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Your First War


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I think TBB is the only person who remember my first war. The Taco War. TPF had just been formed fromTF!
and Tim Lee (come to think of it Tim would remember too), Slayer and Tim were looking for a small war to bring the new TPF alliance together. They manufactured a crisis with a small AA of Mexican nationals, that I disremember the name of. It was funny Chinatown Bus and another future Poison Clansman and I failed to get our badly outnumbered target into Anarchy after 3 days. Slayer was pissed.

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My first war was the noCB War. I was in FCC when it started, who had a MDP with MK. The politics made it unlikely FCC would be able to enter, so me and another member left to join MK for war. I had recently gave up my Senate seat to accept an appointment for High Court Judge, so I had no vote in whether the FCC went to war anyways. In it the nuclear spread tactic was used to maximize damage and I loved it despite the heavy odds against us. I had got the MP shortly before the war, so falling out of the top 5% wasn't a concern for me. When it was over, I eventually left to form a new alliance with some other former FCC members who had also left since my departure. Eventually that alliance merged back into FCC, with a new charter written and King elected.

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Great War II. I was in Legion, but once it became apparent that we weren't going to enter I left. I was going to join a League alliance (obviously) but wasn't sure which. It ultimately came down to CDS vs. LUE and I chose the former on a whim. I'm sure my CN career would have been very different had I chosen the latter.


I don't remember lots about the actual war. We fought GOONS, so it started that tradition I guess.

I disliked Legion for a loonnngg time because of that. I salute you for leaving them to join the fight! o/

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I think TBB is the only person who remember my first war. The Taco War. TPF had just been formed fromTF!
and Tim Lee (come to think of it Tim would remember too), Slayer and Tim were looking for a small war to bring the new TPF alliance together. They manufactured a crisis with a small AA of Mexican nationals, that I disremember the name of. It was funny Chinatown Bus and another future Poison Clansman and I failed to get our badly outnumbered target into Anarchy after 3 days. Slayer was pissed.


lol I remember them, Foroaches or something.  They raided one of our nations but, did not speak english so when they did not repond to our message we rolled out before anybody that spoke english showed up.  That war was a great way to work to the kinks out of the brand new Phoenix war machine.  I think next we had Legion and then FAN.  That first little war was just what a newly merged alliance needed.    

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First war was against VE in the Green Civil War. All I really recall is the disappointment of logging on to find out I'd been quad attacked at update by my opponents when, living in the GMT timezone, I could never be on at update. I seem to recall that quad attacks where a lot more devastating back in '07 especially when every war seemed to have a no nuke policy.

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First real war here was the Maroon War.  Joined ODS in very early September of 2006 when a friend of mine who was already there (bladegolem47) suggested it.  About a month or so later wound up in low gov and then the war hit.  Rolled tanks on two members of Nordreich and got countered two GOONS and one NpO.  The two NoR members fought fairly well, but the backup they brought in was terrible.  Overall had a blast with the war, though, and it got me much more active afterward.

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My first war I was Deputy Minister of Defense for FLY which was a merger of SUN and DiCe...We fought on MK and CnGs side and after my AA surrendered Jacques Cousteau and I refused to surrender and fought on until MK ended their part in the war weeks later...About 7 years ago and I have never surrendered to this day nor will I ever...good times! o/   :war:  \o

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My first war was part of the ICSN war in April 2006. I don't remember much of it. I was attacked by one (?) LUE nation, and, predictably, did quite badly. Besides having a "strategy" to nation-building that amounted to buying infra and land in equal measure, I simply didn't realise that war was coming, and I think I was anarchied in one night.


Because of this, and because the war ended within a couple of days (one day for me, because I quit the ICSN and swore an oath of non-aggression to the NPO Emperor), my views on war weren't really altered or developed. I learned how to fight properly from the NPO guides when I joined them that summer.


