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Varianz accused of inter-alliance spying


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There is one simple way of seeing if Varianz is guilty or not.

Varianz if you would so kindly friend, share with us screenshots of your spy screen?

I mean you don't have nothing to prove to us, but just saying with this the argument could have been over with by now, or maybe if there is incriminating evidence on there, legion will feel safe about rolling you without making a fail poll :D

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[color="#FF0000"]For you PMoses[/color]

[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1309553976' post='2746189']

Need I say more? :smug:

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1309677547' post='2747527']
There is one simple way of seeing if Varianz is guilty or not.

Varianz if you would so kindly friend, share with us screenshots of your spy screen?

I mean you don't have nothing to prove to us, but just saying with this the argument could have been over with by now, or maybe if there is incriminating evidence on there, legion will feel safe about rolling you without making a fail poll :D

Certainly the current thinking in Oldfoundland is that the burden of proof is on the accuser. This is prior to the hanging anyway. My people love a hanging. And we don't so much quarter as divide them between all present, as mostly we are all quite hungry after all that boring legal mumbo-jumbo.

But even in our farce of a legal system, we still respect that you are innocent until proven guilty. Legion is obviously more of a farce.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1309677547' post='2747527']
There is one simple way of seeing if Varianz is guilty or not.

Varianz if you would so kindly friend, share with us screenshots of your spy screen?

I mean you don't have nothing to prove to us, but just saying with this the argument could have been over with by now, or maybe if there is incriminating evidence on there, legion will feel safe about rolling you without making a fail poll :D
I'm not entirely sure why we should provide evidence, but to be frank we're not going to. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1309674138' post='2747506']
I did not fight a round against Legion in which my tech did not increase.
It was useful to have a war against Legion as it reduced the amount of firepower your opponents could effectively unleash on you. It was like fighting a vegetable.

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It'll be quite entertaining seeing Legion dismiss this now and then suddenly come back a year later or something - when their warchests and war tactics have vastly improved - and just kill every alliance here trolling them... :ph34r:

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[quote]so, as is my understadning, the upper tier were the most likely to be ravaged during the war. and yet you question why the legion kept the upper tier in PM to prevent this ravage?[/quote]
This is exactly what is wrong with your alliance (and many of the others in that area of the web, going back to NPO in Karma). Yes, your upper tier gets smashed – that is why you have warchests large enough to rebuild afterwards. If you don't want to risk your precious infra, go join a neutral alliance (or if Legion as a whole is that way, become one). In this last war (as with Karma actually), if your coalition had been effective and brave and deployed top tier nations where they could keep people in 25 day nuclear collections or bill lock, you could have done a [i]lot[/i] more damage. One nation forced to collect in nuclear anarchy is $500m or more, having that as a credible threat would massively reduce the reparations that could be leveraged on you.

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[quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309667137' post='2747413']
so, as is my understadning, the upper tier were the most likely to be ravaged during the war. and yet you question why the legion kept the upper tier in PM to prevent this ravage?
Have you ever gone to war? Do you know what a war is? I mean, apart from sitting back and taking it, real war? Where you hit back with whatever you can muster? You know? War?

[quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309667294' post='2747418']
You often say as much RV but you've no power to do so, consequently your grand standing means little.

you are perhaps one of the best examples of the loud bark, small bite variety of NSO.
You have no idea if this is what you think of RV. He has more than what is readily evident. In places and alliances you would not even dream possible. Be grateful that he has not turned his baleful eye towards you and that he has not brought effort to bear towards extinguishing your pathetic sputtering and guttering flame.

And as someone who has gone up against both the NSO and the Legion, i can tell you this, the Sith will chew you up and spit you out. Maybe even with one arm tied behind their back. Even when you outnumber them.

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It looks like the Jury drawn up from the Peanut Gallery has come down with a decisive guilty verdict Legion. Congrats, you've won your case here, we may now proceed to sentencing. :awesome:

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If you're not going to go to war over this then that means everyone on your AA is fair game for just about anything as you are completely incapable of defending yourselves. Even if you did declare war though you'd probably be laughed out of the gate for such a terrifyingly awful blitz. It's a lose-lose situation really, there's really only one thing left you can do and I think you know what it is.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1309703352' post='2747621']
If you're not going to go to war over this then that means everyone on your AA is fair game for just about anything as you are completely incapable of defending yourselves. Even if you did declare war though you'd probably be laughed out of the gate for such a terrifyingly awful blitz. It's a lose-lose situation really, [b]there's really only one thing left you can do and I think you know what it is.[/b]


I think that's about the only vanishing act we have [i]not[/i] seen from them yet.

Edited by Rayvon
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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1309677547' post='2747527']
Varianz if you would so kindly friend, share with us screenshots of your spy screen?
I will be providing no such screenshots. Do something about it Legion :smug:

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1309710459' post='2747702']

I think that's about the only vanishing act we have [i]not[/i] seen from them yet.
Well they did try it that one time ... they didn't succeed, though.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1309711834' post='2747728']
Well they did try it that one time ... they didn't succeed, though.

we must unite Xiphosis on one side, and pezstar on the other.. Toss in a bit of Lord Fingolfin and...

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[quote name='Samus' timestamp='1309686558' post='2747571']
It'll be quite entertaining seeing Legion dismiss this now and then suddenly come back a year later or something - when their warchests and war tactics have vastly improved - and just kill every alliance here trolling them... :ph34r:

Yes thats going to happen right about the same time as this.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1309720874' post='2747823']
Ok i confess. i spied all those nations for NSO.

Lets get it on, Legion

I spied a few to to be honest :)

/me shrugs

Dear LOLegion, Please stop being lame, and declare on the ebil Sith for spying on you. K thanks

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Reading this thread all the way through I realized something.

Legion, with one post, has effectively managed to get every side of the treaty web to come together and agree/share the same side on something.

Everyone may be detracting from you Legion, calling you cowards, but I applaud you for your selfless act, martyrdom if you will, in order to create world peace. You have single handedly broken the cycle of hate by giving us a common target to laugh at.

Thank you.


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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1309723371' post='2747851']
Reading this thread all the way through I realized something.

Legion, with one post, has effectively managed to get every side of the treaty web to come together and agree/share the same side on something.

Everyone may be detracting from you Legion, calling you cowards, but I applaud you for your selfless act, martyrdom if you will, in order to create world peace. You have single handedly broken the cycle of hate by giving us a common target to laugh at.

Thank you.


It matters not whether we accomplish anarchy today, tomorrow, or within ten centuries, but that we walk towards anarchy today, tomorrow, and always.

With apologies to Malatesta

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