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if you were Dulra.....


If you were Dulra.....  

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Quote:To: Belisarius From: Hime Themis Date: 12/28/2014 12:10:22 AM

Subject: Mind to your war screens
Message: Gentle Persons

DBDC has come a calling. You have three nations that have been attacked. I leave you to decide the best course of action, but they will be back if not dealt with.

My respects to my first home.

Dame HIme THemis


Quote:To: Hime Themis From: Belisarius Date: 12/28/2014 12:35:46 AM

Subject: RE: Mind to your war screens
Message: Thanks for that. We've noticed :/

We're planning a response to o ya baby's attacks, which seem to be a hostile reaction to Jerdge's posts in the OWF.


Quote:To: Belisarius From: Hime Themis Date: 12/28/2014 12:37:53 AM

Subject: RE: Mind to your war screens
Message: Good Belisarius

Typical. If this expands let me know I have some ideas for you as to how to ruin their month.

Dame Hime Themis
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I guess Hime is interested in seeing DBDC stomped but only if someone else does it :/

Nice log dump there :)


Edit:  In response to Glentoy's post

Edited by berbers
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That's a great precedent for anybody who harbours any real intentions of going after neutrals.


Pretend to create another one of these agreements, send the plant over to a neutral alliance, and then insist that it's within your rights to hit them because, well, you say so.  When the neutrals respond with fireworks, you're in business.

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Ah, so CT was behind it all?





My aplologies, Good Dame Hime, for interjecting here;


Yep, CT was the  focal point of a debate in WTF, upon the occasion of his departure from WTF; to DBDC

if not behind  "all", certainly behind much of it, perhaps more as subject than instigator.


Internal politics became personal: more departure inccured , threats exchanged, and promises made.


Regardless of moral judgements or motives, the facts to which Dame Hime responded and acted are consistent with her rembrances:

others, such as CT, may suffer from a more 'selective'  memory of past events here discussed.


Edited by ARCHEIN
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 NO we had not even confirmed his application and flipping the bird to a group of nations who would have pounded anyway instead of reaching an honest agreement would have been stupid not courageous. How exactly would that have helped RP at the time? So we put up a big show, get into a war and his nation still gets pounded. Stick your ego. We prefer not to wave our e-penis instead work for a solution for a nation. YOUR kind of courageous gets the victim dead congrats.


Dame HIme Themis


Hime, don't worry about all the haters.


We all know that you are doing what is best for your alliance, by doing what DBDC tells you to do ensures you don't paint a target on your back. An alliance leaders primary goal is protection for his or her alliance. 


Sometimes the correct choice is not the (morally) right one, but the one that best protects your interests. 

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There's alot of opinions in this thread. Hime has chosen the highest road she could find....chosen to honor her word. RP and Hime are still friends through this...so perhaps instead of throwing pointless negative opinions out...how about a little respect.

On a different note....polar talks about being a morally superior alliance....tell me....would Dajobo make a promise...then at a later date, break his word AND put his entire AA at risk in one swift stroke? Or would he man up....honor his word...and protect those who have faith in him to do so?

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There's alot of opinions in this thread. Hime has chosen the highest road she could find....chosen to honor her word. RP and Hime are still friends through this...so perhaps instead of throwing pointless negative opinions out...how about a little respect.

On a different note....polar talks about being a morally superior alliance....tell me....would Dajobo make a promise...then at a later date, break his word AND put his entire AA at risk in one swift stroke? Or would he man up....honor his word...and protect those who have faith in him to do so?


Polar likely wouldn't make this deal in the first place, they'd probably assume its some sort of plot to get them rolled in the future. 

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Dulra is a place of peace and courtesy. The people of Dulra strive to set an example by word and deed. A people of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds that have become a mosaic not a melting pot. Respect for tradition and venerable values is melded with a belief in growth and technology to form a dynamic but respectful vision of the future.

Those in true need will find a word of advice and a helping hand. Those who honour the honest and simple values of friendship, integrity and civility will find the shield and sword extended to protect and support them. Dulra believes in the wisdom of the old Chinese proverb : Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Open and respectful discourse is encouraged at home and abroad. No person can find the truth if it cannot be spoken, no one can learn if knowledge is hidden and no people can prosper when hate fills the heart. Dulra welcomes all to meet and share as a stranger is just a friend as yet unmet.

Enjoy the obnoxious nation description.
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would Dajobo make a promise...then at a later date, break his word AND put his entire AA at risk in one swift stroke? Or would he man up....honor his word...and protect those who have faith in him to do so?

I'll explain how it works and answer this not just for myself, but I think for 99% of alliances on Bob.

If a member wants to join us and others have issues about that, we either reject their application or accept and protect them as an equal. We'd make no such agreement with you in the first place. We would have listened to your objection to the nation and made our decision based on what the nation had/hadn't done. A good example is no one wants an aid thief. Our decision would not be decided by who you are, but by the nation ruler's actions and how they fitted with our alliances values.

When that nation left us we'd cease to have any say or input to their future beyond answering the questions by the next alliance of what sort of member they were if asked.

This whole topic is pretty hilarious to most of us. I think I speak for the majority when I say "well played DBDC". It is a bit immoral as the Rebel alluded to, and it does fall out the range of what I'd be comfortable with doing, but if they are stupid enough to accept, kudo's to DBDC for pulling it off!
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Just for clarity the World Task Force does not ask or condone an attack on OBR. As for me I think this side deal shit stinks. But out of respect for Ron Paul the WTF will stay out of whatever deal RP and OBR have.

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Very interesting thread. what I find interesting is that the normal view of durla and OBR is pretty high and honorable. This situation throws a monkey wrench into it. A long earned reputation can be destroyed in very little time.

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