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Declaration of Intent, Structure and Presence

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To address another point, based upon the messages I have received the initial post was not clear. No one will be required or even asked to switch color teams to be in the NSA.

Just curious what you'll do if - by some bizarre coincidence - the majority of your members turn out to be on Red. :psyduck:

Welcome to Brown.

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You know it. Star Wars nerds such as myself don't get to make these references often, so when we get the chance...

(OOC: Quoting Darth Plagueis.. Excellent! :awesome: /OOC)

Welcome to Bob NSO, and best of luck!

Edited by WernerHoffmann
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Not having read this whole thread yet because I haven't had the time, this puts me in a pickle...I have said numerous times in print and on air that if Ivan came back to lead I would join his alliance.

Archon is going to have a problem with letting me go.

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i'd have to say

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Order shall set me free."

that was the best part of the charter...

star wars ftw lol

goodluck ivan

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i'd have to say

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Order shall set me free."

that was the best part of the charter...

star wars ftw lol

goodluck ivan

i thought that was a 1984 reference.... :blink:

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For the record if you have to explain your joke, it isn't funny. just sayin. :blush:

EDIT: bah it was pointed out already, reading entire threads before posting FTW!

You know, it's just not as funny if you have to explain it.

The joke this time was that it was a joke, and thus, why I explained it in such a manner.

You people really need to keep up :awesome:

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Really interesting, I find myself tempted to join NSO. I really want to see what future reserves for NSO and the real intentions of Sir Moldavi for back to CN.

Good Luck NSO may you prosper!

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Not having read this whole thread yet because I haven't had the time, this puts me in a pickle...I have said numerous times in print and on air that if Ivan came back to lead I would join his alliance.

Archon is going to have a problem with letting me go.

I dont think he's gonna let you go. Also, dont quit on Aqua please.

@ Ivan Moldavi : Welcome back to CN, wish you goo d fortune with this new endeavor of yours.

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Not having read this whole thread yet because I haven't had the time, this puts me in a pickle...I have said numerous times in print and on air that if Ivan came back to lead I would join his alliance.

Archon is going to have a problem with letting me go.

Your many listeners to CN Talkshow shall be watching to see if you truly join Ivan's alliance :P

Good luck to the NSO, welcome to the Brown Sphere.

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Not having read this whole thread yet because I haven't had the time, this puts me in a pickle...I have said numerous times in print and on air that if Ivan came back to lead I would join his alliance.

Archon is going to have a problem with letting me go.

My first thought upon seeing this was thread was, "I wonder if Airme's joined this yet."

Have fun Ivan.

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