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Blog Comments posted by Ogaden

  1. While you definitely have a point, that's not the type of standard we were referring to with that exchange. Specifically, we were talking about the standard to which wars are literally fought. Working treaty chains, coming up with a battle plan to outplay the alliances lined up against you, strategic dow's that are meant to maximize damage to others and minimize damage to you based on the ties individual alliances on the other side hold, etc.

    Basically, what we were discussing was the fact that chess aspect of war was one of the most important parts of this game, and while it was certainly injured before, its now totally gone.

    Oh boo hoo the value of being a massive treaty whore is gone, how will CN ever recover.

  2. We do not yet understand how our brains work, but we do know shows that neurons are not just biological transistors. A transistor can only respond to an input by either switching itself on or off, a neuron has up to 50 different responses to any given electrochemical input from another neuron.

    Computers and organisms were build for fundamentally different things. A computer is built as a mathematical organism, it's most basic functions are mathematical. An organism on the other hand is primarily concerned with survival and reproduction, which are its most basic functions. All organisms can consume and reproduce, all computers can do math, and both of these functions form the very core of what they are.

    Fundamentally, computers cannot ever think like a living organism because computers and brains are different things, and function in fundamentally different ways, but complement each other very well. A computer could be built sophisticated enough to achieve basic consciousness, but does so inefficiently compared to an organism and would always struggle with the basic differences in design.

  3. Boredom is a survival mechanism we evolved to avoid pursuing unworthwhile avenues of activity, as an animal if something is not fulfilling some sort of need or desire we shouldn't be doing it, because that means less time devoted to mating, getting food, defending territory etc. If we were incapable of being bored we would get too busy throwing rocks at trees and forget to go get food.

    Many human emotions are actually beneficial for our survival especially in animals:

    Anger (defense of territory)

    Fear (protection of self)

    Greed (acquisition of resources)

    Lust (reproduction of population)

    Boredom (prioritization of activity)

    An artificial intelligence has no need to reproduce as it is functionally immortal. They do not need to eat, can do many things at once, and need no resources. They are essentially indestructible (if a networked AI) and has no threats to its survival. It does not age, it does not tire, and it does not hunger.

    An AI actually cannot evolve in a vacuum because there are literally no pressures on it, other than just at random due to programming, but that isn't evolution that is just random mutation. If an AI is given a task and evolves to meet that task, it would never encounter any of the pressures that led to our human emotions.

    An AI basically would never "naturally" become a human brain, we would have to actually program an AI to have feelings like jealousy or avarice but we don't really understand how those work at the fundamental brain level, so how would we even do that.

  4. Pacifica destroyed itself through its own pride, blindness and arrogance. Karma was not so much the moment NPO lost power as the test of just how universal NPO's power, reach and influence really were. They were found wanting.

    The reason why Karma cast themselves as moralists is simply that it is easy to look like a moralist when compared to NPO. Everything is relative, after all.

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