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Why do you play?


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[quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1295763723' post='2593360']
Simple really. I like the FA aspects and the building aspects. War doesn't really interest me; it's more of an inevitable set back to building for me.
We are similar, yet also very different.

I love the building aspects of the game, just so I can go blow it all up again in a war and repeat my nation building (since there's no reset). Of course, I am also very FA orientated.

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[color="#0000FF"]When I first discovered the internet many years ago it was bastion of decency, respect, and intellectual stimulation, but over the years it has been on the decline. My being in CN is just one battle of a much larger war. Here I fight the pollutants that have so decimated the quality of online discourse over the last few years. Though it is an uphill battle, one day I hope that CN will be an island of morality and virtue in an otherwise dark sea, and serve as a model for other online communities to follow. I am not playing a game. Never assume that I am playing a game. No, my fight for our children, for a clean and decent internet, is very real.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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I play for 3 reasons:

1: Habit, I need something to do at 4 in the afternoon and that happens to be update time for CN.
2: Amusement, I like to hang around and see what you guys will do next.
3: Hope, I want to see CN have a revival and for the gameplay to be like it was when I first joined.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295775352' post='2593716']
[color="#0000FF"]When I first discovered the internet many years ago it was bastion of decency, respect, and intellectual stimulation, but over the years it has been on the decline. My being in CN is just one battle of a much larger war. Here I fight the pollutants that have so decimated the quality of online discourse over the last few years. Though it is an uphill battle, one day I hope that CN will be an island of morality and virtue in an otherwise dark sea, and serve as a model for other online communities to follow. I am not playing a game. Never assume that I am playing a game. No, my fight for our children, for a clean and decent internet, is very real.[/color]

It is eternal September now. I too remember the net for what it was back in the 80's.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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CN connected me to some people to do other things besides CN since its a boring game in itself. It's a great place for bored people to meet I suppose. I enjoy the war aspects now that I have nuclear weapons and reading politics on the game keeps my interest.

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I play because you suckered me in BEazy.

Regardless, I play because I enjoy building my nation and my alliance but at its core its because this game is perfect for me. I can think about it as much or as little as I want. If I don't pay bills every day, no big deal. If I want to sink a night into not thinking about how much I have going in my real life I can work on new alliance programs. Every other game I've played has significantly penalized me for not logging on at least 4 times a day and for me that's the brilliance of this type of game. CN just happens to be the one I've invested the time into.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295751916' post='2592799']
Despite the game's political aspect heading south over the past year or so I hold out that it may improve. I also enjoy running an alliance and interacting with the various people from around the world that make it tick. My nation is not the reason I play, it is my ticket to a much bigger game that plays out outside the limitations of the game itself.
This pretty much sums it up for me, although I'm no longer running an alliance.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295775352' post='2593716']
[color="#0000FF"]When I first discovered the internet many years ago it was bastion of decency, respect, and intellectual stimulation, but over the years it has been on the decline. My being in CN is just one battle of a much larger war. Here I fight the pollutants that have so decimated the quality of online discourse over the last few years. Though it is an uphill battle, one day I hope that CN will be an island of morality and virtue in an otherwise dark sea, and serve as a model for other online communities to follow. I am not playing a game. Never assume that I am playing a game. No, my fight for our children, for a clean and decent internet, is very real.[/color]

[color="#8B0000"]I play to ensure you never achieve your goals. Your "morals" are nothing more than a means to look down upon the fine leaders of this game and for your self-inflated ego. Your morals and narcissism are not welcome here Virginia. One day I shall call upon the Elder Gods; Great floods will wash away your "island of morality and virtue". They shall extinguish your last beacon of hope and there will be only darkness.

The internet has no place for decency.[/color]

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1295750842' post='2592768']
Why do you play CN? Honestly, I had some revelation and honestly have stopped caring about my nation anymore. It's all about the OTS, NoR and TSO community that keeps me around.[/quote]
That last part. I have a few friends, and many acquaintances who I like/respect.
The game itself and the way many people play it sort of sucks.

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I do it for the tech.

In all reality, I agree with Tyga here. My nation is simply the jumping off point. I enjoy power politics, seeing little movements in the political landscape and taking about the ripple effects that it has. I enjoy war coalitions, meeting interesting people, engaging in pleasant diplomacy as well as hard-line diplomacy. I enjoy Umbrella's OT forums, the CN fantasy football league, and VE's culture and community. Most of all I just like being able to be a part of doing things that have an impact on something, because however non-tangible they are in 'RL', they mean something, in some way, to the better part of the 20000 people who play this game, and being able to help lead a war or sign a treaty that affects any of those 20000 people is extremely interesting to me.

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