it blew up.
Took a break from CN
[b]New Pacific Order[/b] - February 2008 - Current

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Late 2008 - Mid 2010 | The Global Order, Aquatic Coalition Front, Asgaard

My first nation was created in 2008, just after the GATO-1V War. I received a recruitment message from Logan of ODN, among many others. I tried joining ODN, VE, and I think GGA. All three took an innumerable amount of time to get back to me, so I took another offer from The Global Order, becoming a member without any academy. A tiny micro, I led Recruitment and Foreign Affairs... whatever that meant. For me it was register on as many forums as humanly possible and spam my friends. I recruited mainly RL friends, and put them in gov spots. We grew to around 20/ 30 members, wrote a few treaties, and had some laughs. Keanu, our dear leader, deleted of inactivity. We merged with, iirc, Troy, another micro. I didn't really like their vibe but we announced the merger because they were really our only ally. One of my friends from that group, kingEMO93 (I think it's 93...), started up a number of micros afterward eventually pissing off NATO and Oceania among others who offered to protect him. 2009 was really not his year.

When TGO folded, I rounded up the guys I recruited and told them to change their AA to Aquatic Coalition Front. This must have been about early 2009... can't quite remember. It was here I finally learned how to play the game - lonewolf, gambona, tehol... three of the nicest guys ever. They showed me the ropes and built my nation to an incredible 6K. Eventually I got jobs running trade circles of the alliance, won a recruiting award, and was most active diplomat or some thing. I formed friendships with The Sasori Initiative, Ragnarok, CRAP, and Polar mainly. Fought through Karma with these guys, it was a lot of fun. We only fought with RAD and Assassin Order against NADC, but still, my first real war. Unfortunately, things got quiet, and many started making plans for what would happen post ACF. I and the friends from TGO along with new friends rocknraider and mustakrakish(?) planned on forming an alliance that didn't work out. I followed lonewolf and gambona to their project, Asgaard. I didn't gel with it at all, the 3 different in game AAs... after many arguments a good many members left. I deleted of inactivity shortly thereafter, unable to find a suitable home.

Late 2010 - April/May 2012 | NATO and Legacy

A few months to a year later I rerolled, sticking with NATO for a long time. Fought through two wars, one of which being the NPO front of the Grudge War, where I first served as a military organizer. I also served a couple terms as Secretary of Recruitment, my first time being in government of a real alliance. Organizing war via IRC, launching nukes against the gun nuts, good times (shoutout to the Pacifican I worked with, dan100). I wanted to be run for FA (Feb/March 2012), but a core of longstanding members held the offices of Sec Gen, Defense, and FA. To be frank, NATO was a stick in the mud. They talked of all this change and wanting to absorb the practically inactive NADC among other blue alliances we were friendly with, perhaps merge TFD, NATO, NADC and another into a massive blue alliance, but alas, nothing ever happened. Complacency and status quo reigned here.

In March or April of 2012 I found Legacy, through my old friend rocknraider and decided to join up. It was exciting, they had good friends in NSO whom I was familiar with from my time in NATO, and I was excited. RL took over a bit though, and I ended up going inactive only a couple months in, doing nothing of note.

I bought my first nuke with NATO, was part of a major alliance finally, finally was an active irc member, and was in the war room as part of NATO's government (Sec of Recruitment, but still). Good memories were made here with Sir Humphrey, lenny, berbers, all of 'em. Good times. I wish I stuck around in Legacy, but don't remember a lot from my short stay.

Aug 2012 - | New Sith Order and Kashmir

I stayed in NSO as a proud Sithian for nearly a year. The theme really is what drew me in, a Star Wars fanatic myself. KirstenMichelle recruited me, and I gelled with the vibe quite easily. I had no plans but to chill with good people and ignore the OWF. About 6 months in I become really active, mainly in the recruiting department. I also diplomated and worked in Inquisition a bit. After running for an empty seat in Inquisition against gofastleft and losing, then a month later unsuccessfully challenging an inactive member of Inquisition, I looked to work on my work ethic and break into government. With Furqan quitting (and subsequently returning a couple months later, post-my departure) and Hereno somehow becoming our Master of Cultivation, there was an empty spot at Marauder. But, disappointed with several things in the alliance, I didn't feel motivated... some of the same problems that existed from my time in NATO were prevalent. There's a large number of reasons that culminated in my leaving. Kashmir and NSO had become quick friends, and I like yolo/trout/ the rest of the guys a lot. The switch made sense to me, and I felt I could have a bigger impact working with Kashmir. So here I am.

