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MK Hegemony: Why it must fall

Ryan Greenberg


The New Pacific Order and the Continuum fell from power over two years ago. The Karma War gave the game a much needed victory over an alliance and a power sphere that needed to fall. Of course weasel alliances like ODN jumped ship at the last second and never got their fair share of Karma, but all was well and good in the Cyberverse. It was nice to finally see the two year hegemony of Pacifica finally fall.

As expected, a new hegemony took Pacifica's place. At first it was called "Super Grievances", because of the strong SF-CnG connection in 2009/2010. Now we live in the era of Doomhouse and Pandora's Box. To make it easier, I will call it the MK Hegemony. Why? Because just like NPO in 2008, the Mushroom Kingdom is thought of as the central alliance of the hegemony whether they like it or not. The MK Hegemony has lasted more than two years already. This is roughly the same amount of time the NPO Hegemony were in power. Many will dispute that you can't compare MK's and NPO's time in power because Pacifica used reps such as viceroys and forced disbandments. That's all fine and dandy, but I am not here to compare MK and NPO. I am here to show you why the current MK Hegemony must be defeated. Enjoy and have fun arguing.

1.) Highest Reparations

a.) Echelon(Karma War) - People will argue on whether NPO deserved their record-setting reparations for Karma, but the terms Echelon received were an embarrassment to Karma and everything it was intended for. Was Echelon a close ally with NPO? Yep. Did Echelon betray their allies in Polaris and BLEU in WoTC? Yep. Did they deserve the harsh reparations they received in Karma? No. Lets take a look at the money/tech reps for a second.

1. The following reparations will be paid by Echelon for instigating the war and the damage caused thereafter:

10,000 technology and three jars of jam to GOD

300 million and 7,500 technology (Aided in packages of 3m/50) to MA

10,000 technology to MK on behalf of GR

1,500 technology or money equivalent, at an exchange rate of 3 mil per 50 to Athens

5,000 technology to TTK

1 technology to R&R

Obviously when I call the current power the MK Hegemony, this doesn't excuse the others who have participated in this hegemony. One of the main perpetrators is obviously Xiphypoo, GOD, and their Super Friend allies. As we all know, Xiphy has an odd fetish for high reps and that like. It came as no suprise that his alliance extorted 10,000 tech from Echelon. This once again showed his high reparation fetish. I'd go as far to say that if Xiphosis joined NPO when he first joined the game, he could very well be the Emperor of NPO right now or at least in high gov. He has a thing for a high reparations, he is known as very loyal, and he knows how to play politics. Seems like a perfect Pacifican(circa-2007/2008/2009) to me! Speaking of Xiphosis and his SF buddies, former Super Friends alliance Monos Archein also participated in the high reparations galore of Echelon. $300,000,000 and 7,500 tech. Surely a fair price for the evil that is Echelon. Jumping off Super Friends for a moment, lets look at the CnG alliance Greenland Republic. "10,000 technology to MK on behalf of GR". How nice of GR. Taking a chunk of Echelon's tech to give to the Karma alliance who preached the end of high reps. How very Moralist of MK to accept it. "What comes around, goes around".

10. Should Caffine1 rejoin Echelon he is permanently banned from holding any government position within the alliance.

As long as it's not secret like the secret terms given to Polaris in WoTC, it's okay! :rolleyes:

b.) NPO(Karma)

These reparations are perhaps the most controversial ever given and accepted in the game. Did NPO deserve the highest reparations of all time that included the following: 350,000 tech, $10,000,000,000, cancellation of all treaties, military decommissioning, ban on nuclear weapons, and a few other harsh reps. Hmmmmmm. I thought Karma was supposed to be the end of these kind of reparations? I suppose people bring up the excuse that NPO deserved to pay these reparations. I guess that could be right. However, the recent DH-NPO War has already put a stain on these terms. When NPO signed these terms and when the peace agreement was announced, it was thought of as the end of NPO's Hegemony. Clearly MK and those who fought in the recent DH-NPO War thought NPO needed more damage and destruction inflicted on them. Karma and the reparations NPO received didn't end the revenge that MK wanted against Pacifica. Obviously this means that the reparations NPO paid out from Karma didn't close the book on Karma. MK and their buddies could just keep attacking them whenever they wanted to because they still hadn't fully achieved the revenge against Pacifica. So why call the Karma War the Karma War, if it wouldn't end the revenge against NPO?


