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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. I never remember IRON being that low at any point in their history. At worst they were maybe unsanctioned for a while, but even that I do not recall.
  2. More or less the newcomers are just amalgamations of former sanctioned alliances that are now defunct.
  3. I feel like after all these years, this chart still looks more or less the same.
  4. What? No beer review? Tell me I am not the only one who is disappointed.
  5. How can we have formal relations when your master LUE has disbanded?
  6. This is almost as funny as the time an alliance surrendered to GATO as the NPO was beating the crap out of them.
  7. Wow this sucks. I feel like the old Planet Bob I knew is dying with MK.
  8. Holy crap. Did not see this coming. Either way, very nice.
  9. While we are on the topic of apologising, I think what we really need is a second apology from Tyga for nuking Duffman. If only he hadn't done this, none of these things would have ever happened!
  10. I'm glad to see this finally become official. Let the haters hate.
  11. You still have not explained to me how we have placed our allies in harms way. Please elaborate.
  12. Whiners will keep whining. Polaris is always ready, whether we win or lose a war is inconsequential. We cannot be broken.
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