Since joining, we've lost trout, BloodFury, and a couple other notable members to BF1... who knows what they're planning ;). I started out working for master hakai in foreign affairs, and cultivated good friendships with a few AAs like Javahouse, FEAR, Baratheon, GOONs, LPH and a few others. With two other founders stepping down from government, SirWilliam asked if I'd be interested in becoming the Hermit - IA. Happy to be on the forefront of an alliance I truly gelled with and whose philosophy I believed in, I accepted. And that about brings us to now. Edited by Letterkenny
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NPO - 7th Jan 07 - 10th Jan 11, Enjoyed my time there, fought in every major war during that time, only missed a few like Jarheads due to lack of targets. Left because I needed a change after 4 years, as well as feeling as though I'd done all I was going to be allowed to do there after being shunted sideways.

NSO - 11th Jan 11 - 22nd May 12, Fought the DH-NPO war and the Legion-Tetris war, hung out with a lot of cool people, Dilber, Ray, Anthony, Dopp, RV, Heft, LintWad, etc. Left because of differences of approach with high gov, I wanted to be proactive in using our strengths to get to the political position we wanted, whereas they were more on the reactive side.

MK - 24th May 12 - Now, Wanted to join an alliance more involved in the political side of things instead of being on the periphery, and being a diplomat to MK from NSO introduced me to their active and engaging community. Nice to be in an alliance with such a broad general understanding of how this place works, in terms of both game mechanics and political dealings. Loving it here, have no plans to leave any time soon.

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[b]ODN:[/b] Arrived in CN way back in May 2006, as part of the last stragglers from the 'other game', the bulk of the migration took place a month or two earlier but in due part to my stubborn refusal to leave that game I came later...the other game rapidly became a desolate wasteland due to most of the really active guys heading over to CN so in the end I head to give up the ghost and join CN. Upon my arrival Pope Hope roped me into ODN and thus began my addiction to this game. IN this first stint with the network I fought in GW1 and watched impotently from the sidelines during GW2 (still annoyed about that to this day) and fought (and was ZI'ed) during GW3. I eventually resigned from ODN in June 2007.

[b]ICP (2nd):[/b] Took part in the ICP's reformation at the request of the likes of FInnish Commie among others. However it was an ill-fated (and by modern standards badly organized) rebirth as no protector or treaties were put in place, predictably Nordreich aided by the Golden Sabres fell on the Commies in what was termed the ICP Reformation War. After being extorted for reps I went back to ODN to lick my wounds after a total of about a week away.

[b]ODN (Second Stint):[/b] Fought in the Unjust War and made a general nuisance of myself :), but it was only to be home for a few months as I upped and left in September 2007.

[b]CPCN:[/b] So Finnish Commie among others persuaded me to get involved with the CN-Left's new project, the CPCN. I worked initially worked as a foreign minister, helped Finnish defeat the Demokratikos coup and generally enjoyed myself. However it was to end in tears when the GATO-1V war kicked off in late April 2008 and (under pressure from certain alliances I will not name) the MDP with GATO was not honoured. This led to 5 members (incl. myself) forming what we called the Commie Volunteer Force which joined GATO in its moment of need.

[b]GATO:[/b] So basically this stint with the Global Alliance was for the duration of the GATO-1V war and it was a conflict that saw my nation slip from an all-time high of around 50/60k due to the endless rounds of fighting (my nation has never reached those heights of NS since... largely due to laziness :D). I fought on till GATO was finally offered terms of surrender (after much posturing from the NPO that GATO would be offered no terms at all, essentially they hoped GATO would disband like IAA did imo). With the surrender and subsequent occupation of GATO I headed back to ODN in late July 2008.

