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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1313952752' post='2785679']
I don't know why alliances continue to accept you. Nobody can really be sure where your loyalties lie considering the amount of times your CN forum alliance field changes.

I just told you where my loyalties lie.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1313894712' post='2785410']
Do you believe MJ or MK will attack you? If so, are you considering the preemptive attack strategy?
[quote name='Gen Lee' timestamp='1313906255' post='2785475']
1. yes
2. yes
Oh, [i]please[/i] come at me, bro.

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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1313944078' post='2785592']
Just stick to one alliance already and stop hopping around, you have the loyalty of an [s]frenchmen[/s] Italian.

Fixed that for you.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1313894712' post='2785410']
Do you believe MJ or MK will attack you?
[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1313939687' post='2785581']
1. Probably

[b]!@#$[/b]. They're on to us, guys.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1313894712' post='2785410']
Do you believe MJ or MK will attack you? If so, are you considering the preemptive attack strategy?
[quote name='Gen Lee' timestamp='1313906255' post='2785475']
1. yes
2. yes

That wouldn't be a particularly wise thing to do, especially since most of the recent discussions (I'm privy to) have involved expressing various degrees of horror at one particular new alliance and whether or not someone should give them a one-way ticket to the glue factory. Let me be clear, though, that I don't really expect anything to happen. At this point we're just taking turns saying, "Ewwwwwww!"

However, once we've recovered from the feelings of shock and disgust, I'm sure we'll be pleased to give you all the attention we gave you before this group of equine neophytes made an appearance. Namely....none.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314035920' post='2786231']
That wouldn't be a particularly wise thing to do, especially since most of the recent discussions (I'm privy to) have involved expressing various degrees of horror at one particular new alliance and whether or not someone should give them a one-way ticket to the glue factory. Let me be clear, though, that I don't really expect anything to happen. At this point we're just taking turns saying, "Ewwwwwww!"

However, once we've recovered from the feelings of shock and disgust, I'm sure we'll be pleased to give you all the attention we gave you before this group of equine neophytes made an appearance. Namely....none.

Aren't you tough.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314035920' post='2786231']
That wouldn't be a particularly wise thing to do, especially since most of the recent discussions (I'm privy to) have involved expressing various degrees of horror at one particular new alliance and whether or not someone should give them a one-way ticket to the glue factory. Let me be clear, though, that I don't really expect anything to happen. At this point we're just taking turns saying, "Ewwwwwww!"

However, once we've recovered from the feelings of shock and disgust, I'm sure we'll be pleased to give you all the attention we gave you before this group of equine neophytes made an appearance. Namely....none.

For someone who gives no attention to SF you posted a lot in this thread...

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314035920' post='2786231']
That wouldn't be a particularly wise thing to do, especially since most of the recent discussions (I'm privy to) have involved expressing various degrees of horror at one particular new alliance and whether or not someone should give them a one-way ticket to the glue factory. Let me be clear, though, that I don't really expect anything to happen. At this point we're just taking turns saying, "Ewwwwwww!"

However, once we've recovered from the feelings of shock and disgust, I'm sure we'll be pleased to give you all the attention we gave you before this group of equine neophytes made an appearance. Namely....none.
[/quote]I'd have to laugh at the idea of a German Nationalist alliance discussing wiping people out just because of who they are. Especially the part about herding them off to an industrialized place of mass killing. I'm not sure why I find that so funny, but I do.

There's a hint of irony here that I can't quite put my finger on. Oh well, it's probably nothing.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1314037458' post='2786242']
Aren't you tough.

See, now this is funny coming from a guy who has aligned himself with the dominant side in each geopolitical reorganization.

It was even funnier when you were a Pacifican shill.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1314041621' post='2786265']
I'd have to laugh at the idea of a German Nationalist alliance discussing wiping people out just because of who they are. Especially the part about herding them off to an industrialized place of mass killing. I'm not sure why I find that so funny, but I do.

There's a hint of irony here that I can't quite put my finger on. Oh well, it's probably nothing.

The idea didn't originate with us, actually. Oddly enough, we're much more 'live and let live' than most people -- including yourself, apparently -- naturally assume.

Thanks for the thinly-veiled name-calling, too. You continue to set the bar higher for the rest of us.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314041855' post='2786266']
See, now this is funny coming from a guy who has aligned himself with the dominant side in each geopolitical reorganization.