Politically, however, the ICSN war was quite influential for me. I and a few likeminded people felt that the alliance had gone down the tubes because of a leadership that tried to act like a big, barking dog, constantly antagonising the NPO without having anything to back it up with, even sending spies to that alliance and LUE, which they treated as a casus belli. The war initiated by the NPO against my alliance actually made me more pro-NPO, just because I felt we had brought it upon ourselves. Besides, I thought the NPO were cool in general, and they actually seemed to have more members who had an idea about communism or socialism. And I figured that if so many people I disliked hated them, they couldn't be that bad.

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UJW was kind of my first war.  I was in GATO, we planned to hit FOK, but TOP came and wagged their finger so we balked and said nevermind.  Went to Gre after that and helped lead War of the Coalition.  After that it was enjoyable for me to get involved in conflicts on a very wide scale and the following few made an effort to give my input on scenarios.  War of the Coalition showed how important top tiers were and lead me to create my FA around that.

I was trying to remember the name of the war before Karma, where we hit NpO.  That was the one.

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My first war was in 2008 when the Emperor of the New Pacific Order declared war on GATO for harboring Chris Khaos. I was Imperial Regent at the time of the Imperial Assault Alliance, a Palpatine-themed peripheral alliance allied to GATO. Outside of our immediate allies, global foreign policy was alien to me and I had been spending my time improving the alliance internally.




Oh gawd, I volunteered to serve with the CSN for the Gato/IAA/CSN/USN smiting. Got reduced to rubble I did. 

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Unjust War. I started playing about a month or so prior and was convinced by someone who is no longer allowed here that \m/ was THE alliance to join ... so I did. I posted a scathing criticism of the members who were bailing due to the imminent conflict (which got me some sort of Academy/N00b reward and aid sent to me), which was easy for me to do since I had only been playing for about six weeks and had an 8K nation. lol


Anyway. I fought Polar and CON and had some fun banter with the CON nation, who tried to recruit me. By that time, me and three others had decided to strike out on our own and create our own alliance regardless of the outcome of the war. Then \m/ up and disbanded, which allowed us to get started and Ragnarok was formed. Amusingly enough, I wasn't supposed to lead it, I was supposed to be "Vice President", but the guy who was going to be "President" (elected positions, folks!) backed out. I was made leader at that point by default because no one else wanted to do it. We then spent our early days afraid that we were going to get rolled as an "\m/ cell" or because we hadn't all officially surrendered or served our time as POWs where we'd have to be officially released.


Ah, nostalgia.

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Unjust War. I started playing about a month or so prior and was convinced by someone who is no longer allowed here that \m/ was THE alliance to join ... so I did. I posted a scathing criticism of the members who were bailing due to the imminent conflict (which got me some sort of Academy/N00b reward and aid sent to me), which was easy for me to do since I had only been playing for about six weeks and had an 8K nation. lol


Anyway. I fought Polar and CON and had some fun banter with the CON nation, who tried to recruit me. By that time, me and three others had decided to strike out on our own and create our own alliance regardless of the outcome of the war. Then \m/ up and disbanded, which allowed us to get started and Ragnarok was formed. Amusingly enough, I wasn't supposed to lead it, I was supposed to be "Vice President", but the guy who was going to be "President" (elected positions, folks!) backed out. I was made leader at that point by default because no one else wanted to do it. We then spent our early days afraid that we were going to get rolled as an "\m/ cell" or because we hadn't all officially surrendered or served our time as POWs where we'd have to be officially released.


Ah, nostalgia.



Did we not both have some stalker rogue from CON for awhile?  Or am I confusing things again?

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Did we not both have some stalker rogue from CON for awhile?  Or am I confusing things again?


Confusing things. I had no CON enemies and in fact spent a lot of time on their forums during and after the war. I actually discussed a protectorate with them, but they declined.

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My first war, if my memory is right, was the war against "Stand or Die".

It was fun and it was what interested me about CN.

The war was 100% OOC... and yet it showed the CN community doing something very nice, which was kicking the nazis out of the game.

So it was impossible not to feel that something truly epic and historic was going on.

