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In the service of Pacifica and Generalissimo Franco

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A Brief Note from the Editor

This article is best read while listening to this .La Vangardia Pacifica would like to thank regular readers for their patience during its prolonged hiatus, and can now confirm that production will resume in the near future. By way of apology for the unexpected interruption we we would like to offer readers a free copy of the December 2008 publication Letters of Pacifica. Within its cover readers will find the foundation of many of the intellectual and historical ideas that informed the Ord



Eulogy for the Practical Man

This article is best read while listening to .The world of practical men often has occasion to laugh and mock the theorists and theories that seek to explain their domain. "What is the point of it all" they scoff. Why question such basic causes, connections, goods, evils and truths when they’re so obvious to me? They sit smugly, surrounded comfortingly by their common sense, attempting with the last of their strength to live in an independent, practical 'world of the real'. And in each mo



War and Consequence

This article is best read while listening to .To regular readers of La Vanguardia Pacifica the recent attacks on the New Pacific Order will come as no surprise. The modern hegemony has tried for two years to force a pseudo-legitimate reason to attack the Order, and after two years of abject failure they have now given up all pretence and attacked for the explicit reason, as noted in their imaginatively titled "everything must die" declaration, of killing what they see as a potential rival (s



In Search of Politics

This article is best read while listening to the Karma activist's new anthem. Selling the Status Quo "It's better than another treaty announcement thread." So goes out the call of Karma's epigones, characteristically blind to the fact that, far from highlighting the positive aspects of their thread, they condemn the entire state of world politics that they have constructed. So slow, so mundane, so controlled have things become that we are expected to drop on all fours and lick up the crumbs



The Existential Threat, Part II

This article is best read while listening to Rico. Discussion on the great existential threat has picked up again since I last wrote on it, but only amongst the chattering classes of the OWF. Alliances which had once shown such concern over our world's future continue to ignore the issue despite rapidly accelerating decline. Moreover, they have conducted a u-turn on the causes and remedies they had once championed by denying the responsibility of powerful alliances. They won't conduct the op



Reflections: On the Revolution, Comrade Franco's Order and 7 Years of Pacifica

For this most auspicious anniversary of the establishment of the Order Written by Comrade Letum. When Comrade Francos Spain proclaimed the founding of the New Pacific Order on September 1st, 2003, he held no “little red book” to instruct his fellow revolutionaries on how to embrace his vision of a brand new world. Instead, he led by example, institutionalizing many of the practices he had developed since the start of the August Revolution five days earlier. Always a man of the people, Fr



Beer Reviews, Psychology and Imperialism

With the end of the NSO curb-stomp we have seen the return of the 'beer review' surrender term -- a constant in the New Hegemony's arsenal which has hitherto slipped under the radar of political scrutiny. So why is it there? What is its function? The first response to these questions is that the beer review is 'just a bit of fun', and indeed, this is precisely what it's meant to portray. It allows a group to spend two weeks curb-stomping an alliance down to one third of its previous strength



Pity the Victors

With the ongoing curbstomp of NSO, many questions are no doubt whizzing through the minds of regular La Vanguardia Pacifica readers. Why is Vladimir always right? When will Bob Janova concede the victory of materialist analysis and become a Francoist? And I'm sure there are probably others too. This is a particularly interesting turn of events for two reasons: first, because curbstomps were so loudly condemned throughout Karma as the personification of the old decadent order, and secondly be



Toppling Tyranny: Hegemonic Hierarchies and How They Collapse

The question of the great war is upon us once again, this time asking where the next one will come from. As one would expect, there have been a multitude of responses covering nigh every alliance in the known world, while others fall into despair that we may have reached the end of history for the foreseeable future. But no one has yet dared to transcend the superficial examination of alliance relations and enter a scientific analysis of the great war concept itself. As has been noted previou



Morality and the Wile E. Coyote Effect

Over the past few weeks a number of alliances within the New Hegemony have become increasingly self-aware and confident, believing that they can act with impunity thanks to the power-base sitting under them. The result has been an undeniable and boisterous break with many of the alliances that raised them into that position to begin with, as they explicitly contradict and even mock the beliefs they used to propagate. Every political break coincides with an equally fierce intellectual break, an



Lessons of the Xiphosis Experiment

This article is best read while listening to the modern hegemony's .In explaining why GOD, Kronos and others felt it necessary to pretend that they were declaring war on a weaker alliance, GOD's leader, Xiphosis, suggested that he was conducting a social experiment. While the discovery -- that an alliance threatened with war will probably prepare for war -- wasn't overly surprising to those of with more than a week's worth of political experience or two brain cells to rub together, there we



The Existential Threat

Since 2007 and a peak of 40,000 the number of nations on Planet Bob has been dropping. This problem found its scapegoat in the New Pacific Order and formed a powerful pillar of anti-Pacifican thought throughout the Initiative and Continuum eras: for not only was the Order a political enemy, it was a threat to our very existence! However, the constant monitoring that we saw between 2007 and 2009 has now dried up, and debate on the causes has been strangely absent over the past year despite numb