It was even funnier when you were a Pacifican shill.

The idea didn't originate with us, actually. Oddly enough, we're much more 'live and let live' than most people -- including yourself, apparently -- naturally assume.

Thanks for the thinly-veiled name-calling, too. You continue to set the bar higher for the rest of us.
Where did I call you a name? I merely made an observation on what you said, and then quietly chuckled at it.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314035920' post='2786231']
That wouldn't be a particularly wise thing to do, especially since most of the recent discussions (I'm privy to) have involved expressing various degrees of horror at one particular new alliance and whether or not someone should give them a one-way ticket to the glue factory. Let me be clear, though, that I don't really expect anything to happen. At this point we're just taking turns saying, "Ewwwwwww!"

However, once we've recovered from the feelings of shock and disgust, I'm sure we'll be pleased to give you all the attention we gave you before this group of equine neophytes made an appearance. Namely....none.

Well, it's nice to know that yet another war against us is being discussed before the SF/XX rolling that comes down the pike.

Though I am not sure why it wouldn't be wise for SF/XX to do as General Lee suggested because of that.

Edited by Vol Navy
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1314046473' post='2786315']
Well, it's nice to know that yet another war against us is being discussed before the SF/XX rolling that comes down the pike.[/quote]

Lighten up. The discussions are far from serious. More of a communal "Oh dear God what the hell is that" and much facepalming. Add in many justified statements about a certain individual's leadership skills, or complete lack thereof, and you'll get a very real sense of what the discussions are like.

I should also mention that the discussions I've seen in this regard have not been on our forum, the Mj forum or those of any of its member alliances.

[quote]Though I am not sure why it wouldn't be wise for SF/XX to do as General Lee suggested because of that.

I didn't intend to relate the two in that way. What I'm saying is that if SF/XX believe there's some kind of active conspiracy against them and decide to act first, it might have the unintended consequence of causing the many alliances tied to both sides to either support those who were attacked or to sit there and do nothing.

Thus it would be unwise.

As to the existence of said conspiracy, I believe I've said that if one exists then I've yet to be informed of it. I have been given no reason to change that statement.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314047560' post='2786326']
I didn't intend to relate the two in that way. What I'm saying is that if SF/XX believe there's some kind of active conspiracy against them and decide to act first, it might have the unintended consequence of causing the many alliances tied to both sides to either support those who were attacked or to sit there and do nothing.

Thus it would be unwise.

As to the existence of said conspiracy, I believe I've said that if one exists then I've yet to be informed of it. I have been given no reason to change that statement.

Although I'm sure you're right that people would be shocked and appalled by a preemptive strike by SF, an attack on SF by a coalition that appears to have enough power to win would also cause those sitting on the fence to move to the other side or do nothing. Just saying.

Also you must have completely missed the Ardus post if you don't think that there is a group of people working to roll SF. I mean holy !@#$ not even MK is denying it. (anyone remember the "lol we don't hate Polar. We just want to roll Poland) So pretending that such a movement doesn't exist just makes you look pretty retarded.

If you believe someone deserves to be rolled just come out and say it. (not saying that they necessarily don't) It's pretty childish and immature to be poking someone and then going "I didn't do it!" though.

Also, for the first time I'm laughing with HoT and not at him. This is a strange feeling. :(

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314047560' post='2786326']
Lighten up. The discussions are far from serious. More of a communal "Oh dear God what the hell is that" and much facepalming. Add in many justified statements about a certain individual's leadership skills, or complete lack thereof, and you'll get a very real sense of what the discussions are like.

I should also mention that the discussions I've seen in this regard have not been on our forum, the Mj forum or those of any of its member alliances.

I didn't intend to relate the two in that way. What I'm saying is that if SF/XX believe there's some kind of active conspiracy against them and decide to act first, it might have the unintended consequence of causing the many alliances tied to both sides to either support those who were attacked or to sit there and do nothing.

Thus it would be unwise.

As to the existence of said conspiracy, I believe I've said that if one exists then I've yet to be informed of it. I have been given no reason to change that statement.

I feel that if they make a strike that it won't change at all how the treaty web would unfold against them. It certainly didn't hurt Doomhouse at all to pull their true preemptive strike against someone who was never going to fire a shot against them. Hell, it even appears that you guys rushed out of your Polaris front to run and join them in their attacks.

