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What? No beer review? Tell me I am not the only one who is disappointed.


Sorry, Beer Reviews are pretty much the worst thing since Karma. Hell, NoR can't even bring itself to accept a simple surrender.

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Re: Beer Reviews and white peace vs surrender from Fark


  We were in this to support our allies, not to prove anything or make anyone surrender to us.  We went in, blew some stuff up and moved on.

  Does Fark think Beer reviews are a good time?  Of course we do, we like drinking beer.  We have tons of beer reviews on our forums that didn't even require a war.


 Also, last time Ivan did a milk review, not beer.

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Sorry, Beer Reviews are pretty much the worst thing since Karma. Hell, NoR can't even bring itself to accept a simple surrender.

If not everyone they are fighting alongside this war are being offered the same simple surrender, then I can understand their hesitation.


Good luck rebuilding to those done fighting, hopefully we can see the rest of this war wrap up without any alliances being put under damaging terms.

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See now this is why our side should be posting the peace posts.  We got the flags and everything looking nice.


I can consent to this.


Never really enjoyed fighting my friends in NSO, but it was a good time nonetheless. Good luck with the rebuild, I know you guys will handle it well.


Kashmir, well fought. You guys put up quite the tussle for a smaller alliance, and I respect that immensely.

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Not quite sure the reason for white peace over having someone surrender to you, but congrats for peace.


Now we're just waiting on a few alliances before this whole war is over.


Not everyone needs to wave around their dick to prove they were a part of the winning side of the war, sometimes the history books are good enough.

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I almost took you seriously for a split second, Rayvon, but to no avail. 


So then Fark must wave their dicks to prove something?



If you wanna tantrum over my government removing you from our forums for your posting, then keep it in my PMs where I can ignore it and you won't annoy the rest of CN. No one here cares we removed you, we don't care. You were given opportunity to visit as we welcome all, but [url=http://i.imgur.com/QYoWI88.png]when you're making such posts and declaring such intent[/url], they're not likely to be too keen to put up with you. 17 posts, must be some kind of record though. Even Tywin made more than that before we booted him.

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Please let this truly be the end of the grudge.

It sounded good. I was hopeful, as well. Then, as I read the rest of this thread, I realize that some people are still mad and just won't get over it, even after fighting a major war with eachother.


Defeat is relative. Peace is a lie.

We lost this war. We'll see where the next party pops up.



Not everyone needs to wave around their dick to prove they were a part of the winning side of the war, sometimes the history books are good enough.

See you soon, I guess. Even in a peace thread, this guy is already posturing for the next war. Looks counter-productive.

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It sounded good. I was hopeful, as well. Then, as I read the rest of this thread, I realize that some people are still mad and just won't get over it, even after fighting a major war with eachother.



You offensively attacked an alliance.  Of course they are mad ¬_¬

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So then Fark must wave their dicks to prove something?



If you wanna tantrum over my government removing you from our forums for your posting, then keep it in my PMs where I can ignore it and you won't annoy the rest of CN. No one here cares we removed you, we don't care. You were given opportunity to visit as we welcome all, but when you're making such posts and declaring such intent, they're not likely to be too keen to put up with you. 17 posts, must be some kind of record though. Even Tywin made more than that before we booted him.


You're overstating your (alleged) importance, Rayvon. I made the retort because I meant it: I registered to troll and annoy the forum. Please insert some authority when you write––grumbling about my perceived intention with commentary without relation to the debate is not improving your public image too well. The semantics you blabbered about was my issue, but not my forum access privileges. 


You forgot that irrespective of how the outcome of the war is foretold within a particular bloc, the opposing bloc will subscribe to dramatically different renditions of the outcome regardless. People believe whatever they find comforting and won't listen to another viewpoint, Rayvon. You cannot convince someone of something you think before you wash away the previous perspective. So, they must showboat and twist the facts for their own sake.

Edited by Malkavian
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You offensively attacked an alliance.  Of course they are mad ¬_¬

Of course, they were planning a war against us and calling for war as well, for years. We brought the war to them. But, you already know this. So, why do you even attempt to use the "They warred us - we will hold a grudge" argument in this situation?


Besides, it's not as if Polar didn't take any licks this war. As far as I care to recall, we have taken the most damage in our coalition. What ever happened to mutual respect earned on the battlefield? Honestly, I would hold no ill will to NSO in future dealings if we were extended the same. That seems unlikely though, and I guess we will end up with the same boring arguments. We also issued no surrender terms to NSO. Would they have done the same to us if their coalition plans had gone through?

Edited by Starfox101
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