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Your First War


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My first war was Great War 3.  I had just joined this world here and had no idea what I was doing.  I joined Legion during Great War 2 and watched the fighting.  Then GW3 kicked off, I was told to "declare on TOP and FAN nations" so I picked a few at random and attacked them.  I got countered and smashed down a bit because, like I said, I had no idea what I was doing.


We had no fire support, and it seemed like no coordination so we got handled pretty badly.  After that war I ended up leaving Legion for an alliance that had a decent mliitary system and good fighters to learn the war system.  Since I was pretty much on my own during GW3 to learn (and was badly outnumbered and was a complete n00b at fighting) it didn't end well.  I joined \m/ and learned the war system by raiding people back in the day there.


So what I learned back then was basically how not to run a war since it was a completely failure imo.

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After being attacked by some multis calling themselves the Global Liberation Front (GLF) right after joining the Order in September of '08 I fought some FAN nations in the bottom of the lower tier so I guess my first war was the FAN-1V War, but that was more of an afterthought to me. I was around for the Jarheads War in the fall of '08, but there was only one nation in my NS range and he was in peace mode so I didn't participate in that one even though we did fight them technically. Really my first real war was Karma, or Armageddon as we Pacificans like to call it, that's the first global war I fought in that shaped a lot of my perspective on things moving forward. I was in the first wave to hit Ordo Verde and everything went down from there.

Edited by Monty of the Herm
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My first war was the Karma War as I was fighting for Tempest on behalf of the Hegemony. I was just appalled how many alliances abandoned NPO for a week or so and wondered why that was happening, of course, I was a total noob back then.


I remembered how nervous I was in engaging wars with my opponents because I had no clue how to fight. I was hit hard by LoSS and BTO, though I don't seem to remember anyone but Amissio from LoSS, one of them had nukes and I didn't have a Manhattan Project. I was getting slammed around until one nuclear nation from BAPs came to rescue me and coordinated with him on the guy who has been nuking me to oblivion.

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Confusing things. I had no CON enemies and in fact spent a lot of time on their forums during and after the war. I actually discussed a protectorate with them, but they declined.


Oh yeah it was Chefjoe who was the other target, you were the only other person on earth to watch the UFL when it was on.  I never had any dealings with CON but, it seemed I trolled this guy once OWF and it really upset him for years.  And he hated Chefjoe because of a flag or something.  He went rogue and hit us but, was still a part of CON gov at the time which caused some problems.  I was already being rogued at the time by Nov remnants or other random people going out with a bang so I assumed he was one of those.  He seemed so mad I had no idea who he was or what he was talking about.  

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I'm pretty sure my first war was the one where everyone hit GPA after the UJP War, war commonly called it something to do with Woodstock I think. 


The first one I actually have a memory of fighting though was War of the Coalition. Bill locked myself and TORN had to bail me out with aid. 


All of these seem like so damn long ago. Probably because they were.

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I was told about Bob from VE faction from another realm, so I came, applied to GGA and IRON, this was few days before UjW.  I liked the name IRON better so withdrew my app from GGA. A few weeks later we went to war, absolutely no idea what was going on, I recall Schatt spamming me with emo kiss pics and some other silly exchange of messages. Also recall being clubbed by BnT for blowing up stagger, I was too excited and more the wars the merrier it was, so why wait. 

HAHAHAHA I completely forgot about that.  That's hilarious.  My first foray into psychological warfare. 




It's hilarious that I was ~6 mos older than you and we were the same NS.  Nation building, schmation building.

IRON is a better name than GGA.


I got my first ZI threat when I trolled post war that Duncan King's micro ICON fought harder against me than IRON.  DarkMistress said I was breaching my surrender hahaha.

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I joined in time to see GW2 and GW3 occur and was a member of IRON until January 2007 because I felt overwhelmed by the game and perceived I had no help when I asked questions about the mechanics and workings of the game. I joined Wolfpack, which just started around February that year and stayed there for a while. Eventually some members splintered off due to some personal disagreements into an alliance called Realm of Titans, they became a protectorate of IRON and constantly taunted us for reasons I forgot. A government member, the head of the academy/getting new members integrated int othe alliance, YourLurkingShadow was still friends with RoT and said he was going to be done with the game soon. 