Whatever guns that are aligned against SF/XX right now are still pointed at their heads and will be regardless of their approach to the first shot being fired. I could see a couple of XX members using it as an excuse to duck and run but it would be a hollow excuse on their part.

Because they way it looks to me the cold war on SF/XX has already started through isolationist actions being performed by MK and no doubt many others who haven't had their discussions leaked.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1314041621' post='2786265']
I'd have to laugh at the idea of a German Nationalist alliance discussing wiping people out just because of who they are. Especially the part about herding them off to an industrialized place of mass killing. I'm not sure why I find that so funny, but I do.

There's a hint of irony here that I can't quite put my finger on. Oh well, it's probably nothing.

I have no idea where you might have gotten that idea.


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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1314041621' post='2786265']
I'd have to laugh at the idea of a German Nationalist alliance discussing wiping people out just because of who they are. Especially the part about herding them off to an industrialized place of mass killing. I'm not sure why I find that so funny, but I do. [/quote]

As someone whose ancestors were victims of the event you so callously refer to here, I find your comment insulting and highly inappropriate. Grow up.

(Edit: changed 'descendants' to 'ancestors').

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1314048624' post='2786337']
I feel that if they make a strike that it won't change at all how the treaty web would unfold against them.[/quote]

Maybe yes, maybe no. It's the uncertainty of it that would give most people pause.

[quote]It certainly didn't hurt Doomhouse at all to pull their true preemptive strike against someone who was never going to fire a shot against them. Hell, it even appears that you guys rushed out of your Polaris front to run and join them in their attacks.[/quote]

I don't know if it hurt tem or not. I wasn't especially fond of the first-strike idea, and said so on a number of occasions. As to our 'rushing out of our Polaris front', our being prevented from 'rushing' is a matter of public record. Furthermore, we entered in support of FAN and no one else. At the time I don't believe we had a single DH tie.

[quote]Whatever guns that are aligned against SF/XX right now are still pointed at their heads and will be regardless of their approach to the first shot being fired. I could see a couple of XX members using it as an excuse to duck and run but it would be a hollow excuse on their part.[/quote]

My point was that as a former leader of my alliance, someone who still enjoys access to private discussion areas, I have not seen this mentioned. There's no 'timeline for war' or a discussion about crafting an appropriate CB or anything like that.

Right now Nordreich's most frequent intra-alliance discussion topic is tech deals and how to make them operate a bit more efficiently. This thread has come up in inter-alliance discussions, but primarily in a "What the hell is this supposed to accomplish?" kind of way.

[quote]Because they way it looks to me the cold war on SF/XX has already started through isolationist actions being performed by MK and no doubt many others who haven't had their discussions leaked.

Here I believe we can almost agree, albeit with a reservation or three on my part. To my knowledge we have never included any kind of "if you sign with us you must drop GOD" (or any other alliance) provision in our negotiations with other alliances. I know for a fact that it never came up in our discussions with Ragnarok, who at the time of our treaty signing were part of SF. If anything, I'd say there's considerably more evidence that it is GOD who has made this kind of demand from their allies.

Is someone trying to intentionally isolate SF/XX? Beats me. I know we aren't, and I don't know of anyone who is. It may be that you're correct; maybe there really are groups out there operating in secret to do this or that to isolate SF/XX. If so, I've never heard of it. There's a considerable difference between sentiments prefaced by "I wish that...." and "Let's sit down and plan...." The former is something one hears all the time. The latter is not.

I think that what's happened is that certain SF/XX alliances have gradually alienated those who considered themselves to be close friends. This thread is part of a damage control effort to fix that. It's really that simple.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314035920' post='2786231']
That wouldn't be a particularly wise thing to do, especially since most of the recent discussions (I'm privy to) have involved expressing various degrees of horror at one particular new alliance and whether or not someone should give them a one-way ticket to the glue factory. Let me be clear, though, that I don't really expect anything to happen. At this point we're just taking turns saying, "Ewwwwwww!"

I would undoubtedly have heaps of fun should you decide to try.

[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1314051452' post='2786371']
As someone whose descendants were victims of the event you so callously refer to here, I find your comment insulting and highly inappropriate. Grow up.

For somebody telling somebody else to grow up, you play the 'my descendants' card an awful lot, and in many situations where its not at all relevant.

We've all heard that gambit a million times now, just grow up.

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