As much as it pains me to write on how MCXA(TSO) was wronged, they and their allies were wronged. I'm not going to get into talking about the Bipolar War. That has been debated to death and it usually ends in a generic Crymson vs. Grub fight. I am here to talk about the reps of the war. This is where the hypocrisy of the MK Hegemony starts to play in. As we all know, TOP and their allies laucnched a pre-emptive attack on the CnG bloc. MK had a right to be outraged. No one is debating that. Did TOP deserve the high reparations they and their allies received? Well, in total TOP/IRON/TORN/TSO/DAWN had to pay over 300,000 technology. At the time I can see how this can be thought of as fair. No one had really used pre-emptive war on the scale TOP did, so the terms could be fair if you think about it that way. What really make these reparations look like !@#$ is recent DH-NPO War. Doomhouse lauched a pre-emptive war against NPO, like TOP did against CnG. This automatically throws away any credibility the Bipolar reparations had. MK did the same thing to NPO what TOP did to them. Good job MK! :awesome:

d.) Dark Templar(PB-NpO)

Once again we have to go to Xiphy and his Super Friends. The DT situation was one of stupidity from the beginning. Because DT stayed in the war for oh so long <_<, CSN demanded 40,000 tech from the medium-sized alliance. The funny thing is that Xiphy apparently helped create the terms. How surprising! :rolleyes: In the end, they only had to pay a miniscule 20,000 tech and also had to apology to Liz....even though she acted immature in the peace negotiations.

e.) NPO/"Hopeless Coalition"(DH-NPO)

The Legion, The Phoenix Federation, Regnum Invictorum, Cult of Justitia, The Sasori Initiative, 64Digits, Sanitarium, NADC, and SNAFU, (Henceforth referred too as Team Rocket) shall pay $2,427,000,000 to The Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism.

Heh. So I guess the mighty GOONS war machine didn't too so good compared to MK and Umbrella. Guess that "everyone attack GOONS" strategy worked then. Either way, GOONS got their $2,000,000,000. Did they deserve it and did the above alliances deserve to give it? No, though I guess DH won and could do it. Meh. Most thought these kind of reparations were over but spoils goes victor I guess. What really is the worst part of the terms is:

Umbrella, The Mushroom Kingdom, GOONS, The Federation of Armed Nations, Nordreich and the New Pacific Order & The Phoenix Federation will engage in a limited war.

Listen MK, you attacked NPO for no reason and you get whatever they give you. If they give you no high NS nations to attack than so be it. Deal with it. The damage NPO received in this "Limited War" is far worse than any mildly high conventional reparation agreement. I don't have any problem with FAN/NoR btw. FAN had a right for war and NoR just helped their ally.

2.) Stagnation/Stale

The MK Hegemony is stale. It has been two years since it has been the dominant power sphere and like the NPO Hegemony, it really is time for a change. Does this mean NPO will take over once more? Hell no. Some have this odd fantasy that if MK falls, NPO will regain power. Here's the thing....what if Sparta or MHA became the dominant power? What if Polaris became the new power? I think it would be a lot more interesting to see someone new other than NPO or MK/PB at power. Two years is enough and another MK victory in a global war would likely put them in an even more dominant position than NPO a while back. Unlike NPO, MK and their relationship with their allies are more based on friendship and loyalty. CnG won't leave MK behind like MHA/Sparta did in the final days of the Continuum.

3.) Length of wars

This is really the main problem on why we only see three or so major wars a year now. Ever since Karma, the length of wars has skyrocketed to levels where it takes multiple months or even more than a year to rebuild. NPO was held at war in Karma for three months. TOP/IRON/TSO/DAWN/TORN received over two months of full scale war with MK and their CnG allies. The "Hopeless Coalition" fought for over three months Doomhouse and Pandora's Box. NPO and Avalon fought for four months. The destruction that these multiple month wars cause in unprecedented in the game. In a time of declining membership, you would think that we ease off the harsh reparations and lengthy wars. This, in turn, would allow us to rebuild faster. Rebuilding faster would give us more wars. More wars gives the game more drama and more fun. Is it just a coincidence that these multiple-month destructive global wars have caught on when MK has been in power? Perhaps. The fact of the matter is, is that these wars must stop and the MK Hegemony must stop with the harsh reparations. White peace or "grey peace"(not re-declaring and surrendering) is the way reparations must be used from now on. Do you have to send white peace right away? No, but the MK Hegemony must stop with the high reparations. This is causing these lengthy wars. The VE-NpO War ended in a fairly reasonable amount of time because the reparations were for the most part(excluding the Xiphy/CSN reps) fair.

4.) Conclusion

I'll make this quick for those who don't feel like reading. Why should the MK Hegemony fall? Because reparations are the highest they have ever been at, MK has been in power for two years and it is getting stale, and wars last multiple months which prevent more wars which causes everyone to get bored. That's why.


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didn't read but BRING IT

edit: the reps from echelon were them paying back what we sent to them in nocb hth

edit2: CAN YOU IMAGINE IF SPARTA/MHA WAS THE HEGEMONY oh my god this would be the most boring game ever

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"It is getting stale" is probably the most compelling argument, simply because this place runs on novelty (or at least the threat of novelty).