Not long after, RoT claimed we were spying on them and used logs that appeared to show Shadow attempting to get information about RoT and engaging in espionage. It seemed rather fishy since he was friends with them and probably had no difficulty getting any information on them whatsoever. This was used as a CB for IRON, NPO, and MHA to pretty much obliterate the alliance for much of March 2008. Sparta cancelled the PIAT in order to appease the Continuum and GGA did the same during the war to avoid their MDP obligations in what seemed like a manufactured cause of war. They made it appear as if there was an intricate spy ring when in reality it was just one guy who was already connected to the alliance allegedly being spied on. I think Wolfpack's slow response and ability to get its head around the situation helped increase the perception they were being shady and played into their aggressors heads. A rather confused response was the only thing really given by the government. Although, my favorite part of the conflict was FAN tricking us into giving them the 18k tech reparations to them at first. That part was awesome. Realm of Titans disbanded two months after the war was over as well. During the war Wolfpack had around 230 members and dropped below 100 a few months later due to not wanting to pay reparations or being highly discouraged about what was seen as a random war of the blue for some dubious reason.


I definitely learned the importance of communication and disinformation that was used heavily during the Continuum era to attack several alliances. The lack of using IRC was very detrimental and war is pretty dull despite the hype. If you look at those past threads you'll see everyone either played along in the propaganda game or legitimacy believed small, involved alliances would have an actual reason to have 'intricate spy rings'. A interesting part of that is looking at the posters then and where they are now/what they did since then. I quit the game after that war, so I didn't really get to use the lessons learned from it and joined ODN when I returned in 2009 a month before Karma during that VD-INT incident.



OOC: It was very well played by RoT and IRON to get some easy technology at the time. Although, it was bizarre that RoT disbanded despite its rapid growth at the time. The disbandment thread is also weird.

Edited by Chaoshawk
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My first war I can remember was a personal little thing between me and someone with a Nazi themed nation; the first war I provided any support to was the Paddy's Day Massacre of NoR vs SWF/LSF, and then the first real war I participated in as an alliance member was GW3. Fought some GATO but mostly WAPA, if I can recall; those guys merged with us for sixty days after the war, and when they came out of the other side we were friends.



I'm sure I sound old and useless, but as a foot soldier and as a minor diplomat, I miss Initiative, and \m/.

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First war in CN was when I first rolled against a Blue Team nation named Pecnut.

First alliance war was when I was a USN member against the Imperial Axis Pact.

First global war was GW4.

First team color war was the BLEU war.

Overall, taught me memorable villians and heros make conflicts fun. That's why The Initiative is in my opinion the most memorable bloc.
Unjust, Karma, and Equilibrium the best wars.

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My first war was Karma when I was in R&R.  I totally didn't get the concept of war and made mass declares on NPO and promptly ran out of money dealing a good amount of damage the first night and taking it between the legs every other night.  My second round of wars was the counter by NPO.  I was nuked 5 or 6 days in a row to near ZI levels.  I can't remember his name but the NPO guy would send me nation building tips after every nuke.  We actually got on quite well.  I followed his advice and rebuilt a bit until UPN hit me in the third round and finally ZI'd me for good.  If I could change anything about that war it would be my whining for aid.  Oh well, live and learn.    

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I joined this world slightly before the first wave of fellow Dutchies arrived. It was at a time that admin had closed registration because of Yellow #5 and the war that soon followed. Ofcourse I had no idea of the meaning of these events so that's what I read up to later.

In any case, this initially small group of what later became FOK spent most of its time techraiding instead of actually building a solid foundation for a powerful alliance. I recall that we butted heads with NpO shortly thereafter (they intervened when a raid by some of us got out of hand), and presumably that is why a feud was started between our respective alliances. Up to this point I had no experience with a 'real' big war though.

That would change soon. As FOK grew after the first mass recruitment drive we positioned ourselves in a corner opposite of NpO, by allying GOONS and MK. This put us squarely in the sphere of what later became known as the Unjust Path. The war that erupted - the Unjust War - was where I got my first war experience. On an individual level, I recall that it wasn't a particularly hard time we had, as NTO and -AiD- were the alliances we fought and the difference in warring capability became clear very quickly - not just to those directly involved but the rest of the world as well.

But for the alliance it was a big deal. This situation led to GATO infamously claiming a PIAT was a justifiable reason to intervene on their friends behalf. That didn't come to pass for obvious reasons, so in the end we got off pretty easily, and indeed our leadership understood that we had gotten lucky. The whole Unjust experience, with all the drama accompanying it, greatly helped in shaping our alliance's future. By proving ourself in this way to the world, we were allowed to play with the big boys and join the Continuum.