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I guess my first war was the 6 million dollar war as a TENE nation. But my first real war was PC-RoK. Fought buzz lightyear and tutrled the shit out of that war. I think I launched like 2 attacks the entire war. When I came back to the game in 2012 I sent him an apology message in game for my newbishness

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First alliance war was when Poison Clan smashed into NpO during PB-NpO shortly after I had left LXXQTJMN.  I was meant to hit the old Polar senator Saratoga, but he hit PM just before we were engaging so instead I up declared against 3 of the strongest Polar nations.  I then got countered hard by 2 STA members and Joe Stupid in Ragnarok.



What followed from this was a thing of beauty.


I gained 4.5 million casualties, ZI'd kaitlink and fought Joe 70k lower than where we both started.



Good times

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My first war was the BLEU-NADC war back in January of 2008.  There was a lot of animosity back then between a very isolationist NADC (Emperor Charles) and a very active NpO.  I was in NADC until the end of 2007, and then joined NpO because I wanted to see some action in a non-neutral alliance.  NADC has totally changed since then, and it's awesome to see after I took years and years away from Bob.  A bunch of us changed AA's before the war to NpO.


It was kind of weird attacking my former alliance, one that I still had a lot of connections with (I was relatively active back then as opposed to now).  But I don't think there were any hard feelings about me or them.  I had some very good connections in NADC at the time and still spoke with them on a regular and mostly friendly basis then.


Since then I've been diplomat a couple of times there but otherwise just haven't had the time that I used to have.  NADC still holds a special place in my heart.  It is still my birthplace.


I assume this was supposed to be first alliance-wide war, not simply ghost or pirate battles.

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The Grudge War with R&R.

We fought against Asgaard and LoSS, in one of the few fronts of that war that did not see SF-XX completely wrecked, thanks to our FOK tie. I started at 2999 infra against an Asgaard seller who had 3 or 4 times my warchest and kept rebuilding the lost infra daily, altho he was not a great fighter. During the first week of war we got countered by the Shadow Accord, a small black AA allied to Asgaard, and I was reduced to smitherens by Conred (he had nukes and some wonders, I had neither). After that I fought LoSS' small techsellers for the whole duration of the war without making a big deal about it (unlike someone else here :P ) and made a living with the aid GATO sent them :P

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My first war of note was PB-NpO (from Dark Templar).  Dark Templar entered in defense on an ally, LoSS and was promptly countered by CSN (within 12 minutes!).  This war had one of the worst endings in CN history, with CSN having called in ghosts like Timmehhh and Vespassianus (the B*st*rds) and one of the most heated OWF debates I've ever been a part of (86 pages!).  CSN, despite being the aggressor, had the audacity to extort reps from DT, a move so unpopular that it would ultimately lead to their downfall in the Grudge War.


Outcome:  This war left such a bad taste in my mouth that I resigned from Dark Templar due to future stability/protection concerns, a move that is still lamented.


Notable show of naivete by me:  I actually called upon high-ranked friends I had in Umbrella: Xavi and others, to see if they could help me defeat Timmehhh, since I was 40 days deep in war and had no nukes.  They informed me they were on the other side of the war...  


What I learned:  This defeat inspired me to never again be out-tech'd in a war and grow my nation as fast as I could, so that someday I could blindside Timmehhh as he had done to me.  Unfortunately I picked probably the worst possible target to catch, as he began a tirade of raiding and nation building unrivaled for 2 full years.


Interesting observation:  It seems the DOOMBIRD spirit was strong in me even at that time, the world was just not ready.  Amusingly I think Tim had something like 18k tech to my 10k but he was still unbeatable.   :)

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I was in TOOL and fought Legio X in some sort of Curbstomp.  My opponents were down-declares and semi-active so it was a cakewalk.


My first "real" war was bi-Polar when i got to go up against some of Planet Bob's finest warriors as a member of TOP pre-empting all of CnG.


MK was very hard to crack.  The rest of CnG was butter.  Hot, soft butter.  At least my targets.  I made it out to peace mode after about 4-6 weeks of war(in anarchy the entire time, of course), restocked my 25 nukes but was ordered not to come out. During the active fighting, rebuying 10 infra at a time to get to 1000 to buy nukes was a major pita.  I'm glad you can now buy 100 at a time.

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