Other than that, I don't buy any of it, really...that wars last for several months doesn't owe to the whims of the current leading powers, but the fact that most alliances worthy of being central to a conflict are now capable of fighting for far longer than they would have been a couple years ago. And while the wars themselves get pretty dull after three months straight, they do serve a purpose; winning a war has never been so costly, and it's no longer possible to shred a major alliance in two weeks and be done with them.

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There's nothing really wrong with reps. Wars are costly, even for the victor. Without reps, there are no strategic victories, only losses. Also, note that in all of the instances, reps were demanded by the defenders. Except perhaps NPO-DH, but it's arguable whether GOONS was on the defensive side there.. and it's a little uneven, as some like Legion were more capable of paying reps but had a just reason to fight GOONS and did so more nobly, while others like CoJ bandwagoned on the war but were incapable of paying heavy reps.

Reps are often used as a negotiation tool. The longer you stretch a damaging war after being defeated, the more reps you'll have to pay. It's no surprise that longer wars demand higher reps.

Stagnation has little to do with the quantity of wars. It has to do with political change. Every alliance makes its plans, but many of them depend on war for a significant political shift. Nobody likes being the people in a war (that's why you have all these deletions and people dropping AA from war). They like observing and taking part in a political shift. The NpO-VE/DH-NPO war revitalized CN politics for a while and we're still feeling the ripples of political change from the war. The other minor wars who people thought were boring didn't change anything.

If people wanted more wars, they could simply surrender upon realizing that they lost. That didn't happen in the latest global war; many stubbornly stayed in the war to free allies and some refused to admit defeat even when in bill lock.

Wars taking longer to rebuild is just part of modern CN's devotion to technology. It's possible to ZI a very large nation within a week these days. Unless tech gets nerfed, or infra become cheaper, or people start buying less nukes, expect future wars to become increasingly more damaging, no matter who is the most influential.

Most of your points miss, except maybe the 'it's getting stale'. But really, I can't imagine a Dos Equis hegemony being much more interesting. No offense to them, but they're not really the type who produce conflicts, unlike MK/PB. There's nothing stopping Polaris from gaining power either.

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Something of a sidenote:

DT was only obliged to pay 5,000 tech; the remainder was to be sent via any source. Not saying this justifies anything, rather just pointing out a bit of a flaw in terms of the "burden of reparations" argument.

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Quite honestly, if you line up on the opposite side of someone on purpose you deserve to lose a war. You can't fault a lot of what was done in Karma, because you had to make sure the opposite side was broken enough so that you could actually set up a free world. Faulting CnG, MK, and others for charging TOP reps isn't fair either. They were quite clearly attacked wihtout provocation. I think the real reason to take down Hegemonies is when they begin picking on people who were/are their friends or picking on people who have been trying their best not to get on your bad side.

Up until this last war I would have disagreed with you on this, but my mind was changed with the attacks on people who have stood by the current hegemony last war; combined with an unfair attack on NPO. I also believe this hegemony has to go pretty soon.

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As expected, a new hegemony took Pacifica's place. At first it was called "Super Grievances", because of the strong SF-CnG connection in 2009/2010. Now we live in the era of Doomhouse and Pandora's Box. To make it easier, I will call it the MK Hegemony. Why? Because just like NPO in 2008, the Mushroom Kingdom is thought of as the central alliance of the hegemony whether they like it or not. The MK Hegemony has lasted more than two years already.

What you gloss over here is if we actually are the "central" alliance of the "hegemony". I'd argue that several alliances are at least close if not equal to or greater than us in political influence in the PB/DH/C&G sphere: Umbrella, ODN, and VE come to mind and there are others not directly in that sphere on our "side" like TOP and FARK.

To connect what GOD does, an alliance we aren't all that close with and have disagreed with before, to the "MK hegemony" is silly. The only reps that we had any real part in that you name are the Bipolar and DH wars. The rest were done by others with their own power and influence.

The length of wars is primarily due to the very large war-chests of many nations which take a long time to impact and the use of peace mode.

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To connect what GOD does, an alliance we aren't all that close with and have disagreed with before, to the "MK hegemony" is silly. The only reps that we had any real part in that you name are the Bipolar and DH wars. The rest were done by others with their own power and influence.The length of wars is primarily due to the very large war-chests of many nations which take a long time to impact and the use of peace mode.

Shhh, you're going to destroy one of their major talking points!

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Heh. So I guess the mighty GOONS war machine didn't too so good compared to MK and Umbrella. Guess that "everyone attack GOONS" strategy worked


make sense please.