I missed the Peace-war (the raid-conflict 'solved' by Polar) by days, joining FOK in the big Dutchy invasion at the end of July 2007. So my first real war was the UJW, where we (FOK) pulled off probably one of the best (or at least most memorable) blitzes and [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/1316-foks-going-to-candy-mountain/page-2]DOWs[/url] ever. I had no idea whatsoever about any of the politics involved at the time and just loved the fights I/we had with -AID- and NTO.

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My first war was GWII, I was in NPO fighting GATO 4 on 1


Good times,


Good times


Did I fight you in this war? Or was it gw3 I can't remember lol. 


My first war was GW2 with GATO, unless you count the "rogue war" that happened after the war range switch post GW1. Luckily in gw2 I was just small enough not to have to fight TOP and thus my nation wasn't badly damaged.  GW3 was much more fun though, was the only top 20 GATO nation to get hit by MDC, and dear lord were they terrible. Lasted almost the entire war out of anarchy (amazing what can happen when there are no nukes.) 

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My first war was a war of survival as an unaligned nation against a rogue. During that war I applied to Pacifica.. not out of need or because I was losing, but because of the reason I mentioned to them privately within the halls of Francograd. I flattened the 1k ns rogue without any outside assistance and I think he deleted after the war. Neither of us were nuclear states, but despite being 3 days old I had read the improvement and wonder guide and had GCs where the guy trying vainly to raid me had none and that was the difference between our outcomes. Still surprises me to this day when I find veteran war fighters who do not use guerilla camps and each time I encounter them I think of the poor fool who thought me prey.

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I skirmished with FAN in late 2007 but my first war was Woodstock vs GPA. Twisted and I had the same target and we were in awe of his war chest. It was something like 200 million. We each had about 50 million at 40kish ns. But he and I raided out a hell of  a lot of land that war. We each finished with something like 20k miles. He was much more effective at keeping his than I was, as after Karma I went from 20k to around 500 miles and never did recover it.

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I skirmished with FAN in late 2007 but my first war was Woodstock vs GPA. Twisted and I had the same target and we were in awe of his war chest. It was something like 200 million. We each had about 50 million at 40kish ns. But he and I raided out a hell of  a lot of land that war. We each finished with something like 20k miles. He was much more effective at keeping his than I was, as after Karma I went from 20k to around 500 miles and never did recover it.


This reminds me of two things.


First, in Woodstock with Twisted and back then you could do "all but 1 soldier" deploys and so the timing of your GA/rebuy was important and we were fighting Conan the Barbeque, I think, and that started lots of fun shenanigans.


In UjP I remember someone in GOONS had 150M at 4999 infra which we all were astounded by.

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Fought in Great War II (was a rando NPO plebe and for the life of me can't remember anything other than that... my nation's leaders were bad at their jobs), thought the way the war was fought was dumb because of our scientists' discovery that our soldiers were only able to zerg-attack three times in a twenty-four hour period, so that great lost nation disbanded. Came back in the aftermath of Great War III by Verdale, but had to wait until the invisible shield wall preventing new nations from claiming sovereignty was taken down. My first "real" war (as in, one that I actually paid attention in) that I got to experience firsthand was the BLEU-NADC War while I was in USB; first massacre I witnessed secondhand was the ONOS stomp (which also coincided with my realization that blocs were opportunistic and not really for mutual benefit... for the most part); and the first massacre I experienced firsthand was the 1V-GATO War where our fearless leader (I was in CSN), TBW, decided to declare war on everyone who declared on GATO. And this is when I learned to absolutely hate the idea of reparations, especially when they were threatened against USN. 

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 and the first massacre I experienced firsthand was the 1V-GATO War where our fearless leader (I was in CSN), TBW, decided to declare war on everyone who declared on GATO. And this is when I learned to absolutely hate the idea of reparations, especially when they were threatened against USN. 


And that is still my favorite all time war.  I too was in CSN.  That was my first war, at probably 15K NS or so.  Took my first ZI.  That's where I made most of my CN friends.  Tidybowlman and I ran at MCXA over and over and over during that war.  Such good times.



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Joined the NPO right before GWII, and proceeded to fight the two most fun wars I've been in...I honestly don't remember anything from those two wars aside from thinking that it was a lot easier to win wars than I'd thought it would be.


Cue 8+ years of being a Pacifican.

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First Citrus war was raging when I joined the NPO, as a noob hit someone from another AA entirely (that said you had to rely on Nation Descriptions at the time), got chewed out by Ivan, Moo and Tyga.  Declared Peace and found myself at war with Pingu if remember correctly.


NAAC v2 came up soon and was a lot more fun.  Got put on St Heliers, who I have probably fought at least 10 or 12 times now, although he seems to have gone inactive of late.

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