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Umbrella Arrogance Once Again


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Who can win in #conspiracyoff 2014?
In the red corner- Tywin Lannister, with his "global stability" and claims that he ran his coalition while second in command of HB!
In the blue corner- Steve Buscemi, with his infamous "It's all TOP's fault" and his "why don't you get out of peace mode" shenanigans!
Two enter, but only one can leave. Let's see which one leaves the Octagon, pay-per-view for only $19.95!

Now Bob, I'm not sure what kind of Kool Aid TOP's been making you drink since you joined but you were once capable of rational thought so I'm assuming that part of you still is. Even you have to admit that there's no comparison between the two people.

The first is a clueless blowhard who once non ironically called everyone who disagreed with him sheep.

The second is a fairly competent technocrat who, although he has more of an attitude than you'd expect to see on most alliances' governments (he is Non Grata after all), doesn't say that many inflammatory or off the wall things. Sure he's not too happy with you and your friends now but you are taking part a coalition that's crushing his alliance so what do you expect, a gift basket? Edited by Monroe
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Now Bob, I'm not sure what kind of Kool Aid TOP's been making you drink since you joined but you were once capable of rational thought so I'm assuming that part of you still is. Even you have to admit that there's no comparison between the two people.

The first is a clueless blowhard who once non ironically called everyone who disagreed with him sheep.

The second is a fairly competent technocrat who, although he has more of an attitude than you'd expect to see on most alliances' governments (he is Non Grata after all), doesn't say that many inflammatory or off the wall things. Sure he's not too happy with you and your friends now but you are taking part a coalition that's crushing his alliance so what do you expect, a gift basket?



Not sure if serious...


Buscemi is clearly more quality than Tywinn, though. There's no argument to be made.

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Now Bob, I'm not sure what kind of Kool Aid TOP's been making you drink since you joined but you were once capable of rational thought so I'm assuming that part of you still is. Even you have to admit that there's no comparison between the two people.

The first is a clueless blowhard who once non ironically called everyone who disagreed with him sheep.

The second is a fairly competent technocrat who, although he has more of an attitude than you'd expect to see on most alliances' governments (he is Non Grata after all), doesn't say that many inflammatory or off the wall things. Sure he's not too happy with you and your friends now but you are taking part a coalition that's crushing his alliance so what do you expect, a gift basket?

Sure, Steve is better then Tywin, the setup was more for comedic purposes. 


But I'd by lying if I didn't point out that he's been making my truther friends jealous with his level of conspiracy claims as of late. Everything left, right, and centre is some sort of elaborate plan by someone on our side (usually TOP) to take over the world. It's not that I don't find it flattering (I truly do) but it veers past credibility after the first dozen or so times and just becomes pure comedy.

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Sure, Steve is better then Tywin, the setup was more for comedic purposes. 


But I'd by lying if I didn't point out that he's been making my truther friends jealous with his level of conspiracy claims as of late. Everything left, right, and centre is some sort of elaborate plan by someone on our side (usually TOP) to take over the world. It's not that I don't find it flattering (I truly do) but it veers past credibility after the first dozen or so times and just becomes pure comedy.

Come on, at this point we all know that TOP was truly targeting NPO, and used Polar to absorb all the damage.


Get with the times.

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Sure, Steve is better then Tywin, the setup was more for comedic purposes. 
But I'd by lying if I didn't point out that he's been making my truther friends jealous with his level of conspiracy claims as of late. Everything left, right, and centre is some sort of elaborate plan by someone on our side (usually TOP) to take over the world. It's not that I don't find it flattering (I truly do) but it veers past credibility after the first dozen or so times and just becomes pure comedy.

I thought it was all Ardus' and 1337guy's plans? Sad thing that Ardus deleted again and I think 1337 has too?
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Sorry Umbrella, I personally want to apologize for moralist scum like Centurius and strange people like Azaghul. Rest assured that the Shadow Government is still the one holding power in TOP, though.


Also, obviously, we did it better.

NG also expects an apology, the tears that have been shed is also down to TOP, you horrible bastards 

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Yes you guys stole CG, he definitely wasn't manoeuvred into position so he could climb the ranks take over and eventually force UMB to merge with us in order to kick start the grand communist revolution of 2014, that's just crazy talk.

EDIT: Also can I assume since getting CG was the only reason to viceroy us means we are your favourites?

Edited by Azreal
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Umbrella still has a huge upper tier and almost all of it in war mode, unlike most other alliances fighting. Umbrella could keep fighting this war comfortably forever almost, while the majority of the other alliances are smashing what little top tier to destroy what little top tiers others have. It would be an even better plan to keep everyone in a constant war to prevent other alliances from catching up to their top tier if they could install Viceroys in their allies to prevent them from not mindlessly going along with the plan enough. Their coalition will begin to fracture long before Umbrella's will to fight. :P

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