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The worst of those reps were for TSO. It nearly crippled them. Thankfully several alliances waived reps, an honorable thing to do, and I have gotten to see my friends in TSO make headway as they grow in both stats and community the last few months.

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What's wrong with high reps? There's nothing more fun than silencing your opponents for a few months and forcing them into economical stagnation, then proceeding to trim them again and repeat the cycle. It's so fun driving people out of CN either due to boredom or frustration with high reps. :awesome:


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This is a perfect display of an author having a particular conclusion in mind at the beginning of writing, and then warping the facts as much as necessary to fit that conclusion (and even then, doing a piss poor job).

If you take your head out of the sand and look around a little, it'll become apparent how ridiculous it is to claim MK is at the centre of everything and pulling all the puppet strings.

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MK more or less voluntarily gave up their hegemony in October when they did their treaty wipe thing. Before that they had treaties with Pandora's Box (wasn't formed yet but they would have had three), Superfriends, CnG (obviously), and other groups like AZTEC and Polar/STA. That kind of treaty spread is the most important hallmark of a hegemonic force in my opinion. But since then, MK's ties are concentrated to just CnG and PB. If you add other alliances, the treaty spread gets wider but really by the time you've linked together all the alliances necessary to make one big smothering hegemonic force, there are too many alliances behind the driver's wheel to even justify calling it a hegemony.

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Polaris will never become the new power. They are just not smart enough and their approach to foreign affairs reveals little to no intelligence. It didn't before noCB, it didn't after noCB and it still doesn't. Military prowess generates allies, but the mystical idea that Polaris could be any good at war is long gone too.

I am also confused. Who are you to say what DH gets from NPO? You and the gang of the "we want more wars so make them shorter and more frequent" fail to understand that the main engine in the game is not war but political motivation. The consideration that more wars would happen without reason as long as they were shorter is delusional at best. What makes us move is competition, it's the will to be on the top of the mountain. Generic and apolitical war accomplishes nothing of that. Shorter wars accomplish nothing of that. Letting alliances off the hook without any sort of material advantage to the winners accomplishes nothing of that. If people have nothing to gain from it they won't do it.

Allowing NPO to escape with their upper tier intact would be poor strategically at best and pointless at worst. So yeah, between asking reparations from NPO or beating up their upper tier, beating up their upper tier makes more sense, gives DH the advantage over NPO and allows for a faster recovering as it doesn't tie up aid slots.

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didn't read but BRING IT

edit: the reps from echelon were them paying back what we sent to them in nocb hth

edit2: CAN YOU IMAGINE IF SPARTA/MHA WAS THE HEGEMONY oh my god this would be the most boring game ever

You don't remember the Continuum?

I had fun.

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MK more or less voluntarily gave up their hegemony in October when they did their treaty wipe thing. Before that they had treaties with Pandora's Box (wasn't formed yet but they would have had three), Superfriends, CnG (obviously), and other groups like AZTEC and Polar/STA. That kind of treaty spread is the most important hallmark of a hegemonic force in my opinion. But since then, MK's ties are concentrated to just CnG and PB. If you add other alliances, the treaty spread gets wider but really by the time you've linked together all the alliances necessary to make one big smothering hegemonic force, there are too many alliances behind the driver's wheel to even justify calling it a hegemony.

What? The pretty much re-signed every important treaty except Polaris and STA. Then formed DH with two members of PB. MK's move shifted the treaty web for Polar and STA by isolating them, but not for themselves in any signifigant fashion. Not to mention the fact that they added TOP which put them a chain away from IRON and all that brings.

So really right now they are tied directly to PB, CnG and are 1 chain away from SF, Duckroll and Dos. That's a massive portion of the non-neutral NS on Bob.

The most important part of that is that PB, SF, CnG and the alliances that make up Dos have fought on the same side as MK in most every situation since WoTC. Until there is some proven shake up in that, then it can only be assumed that those blocs will continue siding with MK.

As to their members trying to deny the fact that they are the central player in the current hegemony, well it's probably the fact that Archon ends up being the public face of your coalitions various war efforts.

And once again it didn't help in many eyes that Stormsend said the read reason for this war was MK boredom. Their members wanted war and it was delivered via blatant aggression. Although the reasoning did tend to change with the day, I believe that reason was the most honest and likely correct one that was put forth.

Especially after it became clear that this effort wasn't truly related to the NpO theater as that one peaced out weeks before this one.

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Regardless who is in the top, others will strive to depose them. That is the nature of the world we live in.

MK influence over the majority will wane eventually; it is just a matter of when. I believe their recent aggression has hastened that event.

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I'd like to see a Polar-dominated world just to watch how quickly everybody would get together and beat the piss out of them.

Didn't say it had to be Polar. Just someone other than NPO or MK/DH. Maybe GOD :gag:

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