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Announcement from Non Grata

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1317271388' post='2811019']
You seem so eager for someone who does not care about little old me. :smug:

"does this statement of yours mean this thing" isn't the most emphatic statement of eagerness in the world

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1317270893' post='2810965']
I am becoming tired of the arguments. I would be happier with a simple "we are attacking you to have war with NpO". At least it would be honest.

I find the conceit of the polar crowd quite astounding. This was UPN's error and their failure to accept historically reasonable terms, why should this be cast as a personal a front to you? Would you not also defend your protectorates, or demand due reparations?

Also I thought you opposed tech raiding?

Edited by iamthey
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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1317271419' post='2811021']
You're right. Didn't read that.
yeah generally speaking reading the post that contains the seed for all the subsequent discussion in a thread is a Good Plan Of Attack

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1317271026' post='2810972']
Also, its an Military Officers JOB and DUTY to know who they are hitting when. So really, don't take someones inability to properly know their targets as them becoming a victim. Accountability for crying out loud.
[/quote]Your argument would be far more compelling if we weren't living in an unequal world where accountability is reliant entirely upon political connections, or lack thereof.

[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1317271105' post='2810979']What's demeaning about it? I posted the math showing that 30mil is much closer to right than 6mil. UPN refused to come up and pay a reasonable amount of reparations. If they had paid, what would be demeaning about it? They'd pay the reparations, and it would all be resolved quietly. Nobody would even know it happened. Instead, now everyone knows that UPN's MoD can't figure out if an alliance is safe to raid, and UPN is too strapped for cash to pay for their mistakes. Now that's demeaning.[/quote]30 million or 3 million, inflationary trends have made numbers that small, or really cash reps in general, easily payable by most every alliance. Likewise rebuilding is simple beyond measure because easy cash is so readily available. So, really at this point cash reps aren't about money or rebuilding. They're about acknowledging fault and symbolically making reparations.

UPN offered to do that by paying twice what they thought the damage was worth. The only logical reason for NG to refuse their offer, or to not try to find a middle ground, is because they wanted something UPN refused to give them: a submissive, humiliating gesture.

UPN refused and they were right to do so.

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1317271507' post='2811024']
This CB is preposterous. Would you have us believe that a UPN member is capable of doing damage ingame? I find this highly unlikely. Why then were reparations asked?

Thread's over, run along now kids.

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1317271507' post='2811024']
This CB is preposterous. Would you have us believe that a UPN member is capable of doing damage ingame? I find this highly unlikely. Why then were reparations asked?

You have a point, I will discuss this very valid point with my fellow Tris. B-)

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[quote name='Llanowar Elf' timestamp='1317270761' post='2810958']
It may be on NG's wiki, but where is there own AA's wiki? How is someone supposed to automatically know that there is an agreement out there, when there is no official wiki for the AA in question? Are they supposed to go through every single thread in the OWF? There MoD, checked to see if there was a wiki. There was none. He then checked there bios, nothing. What more does one do? Pm the nation asking if it is ok for them to be tech raided?

erm.. Hate to tell you...


05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> I didn't know that it had a protectorate with you
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> check their bio
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> none of them had non-grata event mentioned there
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> so how was I to know?
05:33 <~KingXander> <KingXander> have you never raided before?
05:33 <~KingXander> <KingXander> you can't just check bios
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> I hv
05:33 <~KingXander> <KingXander> you have to check forums and wiki page too
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> generally that is the practice
05:33 <~KingXander> <KingXander> there's a plethora of information available to you, far too much for you to be ignorant
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> you can't expect me to check d wiki page for 200 alliance
05:33 <~KingXander> <KingXander> sure i can
05:33 <~KingXander> <KingXander> its the same !@#$%^&* i have to go through when i want to raid
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> yeah right
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> I tried to reason with you
05:33 <~KingXander> <Dobs2504[UPN]> if that is beyond then I can't help

I call that just being plain lazy personally.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317270868' post='2810963']
This isn't about NG being omg offended and morally outraged by UPN's actions. This is about NG using UPN's mistake as an opportunity to demean them for the sake of it. UPN refused and attempted to solve the issue via diplomatic means. NG disliked being negotiated with and declared.

I have a solid case.

I'm saying this with without any disrespect intended, but don't be stupid, because you're not. You know UPN messed up, and you know the number asked wasn't 'unreasonable' or any other type of buzzword like that. Some causes are worth arguing for, some are worth fighting for, and some are nothing but a reminder of what's bound to eventually happen when you keep a retard chained in your basement for way too long.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317271624' post='2811032']
30 million or 3 million, inflationary trends have made numbers that small, or really cash reps in general, easily payable by most every alliance. Likewise rebuilding is simple beyond measure because easy cash is so readily available. So, really at this point cash reps aren't about money or rebuilding. They're about acknowledging fault and symbolically making reparations.

UPN offered to do that by paying twice what they thought the damage was worth. The only logical reason for NG to refuse their offer, or to not try to find a middle ground, is because they wanted something UPN refused to give them: a submissive, humiliating gesture.

UPN refused and they were right to do so.

Except this ignores that UPN was wrong on the value of the damages. I am sure NG made them aware of this, as their reasoning for requesting 30mil was because that was what they calculated damages as.

The fact that UPN would try to obfuscate it and say that 3mil is all the damage that was done, when that can be proven demonstrably wrong is stupid.

UPN can try to say that 30mil == 3mil, but when they get attacked for their stubbornness, they really shouldn't cry, and the claims of extortion are outrageous slander.

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Fallin Fool, that is a lazy answer.

Also if Polaris is bothered so much by this... protect your ally this way... tell them to accept the terms and you aid bomb them. Lesson learned things move on.

If you find that reps demanded to be excessive (which again is a bs argument) there are two choices. Posturing does nothing.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1317271587' post='2811029']
yeah generally speaking reading the post that contains the seed for all the subsequent discussion in a thread is a Good Plan Of Attack
I'm busy right now. I'll comeback with an insult to you later. :v:

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1317271878' post='2811051']
As the mayor of raidertown it makes me sad to see people not using due diligence, it reflects badly on us raiders. The information was there.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105625&st=100&p=2810941&#entry2810941]No kidding[/url].

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317271624' post='2811032']
Your argument would be far more compelling if we weren't living in an unequal world where accountability is reliant entirely upon political connections, or lack thereof.

30 million or 3 million, inflationary trends have made numbers that small, or really cash reps in general, easily payable by most every alliance. Likewise rebuilding is simple beyond measure because easy cash is so readily available. So, really at this point cash reps aren't about money or rebuilding. They're about acknowledging fault and symbolically making reparations.

UPN offered to do that by paying twice what they thought the damage was worth. The only logical reason for NG to refuse their offer, or to not try to find a middle ground, is because they wanted something UPN refused to give them: a submissive, humiliating gesture.

[b]UPN refused and they were right to do so.[/b]


And with all due respect, it is then Non Grata's right to DoW.

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1317268580' post='2810821']

2 nations attacked, 2 nations anarchied... I call that a good blitz by the Stew-meister
Rollin Rollin Rolling, keep them doggies rollin.....

o/ NG

[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1317270150' post='2810918']
So UPN wanted a war with FEAR, what does this have to do with Non Grata again? Also for UPN it seems granting them that sanction when they were fighting me didn't earn them leeway here, enjoy the fight though.

Wow you are actually still here, and think you have an opinion. Oh yeah the UPN santion was totally based on leeway they would have from helping you in the past :wacko:

[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1317270436' post='2810939']
I am not impressed.

Well please step in and impress EVERYONE. Bets right now are that you wont :smug:

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