Expectations It has now been a month since the Order left terms and the hard work of innumerable Pacificans saw its reward. It is of no controversy to say that they surpassed all global expectations in the process. When entering terms over eleven months ago, most international observers worked with the hopeful assumption that the Order would decay under the dual pressures of isolation and deprivation, as so many others have in the past. Buying into their own oppositionalist propaganda they saw



Anti-Pacificanism: Opiate of the Masses

A spectre is haunting the Cyberverse -- the spectre of Pacifica. All the powers of the old Cyberverse have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: idealist and opportunist, warmonger and peacenik, coward and feared. The Order is not even out from under the yoke of Karma's imperialism, and already the printing presses buzz to warn the ruling classes of the danger and the town criers busy themselves amongst the downtrodden with tales of drunkenness and cruelty. To the experienced



In Defence of Pacifican Oxygen: the First Polar War

This was written for the Day of Triumph, the first day of the Feast of Prosperity, and was posted yesterday for the Body Republic. The Making of Francograd As we stand today in the reconstructed Francograd it is easy to think that it was always this way, its domineering Fortress built alongside the War Memorial and Cortath University by a single conscious architect. Yet we know that Fort Franco's shadow used to fall not across Sir Paul's Music Hall, but across the pastures where Comrade Karpa



Full Circle: The Death of Idealism and the Return of Power

With the NpO's latest switch of sides, SuperGrievances have finally been able to open up their exit strategy to public view. With this opening we can first recognise SG's view that we have officially exited the bipolar world, which forces alliances to fight for the moral high ground (whether they are being genuine or realpolitik) and into a unipolar world, where they can take actions without great concern for damaging political repercussions -- for who is left to stand against them? Naturally



A Case Study in War

This is a quick follow-up to Thesis, Antithesis: the Story of a Great War. Structure and Unit In examining our political world we must recognise two basic analytical concepts: structure and unit. The latter, unit, is where most analysts spend their time, carefully (or, more often, not so carefully) examining the characteristics and motives of individual alliances, and making predictions based on these observations. The problem with such analyses is that they typically come to see alliances



Class in Context

Of the Rise and Fall of Class Francoism's founding conception of the world was that of two mutually antagonistic classes fighting for control over limited resources. After years of having little alternative to the ruling class's conception – a view of the world through the spectacles of atomised individuals, great leaders and mighty regions – it proved a revolutionary idea that found widespread support amongst the oppressed sections of the population. Outlining in words what many had felt in



A Brief Musing on Means

The world has split into two camps over terms, one supporting harsh terms for the defeated alliances and one opposing them. But both groups are brought back together (for the most part) under the idea that after this war there will no longer be harsh terms. This brings us to an odd situation, where those morally opposed to something are perpetrating it ostensibly in order to oppose it. But where does this lead us? The most fascinating thing to watch from my perspective has not been the change



The Francoist Challenge: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Think for Myself

It has been popular for some time now to flaunt one's knowledge of Francoism by dismissing it as 'changing every few minutes to whatever suits Vladimir and the New Pacific Order'. Given this, one would expect there to be dozens, hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of internal contradictions and inconsistencies within the philosophy, as it is forced to sway one way and then the other. Yet, despite this, and despite my directly asking to see a single such contradiction every time I see the criti



Thesis, Antithesis: the Story of a Great War

Preface This work was written significantly before the development of the current situation, including the pre-war build up. While it is the author's belief that said situation provides an excellent proof of his work, he has chosen to maintain it more or less in its original state, both because he sees little explanatory value in extending to another example, and so that readers can see in the present what has been described through examples of the past. Special thanks to UncleB and Blueline.



Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

Oh, you noble Karmaites, champions of the little guy, protectors of the weak, bringers of hope, scourge of the strong. Imagining yourselves the creators of a new world, free from tyranny, where might no longer makes right, where nations do not have to live in fear of attack, where conflict is not a matter of mere chance, and where war is reserved rightfully for the deserving. Such sentiment, such morality, is it not your greatest strength? Is it not what binds you together as a whole in the f



Welcoming New Friends

The more Karma are pushed on their actions, the more they seem to morph into the supposed monster that they fight against. In most threads we have now managed to move past the idea that the actions the Continuum and allies (including, it must constantly be pointed out, many suddenly-enlightened Karma alliances) took were inherently wrong, and have instead moved onto the idea that these actions are only wrong in a certain context. Thus what we begin to see is wide-spread use of the fallacious r



Jam Tomorrow: It's Very Good Jam

Dreadfully confusing indeed, but I wager that Alice would find it much more difficult to understand the 'jam tomorrow' logic of our own 'Karma', who are suddenly incredibly enthusiastic about the very same tactics they claim to be fighting against, in true "ends justify the means" style (their words not mine). The Queen of course, in much the same way, was using the promise of jam to get people to do work for her; only the jam was an illusion embedded in the tomorrow that never comes. Perhaps



On the Nature of Absolute Morality

The concepts of morality and imperialism have found themselves in a peculiar paradox on Planet Bob. Already shouts go up from the gallery, 'Morality and imperialism are mutually exclusive! The only relationship is opposition!' This is the common view from the side of moralism, but it is a superficial one: morality and imperialism, far from being mutually exclusive, are in fact two sides of the same coin. This is implicit in the attacks that some alliances now make upon the global opposition



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