[b]ODN (Third stint):[/b] I rejoined ODN in time to witness the horrendous and utterly shameful cancellation on Polaris (another thing that bugs me to this day), nevertheless I remained loyal and fought for ODN and tried to defend its name on these forums at a time when being an ODN member was tantamount to being a piece of dudu on the bottom of someone's shoe. While it was at times a miserable experience it was also by the same token challenging. I fought during the bit-part conflict with Vox Populi (what I like the call the Vox Pop sitzkrieg), the Karma war and worked hard to restore relations between ODN and the likes of MK and GATO. Eventually I got itchy feet and decided to head out of ODN again in July 2010.

[b]The International:[/b] I joined INT to hook up with the plethora of old friends from the ICP and CPCN days. Managed to get elected to the top job for one month and served as a FA minister for a bit, but then slipped into semi-activity. This stint with the commies eventually ended when I returned to activity and opted to find a new challenge and decided to head over to Ronin.

[b]Ronin:[/b] Really enjoyed my time in Ronin where I met so many cool guys and gals, however with Ronin being increasingly inactive it was not fated for great things and disbandment came in November 2011.

[b]The Last Remnants:[/b] As per discussions with some Ronin members immediately following the decision to disband Ronin I signed up to join TLR. And so far gravitating between periods of activity and inactivity I have enjoyed myself and the camaraderie of my fellow members.

Edited by Cataduanes
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Attempted to start my own alliance- Banned for unrelated reasons
Returned, VE for a while, quit cn
Several small alliances, most notably the Order of the Gryphon. quit cn.
A few feeble attempts at returning and joining non-major alliances for about a week before going inactive

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Well i started in The Mafia, then Dark Fall and Dark Fist.

After them i could never settle down until i Met Mayzie and ran LA with him.

Then NEW and affiliates like FEAR and NFL then onto my favourite, Kaskus.

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NPO - Joined because it was biggest alliance on red and I like the colour red (I was new that's all I had to go on) Left as I was unhappy
GPA - Applicant - Got jumped in the Woodstock War whilst I was an applicant
NpO - Cool guys, I left because I wasn't active and was kind of bored with CN
STA - STA gave me a home during the "Sponge/NpO" issues, basically just protecting me until I went back, because they're cool like that
Ingsoc - The refounding never really got going but I respected NR enough to give it a go with him
LoSS - Current and kick ass alliance

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- ODN (Post Citrus War - Post GW1)
- ONOS (till end of Ivan Moldavi's viceroyship)
- Greenland Republic (till around... Autumn 2008)
- 1 Touch Foorball (till ... early 2009)
- GATO (till early 2010)
- deletion
- CSN since March 2011

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KoC: Probably my most missed alliance, Minty, Matt Shovel, some great people in the alliance. (Though Matt Shovel lost it ;P )
iFOK: Honestly I don't have much to say, it was kind of boring.
LE: It was great for the short time that it lasted, the leader got butt hurt when it collapsed. (Probably not the LE you are thinking of, hi Hellbilly)
RIA: Great bunch of people, I only left because of my own RL problems. But either way, what a great alliance to be a member of.
KoH (the first one): Great group, I felt bad leaving, I blame reaver ;) classy people there I miss the group in its prime.
DB4D: Some people I knew in the alliance from VA so I joined, also to raid with Reaver. I didnt't really leave on the best note, me and Wifey have a love hate relationship (the hate mostly:P)
RoK: Probably the best, and the most classy alliance I have been in. I miss these days and only left because of personal issues. I wish I didn't leave but these things happen.
Kaskus (my current alliance): Probably the most balsy group I have been a part of, I mean if you are sitting on the side lines thinking "Man those guys just don't give a damn." you are about right. Probably the most unconventional alliance I have been in, so many people from different countries it is like we are in a PBS show. We don't have forums and most of our treaties aren't even public. Honestly a great group.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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IRON - Since March 2007, I fell out with Finsterbaby once who was president at the time and applied to join Valhalla but after some third party deliberation we kissed and made up, I think I departed for a day or something.

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Jan 2009-August 2009) New Pacific Order: Fought lots of FAN, Jarheads and then the Karma War. Culturally Pacifica was oil and water with me, it just didn't work out, leadership hated me and I wasn't too keen on them either.

August 2009-present) Random Insanity Alliance

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